Just coofed this

just coofed this

how fucked am I?

t. nyc dweller

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Just a flu bro

False and homosexual

As good as dead. Rest In Peace user.

It's over user I'm sorry

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You’re probably going to drown in your own lung juice

you are fucked big time

It was nice knowing you OP

Who goes to the toilet to cough

not false

also I just checked my temp its 100.8

also I dont have health insurance and have to go work at a supermarket tomorrow

Naw it's just blood from your nose, probably mixed with mucus.

Be honest, that came from your ass you faggot

rest in pieces

Why the hell were you eating red yarn?

If you're coughing up blood, something is severely wrong with you. I'd go to the doctor asap my man. Unless you're a minority, in which case just let it run its course

Just a flu OP

Do it NYC is full of traitors.

did your faggy ass floss your teeth really hard to make yourself spit out that tiny amount of blood, truly pathetic.

also I work in the Morton Williams Supermarket on 908 2nd ave so if you shop there dont come in btw i dont want to coof on you on accident

Demand Congress legalize murder of military commanders and their families by incomprehensible torture.

God be with you NYCanon

Back in the day when I had friends I always caughed blood when I drank and smoked a lot the night before or spent a lot of time next to a camp fire. Don't worry, it's probably nothing.

Please don't user. Get yourself to a hospital ASAP. Even if you kill off a few boomers, it ain't worth neglecting your health.

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your insides are basically shredded. aka you're fucked. make your time.

If you’re 4srs, go to a hospital.

Reminds me of when I had my first kidney stone 11 years ago and posted on Yas Forums about blood in my urine and everyone said it was kidney failure and I’d be on dialysis for the rest of my life lol

Brush your teeth more user, gum disease is coming for you.

bros if I stay home from work my boss will fire me we have no sick leave or pto wat do

coof on him!

bro if this came out of your lungs just take some immunosuppressants if u dont want to die, unironically. Just not ibubrofen

I will not do that. thats illegal


ok bros im just not gonna go to work tomorrow so i dont coof on everybody wish me luck i hope i get better

I want fags doing I just coofed this up threads to have timestamps in the future.

Don't worry user. I am an internet doctor and I assure you that it is not coronavirus. It's only stage 4 lung cancer.

Go in coughing on everything, getting your blood on something white. You’ll be sent home promptly.

I had blood in my urine but it was from drinking only coca cola, no plain water at all. I switched to drinking 2L+ of water a day and I'm good now.

do your job, user, go outside and coof on niggers

You're a dead man, make the time count

Absolutely amazing. Your bloody sputum exactly matches the bloody sputum that "Jessica" coughed into her toilet 2 1/2 years ago.


Are the two of you related?

Don't treat your fever with Nsaid, Acetominiphen is appropriate.

103f temperature is when you need to start bringing down this temperature. If you can, don't go to work. If symptoms persist and you feel like you're gasping for air every breath you take. THEN GO TO THE HOSPITAL.

I'm sorry user, god speed.

Call doctor user, just call doctor.
>New York
>Not having a union
>Not having work insurance.
Fake and gay. No way a socialist hellhole like new york isn't Unioned to death

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I'd say unvaccinated kid/10

Wouldn't you know, I just coughed this up.

Didn't have a chance to lift the lid, it came up so fast.

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>coofing congealed blood
Yeah but did you know that 1.8 million people shit themselves to death every year? Get over it.

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>coofed blood
Hospital immediately user, you have internal damage

why is it on the toilet cover?


fuck bro. I'd go hospital now hey.


Flag checks out

Why arent there any finger impressions on it? How did they get it out of the toilet and place it on the lid? Did he shit on the lid? We may never know

you were poking your nose faggot. stop lying.

you missed

If people have blood running down their nose nobody is worried.
But If the blood comes out the lungs everybody freaks out, despite its the same as nose bleeding and not that bad.
As long as it is no lung cancer of course

That image...

they're out of ventilators.
he should skip the line and go straight to the coroner.

Reverse image search says the contrary.
Larp better next time.


Rest in pepperoni lad

Eat lots of warm stuff with water like tea and soups. Don't smoke unless is cannabis. Drink lots of juices, and vitamin C. Absolutely don't go to work, asshole. Contact some association for poor people, say u r Mexican y háblales en español, jaja

>Out of ventilators in NYC
Travel interstate where they aren't out of ventilators. Also if he's young he should get priority over a boomer.

Besides your not going to get a ventilator sitting at home.

>don't smoke unless cannabis.

elaborate user. How about a spliff a day?

based reverse image searcher

>But If the blood comes out the lungs everybody freaks out,
you do know blood in mucus is a sign of pneumonia, but this guys fucked, its not even specked its like hes tore his lungs by coughing

Lung aids confirmed

Attached: daAids.jpg (823x705, 52.81K)

make sure to spread it as much as possible

Imagine being this new

Better get the fuck to the hospital stupid. You're not gonna be able to breathe on your own soon.

timestamp or gtfo

Why contain it.
the people who hate you wants you to stay inside and die by yourself, but they are at your mercy, fuck'em, show 'em what for by smothering their groceries with your precious juice.
Touch every door knob, touch that green button they have to press to accept card.

well how bout 2

Quit smoking dem backwoods my nigga

Pussy. You won’t

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It could also be a sign of bronchitis or just a bursted vein.
Thats really not that bad.
Even pneumonia, wtf I went to work with a pneumonia 2 years ago.

t. Heavy smoker


Found the CCP disposable asset.

>yes, Xu Zhao, yur task is to demolalize the west by makin dem splead out engineeled vilus

>measured at the 1 inch mark
the guy who measured that is a retard

Likely T.B/ Tuberculosis (also known as consumption).

Coughing blood and high body temp are the most known symptoms of that infection.

Could be fucked if you left it too long but the sooner you seek treatment the better.

Also besides the treatment you might need to investigate either your home or workplace as that infection is usually mold related (rotten wood in building, mold forming on damp spot on concrete wall, etc).

are you sure you didn't drink any cherry Gatorade?

I holidayed in NY not long ago. Went to that store.
You gave a great rimjob.

Stay Home, call ER.

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I could just as easily ask...

Why not?

>why is it on the toilet cover?
>Didn't have a chance to lift the lid, it came up so fast.
American education and reading comprehension, everyone.

may god have mercy on your soul user.
repent and pray.
call your mom n dad

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>(you) bit your tongue
Stop being a faggot