Life is going on as bevore as they build up herd immunity while protecting the elderly and chronic sick.
The economy is doing well, shops are open, restsurants, factories, everything,
Life is going on as bevore as they build up herd immunity while protecting the elderly and chronic sick.
The economy is doing well, shops are open, restsurants, factories, everything,
i hope this backfires so hard
fuck sweden
It won’t. Hospitalizations per 100,000 residents are less than 200, they can deal with it.
Their economy isn’t going into recession, no massive unemployment, hospitals are fine, schools open.
It is our bs approach which fucks us.
I don't know man, sweden doesn't have a good record of censorship, could be worse than they say
No, Sweden is the only country not destroying its economy and still their cases aren’t exploding like in Germany.
>its our bs approach which fucks us
That's why despite of all the public health advisories and restrictions in place, hospitals are still getting filled up?.. CLEARLY we can just go about things like normal, right?
Sweden is just lucky so far, it will catch up just like how it did the U.S.
Hospitals are full in normal conditions to begin with. You can't cancel regular medicine because these people need to get treatment sooner or later. So an extra lung disease is guaranteed to stuff hospitals.
Do we even know if you can develop herd immunity to it?
Exactly. If it was as bad as they say it is then their cases would be skyrocketing but its not. Cases are still going up in locked down cities and its hurting us even more
why the fuck is everyone so obsessed with us?
we're only 10 million people yet everyone has to be in our shit. go nag on italy or spain or whatever
They probably can't afford to stop tax revenue, weren't they on the way to recession a few months ago?
Maybe they are hoping it wipes out their multicultural guests.
Wasn’t there records of people who got “cured” to get sick again? Like your body doesn’t really develop antibodies for cov19?
There is so much “miss information” they are clearly hiding something, if they not they ll have repeat the facts over and over again to calm the population, yet they are awfully quiet. We do have the data now, don’t we ?
In such a case it'd become part of annual winter flu cycle and we'd have increased annual deaths.
>CLEARLY we can just go about things like normal, right?
Yes, here are tests from this week from Austria:
500 supermarket staff randomly tested : 0 positive tests
500 elderly care workers: 6 positive
500 nurses amd doctors: 6 positive
The virus is spreading through healthcare and care staff... not supermarkets, cafees, schools etc.
Because your response to the virus is an outlier, fag
In these times, that warrants closer inspection to the effects of such response
Sweden is also is one of the countries with the fewest hospital beds per 100k residents in Europe.
And things are speeding up.
>Do we even know if you can develop herd immunity to it?
Yes, we know it has a R0 of around 3 with no measures. So at 70% we got herdimmunity.
Well that's exactly the point.
>So an extra lung disease is guaranteed to stuff hospitals
Because it could easily cripple the healthcare system. This isn't difficult to comprehend at all, and It's amazing It has to be said over and over again.
>crippled healthcare system via unpredictable virus with no vaccine
>panicked people
>civil unrest / economic downturn
What we are doing is just to curb the civil unrest that would potentially cause even more damage.
You are the only people who are doing the right thing next to South Korea.
Wow, it's almost like ALL the restrictions we have put in place are working?..
Now imagine it without.
Think of the economy durrrrrr ;____; Why does nobody think of the economy?? ;____;
Yeah because if people are dying per thousands a day and hospitals are falling apart and exporting is fucking hard then the economy BOOMS you dumb cunt.
The more rich self-righteous cunt working from home and living in a safe house the more they cannot understand this basic rule, fug. I am a pro-liberal pro-free market but at the same time I fucking hate rich cunts and I think that people should kick your asses.
At a 200 max hospitalization rate per 100,000 residents, their hospitals will be fine.
Austria and Germany both have around 5% of hospital beds occupied by corona infected... a sizeable junk of which were infected in the hospitals...
There were 0 restrictions in supermarkets.
>Life is going on as bevore as they build up herd immunity while protecting the elderly and chronic sick
Recent research shows that BBC is the only cure for that virus, so Sweden has already herd immunity.
You realize this virus isn’t going anywhere for months and years? We can either stay locked in until 2022... or start living our lives again. The number of deaths and severe cases don’t change.
Because your response to the outbreak is an outlier compared to Norway and Denmark. Countries with a similar population, culture, and societal structure.
With other Nordic countries like Finland and Iceland doing a kind of hybrid between the Swedish and Norway/Denmark model.
It's a perfect experiment to find out what measure works against future pandemics.
>The economy is doing well
no, it's not.
the reason they can't shut down is because every municipality is broke.
their welfare system is strangled to the brink of death by "asylum seekers" and they can't afford to pay neetbux to hundred thousand laid off workers on top of that.
Sweden had gone the Belarus way literally. No testing, no talking about virus.
They have 5,500 positive cases but also 308 covid-related deaths. If the death rate is supposed to be 1 % in the first phase of pandemics, then they have like 50,000 cases at least for real.
They do not test at all, unlike Iceland or Korea. Soon they will see a rapid increase without ability to cover it anymore.
It took one google search to find that Austria is one of the rare ones actually enforcing mask wearing and making it compulsory.
There's nothing similar to what Austria is doing vs what Sweden is doing.
Number of deaths and severe cases will skyrocket in places where virus is noticed again and some other places will have zero cases
Or we stay locked down and there is no virus cases, eventually virus disappears but this takes one year at minimum
>We "know"
>"Experts" throwing around estimate s left and right between 3 and 8
That's a huge margin that some people are debating the r naught over. Just let spread, count the dead, and get data afterwards
Herd immunity Chads unite
>then they have like 50,000 cases at least for real.
Probably. Or likely 100,000 cases+.
In other words, they'll be fine in a few weeks.
Wow, you sure can tell the future don't you.
We might get a cure soon, or a vaccine a little later. The virus can mutate away as many other viruses did during previous epidemics our humanity experienced.
Or it does not but we can still win the war by fighting it, tracking and testing the cases, create local quarantines, etc.
Taking the Swedish way means being a pussy and literally let the virus go full power on us like we do not care. The power of love will protect us for sure! People being total sheeple.
Okey, but people over 65 die needlessly.
>It took one google search to find that Austria is one of the rare ones actually enforcing mask wearing and making it compulsory.
Starting next Monday.
Because for once Sweden does something right.
As much as I hate my country, we've turned huge areas into field-hospitals. Älvsjömässan is now a hospital for example, and it's a big convention-place. I actually think Sweden will do quite alright, perk of being a small population. Also; Mostly niggers who've died per %.
If by fine you mean thousands of dead and society in ruins, then you are probably right.
But hey, they save the economy ;---)
>nose of a cuttlefish
All jokes aside, Sweden will be very interesting to observe over the coming weeks. If they turn out to be ok, maybe things can go back to normal everywhere else. Either that, or Corona will tear Sven's asshole up even worse than Abdul, Tyrone, and the feminists combined. Time will tell, Sven is the canary in the goldmine yet again.
>i hope the only country not panicking like a bitch fails!
>C O P E
>if people are dying per thousands a day and hospitals are falling apart
Those are two separate issues.
1. People would die thousands per day anyway. You could blow on someone with end stage heart/kidney disease and they would die.
2. Hospitals are falling apart over PANIC. If people didn't panic, hospitals would be doing just fine.
Look at deaths, that's the best indicator of the exponential function, a couple days ago Sweden was at about twice the amount of deaths of Denmark
Now it's three times the amount of deaths of Denmark.
It's accellerating, and their health authority is still dragging their feet, with infections spreading on hospitals and in old folks homes.
Mass death event incoming. If I were a Swede I would be isolating regardless of what they say.
First of all, that's what people over 65 do. It's modern medicine that keeps them alive past their expiration date.
Second of all, you don't seem to understand 'isolate the chronically I'll and the elderly'.
I just noticed that this epidemic is the best case scenario we could hope for the collapse of Sweden. We've shut our borders to everyone including Sweden. So if Sweden collapses the Swede shits stay on their side of the border.
>Yeah because if people are dying per thousands a day
they are always doing that.
you know how many people die in car traffic every day? yet i don't see anyone closing down their roads.
>hospitals are falling apart
they would be the first service to fall apart because of increase in demand.
you are just another hysteric woman
It's because in Sweden the government explicitly isn't making the decisions and the health authorities really aren't cut up for it.
>Think of the economy durrrrrr ;____; Why does nobody think of the economy?? ;____;
>impoverish your population, bury them in debt and then seize their assets
yeah fuck the economy
>Sven is the canary in the goldmine yet again.
>yet again
no this is different since we are pursuing a different strategy than other nations. ethnic replacement,on the other hand, is being carried out simultaneously in many western nations. pretending that sweden is unique in this regard is dumb.
As if we would ever flee to Finland all of places, just like the roughly 500000 finns we have here doesn’t move back to Finland.
>build up herd immunity
>second wave of reinfections comes around
>mass death from ADE 2-4 weeks later
RIP in pieces.
Its great how Swedecucks deleted their army hospital network, which couldve been used for international aid or whatever cuckery. It wouldve been fantastic thing to have even without corona.
How Has this affected your nigger population Sven?
Sweden doesn't have a huge population, so there is that going for it...Plus I don't think many indigenous Swedes are getting so there's that as well.
>200 max hospitalization rate per 100,000 residents.
That's irrelevant if the virus hasn't spread. I don't think you understand exponentials, they're just at the foot of the curve, and not doing anything to hinder the outbreak.
5565 cases - 307 dead = 5258 active
1400 hospitalised - 339 intensive care = 1061 hospitalised over all.
That is:
20% of reported infected being hospitalised.
6.5% on intensive care
5.8% dying.
With 254 hospital beds per 100,000 residents, they got approximately a maximum capacity of 25,400 people.
Assuming JUST 10% of the population gets infected, that's:
200,000 hospitalised overall
65,000 Intensive care
58,000 dying
Of course they can cope NOW.
how the hell do you isolate anyone? in my country there isn't enough flats for people to live alone, and most people live with their parents till their mid 20s, sometimes even 30. And that is in big cities. in towns and rural areas you live in same flat till you either move west to holland or UK, or your parents/grandparents die.
may as well chase out the people in to forests to die, like in the old days.
how can you be in favour of status que? If everything was perfect, nothin ever changed then there is no chance for europe. Corona stopped immigration which is something europe was not able to achieve last 50 years. There is literaly 0 niggers comming in. People are waking up to globalism. with bad times people will start to question things and system. People didnt question why did london turned into 50% non english place, now when bad times come they might.
>I can't breathe, my organs are failing, I am coofing all the time, have pains all over the body, high fever
>do not panic bro, just a flu
It's amazing that one single man is allowed to make such a critical decision just because he is "educated"
I like what our Prime Minister said: "I cannot wait for evidence of the best approach"
It's a serious situation, you need fast action and not clever people saying "wait and see" when you don't have all the facts.
Its from their heavy doses of vitamin BBC, now open your borders to african refugees!
it's not your regular hospital bed which may run short, it's the ICUs and ventilators. a significant minority of cases can't breathe on their own for 1-2 weeks and those will die if not ventilated. to pretty much all others it's just the flu bro.
Even with low mortality estimates of 0,2% (as in Germany), that means 2000 dead per 1 million infected. Herd means 70% infected, Sweden has 10million people. so 14,000 dead. Doesn't so bad, huh?
If you only knew how bad things really are
So jumping straight to economic downturn is preferable?
>save the elderly
Cases have shown up in more than half of every elderly home in the country. The staffs have been given no instructions or equipment to deal with reducing contagion, and are themselves for a big part young immigrant females who live in ghettos where the spread is already massive.
We will pass 1k dead by next week and it only looks like it's getting worse.