Is reading Karl Marx wroth it ?
Or is he just going to turn me into a retarded commie ?
Is reading Karl Marx wroth it ?
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Dude I am a lefty libertarian just to declare where I'm at, but Marxism makes no sense. It's the most twisted, convoluted, grossly disconnected from reality shit you'll ever read. He basically says you need to do capitalism, mega capitalism, and then all of this other big government, centrally planned, uber-authoritarian stuff, and if you do that, then somehow magically the government will then one day abolish itself.
Now what does this get you in practice? It gets you the USSR or communist China. And yes, China is ideologically communist 100%. And like 90% of the Chinese people identify with Marxism. So you look at China, and you see the state capitalism, and you see that is what Marxism gets you in practice, which basically means that Marx has been proven wrong by history time and time again.
And even as China is building up all of their authoritarian social credit score system and whatnot, they're STILL telling people in official CCP propaganda that the government is going to magically abolish itself in 100 years. Obviously, they don't believe their own bullshit. Marxism is basically just a conduit for the ruling political classes to grab power and oppress their own people
Read his essay on alienated labor.
Never read books from Jewish writers
At least the USSR and China were actual states that existed. Your braindead ideology couldn't manage a village.
What if they have bit fat staches?
reading is a waste of time. study math
Das Kapital is worth reading only to better understand the arguments of self-proclaimed Marxists so as to btfo them, but it is a terribly dry slog.
>dumb libertardarian can't into dialectics and historical materialism
and you say Marxism makes no sense... lmao bro you think the NAP can exist in a capitalist society.. newsflash: it can't because capitalism puts profit above all - 'morals' get you nowhere in a capitalist society. In a libertarian world it'd be corporations in place of governments whether you like it or not. No such thing as a free market without monopolies.
You’re either a kike or someone who willingly licks the shoes of Jews when they think of you as having soul of a beast. The latter is sadder.
You don't know what I believe or don't believe just based on me saying I'm a "lefty-libertarian". "Lefty-libertarian" doesn't automatically = anarchist. I'm not an anarchist. That's the most extreme and radical wing of the left-libertarian spectrum and it's weird that you and so many others automatically jump to that when they hear "lefty-libertarian". If I was one, I would have said "dude I'm an anarchist".
>not studying the tactics of the enemy
Terrible form, leaf.
Dude Marx was 99.9 percent Retarded with like a couple small good points
Give me an example of a place where your ideology has been implemented.
>memeflaggot kike too scared to reveal his ugly zionist flag
Don't jump into conversations when you don't what they're about. In fact, avoid engaging in discussion altogether.
All you need is to read the Talmud. Not Marx. Reading Talmud, the real Talmud, will expose you to why Jews act the way they do. That’s enough and if that is not enough for you then you’re too blue pilled to be helped
I'm pretty sure profits were put above all in every Marxist society that has existed, too. Only difference is that its the state chasing the profits directly, which means there's less room between profit and its compulsory (violent) power. This led to a lot of people being outright murdered in the Soviet Union or Mao's China.
You can call me a "capitalist" if you want. I'm somewhere in between a capitalist and a socialist. Specifically it's that I don't believe in unmitigated private property. But it's not a black and white question. But yeah the NAP is also definitely of crucial importance
Okay, kike
His whole body of work is flawed.
He thinks capital is finite.
Honestly for like 70 years the USA ran fairly close to something I'd consider "acceptable" from FDR into Clinton's second term. With diminishing returns after Nixon and of course Reagan were elected. But still things were good. But that's when this country was "the land of the free" and people lived "the American dream". Right-wing economic policy destroyed all of that.
So yeah, there you go, the USA for 70 years, hahaha, so fuck you. It's BEST 70 years, too. All due to policies like the New Deal and the Great Society, which left imprints on our policies for decades after the leaders behind them passed.
And yes, I'm a little more lefty and libertarian myself than we were during those days. But lets be real, if we moved back to how things were in the 40s, 50s or 60s, or even the same actual policies we had in the 1980s under Reagan, then things would be a shitload better and a shitload more to the left than they are now in this country.
Never read the talmud. Qrd
Fuck you and your Reddit spacing. Muh I'm a lefty libertarian bullshit.
How is that in any way libertarian left lol? It's just welfare capitalism. And it's not like america didn't kill a shit ton of people to get to that point anyway.
No absolutely not. Don't read or anything. Why would you want to be able to speak intelligently on any subject? Even if you are a commie, Sun Tsu and his advice about knowing your enemy is a complete load of horseshit.
Marx wrote for goyim and to manipulate the goyim. Just like how Jew might right about feminism or homosexuality and how right it is. The Talmud, however, is the Jew in its true Satanic form.
Is the earth finite?
Of course it's worth reading, it's foundational to a system of governance which has effected billions of people over the past century.
Whether you chose to believe what he has to say is up to you.
The whole point of the "libertarian left" as far as where it differentiates from the "libertarian right" is that we don't see private property as legitimate, because it is statism. Private property only exists because the state is protecting it FOR you with force.
So I mean, it's not that I don't believe in private property, because I'm not THAT radical, but I don't believe in unmitigated private property. So yeah, I wish that the state would just stop protecting these vast corporate empires, or peoples 19 vacation homes and so forth, and that land would just go back to the people or be put up for sale. But since that's never going to happen it's true that most people like me have zero problem with corporations getting taxed out their ass, and that I support a welfare state because otherwise, with all of the private property, you're just enslaving people making them pay rent for the privilege of existing on this Earth. And who the fuck are you or anyone else to do that to humanity?
Yeah so IDK. I just see economics differently than you. You see economics as something crucial and fundamental to the world. I see it as a man made, social construct that exists to oppress people, primarily. If you're a righty libertarian though, we'd probably end up agreeing on most other things......I think.
Imo, Marx was right. We will evolve into a classless society and capitalism will end. But, it won't come about due to the oppression of the working class. Instead, capitalism's success will naturally cause its own demise. The reason is as technology advances and production costs sink lower and lower and prices along with them we'll eventually reach the point where capitalist enterprise is no longer profitable. Then we'll enter into a share economy....sort of like how YouTube has made entertainment/content so cheap and available and easy to produce that fewer and fewer pple are getting cable TV or going to theaters to watch movies. The Economic Singularity.
If you want to be an economist, you'll to read at least a couple of chapters of Das Kapital. Otherwise, not really.
All three forms of government that gained prominence in the 20th century were jewish. Welfare capitalism in the USA, state socialism in the soviet union and nazi socialism in Germany. All three had a specific purpose and played their part. The soviet five year plans were literally written by american capitalists. Bolshevik socialism and capitalism are messianic judaism, the one world government. Nazi socialism was zionism, the establishment of a jewish state and fulfilling of talmudic prophecy.
You should only listen to boomer opinions about Marx. Listen to the boomer propaganda, goy.
In reality, if you read Marx you will find this site and all right-wingers have lied to you. It's much more philosophical and in depth than what most everyone on pol would be able to get through two minute of.
But before you do read any Marx, get a good grip on Enlightenment thought with Voltaire and Rousseau. Then move on to Hegelian philosophy (this is key, as Marx and Engels were both Young Hegelians). Also you may want to study Feuerbach to understand his materialist position.
Are you stupid enough to think Marx would write that he meant a Jewish central system? Jews work by deception and lying, it’s their nature. They say one thing and actually think another
You probably won't become a commie from reading Marx but it would most likely be an upgrade you did
twords a good upgrade, or a commie upgrade?
He didn't write it retard but it's what it was. That's what it still is.
If you’re inclined to be taken in by jewish retardation, perhaps give it a miss.
As whoever made this meme has pointed out, Marx was raised a christian. He later turned a materialist under the influence of materialist philosophers like Feuerbach.
Marxism is an internationalist philosophy, it's not until Marxism dominates the world that a Marxist state can free itself from the shackles of global capitalism and no longer concern itself with any form of 'profit'. So yes, Marxist states in the past did not fit the ideal of what Marxism should be because they COULDN'T. You can call it a cope all you like but Marxism relies entirely upon history playing itself out as Marx predicted. A 'Marxist state' should not technically exist because Marxism and the concept of the state cannot co-exist. These states were socialist in reality, not Marxist, but we all know that these states are a necessary step towards true Marxism.
And yes, I know you or someone else will come back with the 'no true Scotsman fallacy' however it does not apply in this case because the process I'm referring to is literally explained in the source material the OP's post is concerned with!
No one said it's going to be easy. No one said there wouldn't be struggle. Revolution and death are unfortunately inseperable but a few (okay, maybe a lot of) sacrifices now for a much brighter future are worth it, no?
He manipulated the goyim to push for Jewish rulership. The goyim thought they were fighting for a just cause but they were being manipulated. Do you get it now?
He was a crypto-Jew. He was also a satanist.
There were no marxist revolutions in his lifetime. Just like Theodore Herzl didn't live to see Hitler Marx didn't live to see Lenin. To say he was manipulating people is kinda dumb.
>You should only listen to boomer opinions about Marx. Listen to the boomer propaganda, goy.
I agree with you, but I feel unclean. Anyone who buys into the boomer meme is such a complete faggot.
You are too low iq for this board and that's saying something. Literally end your life you can't follow simple ideas.
Okay, kike
>a retarded commie jew?
Never forget he was ethnically jewish and 11 of the top 13 commie party members in 1917 were all kikes as well.
This is why Adi had to fighty against your filthy jewish doctrine, lest it lead the world to ruin.
Hitler was likely a jew himself.
Yes Jews control both sides and have funded wars where they played both sides as well. It’s their parasitic nature
I think he is right with a lot of shit that he said about capitalism and he is redpilled on the JQ of his time, doesn't mean that his conclusions about a solution are good
Karl Marx was a true capitalist. he just seen communism as the final form of it.
No he only had Ashkenazi (A mostly European and partly semitic ethnic group), but was religiously a christian and then materialist. He was in no way a crypto-jew.
And how in the hell was he a satanist?
That's the 50th time we've seen that jewish lie since the quarantine started.
It's only a matter of time before your forked tongues are put back in your mouths for good.
>Theodore Herzl didn't live to see Hitler
Sure buddy ... nice little faggot insert there. Seriously doubt that Zionist Freemason globalhomo numero uno was behind the rise of the NSDAP. Teutonic Order, Thule and Vril were all Nazi offshoots designed to replace the kike dicks that Freemasons shove in their ass. Herzl had nothing to do with Hitler you glownigger faggot.
>funeral wreath for humanity
>started a war that led to the deaths of 5+ million of his 'own people' and up to 85 million people worldwide
>lest it lead the world to ruin
I at least admit ideology is a bloody business and that mass sacrficies are an inevitability. Get off of your high horse.
100% and that's why they have and will always be called the useful idiots.
>pic related, useful people becoming useful idiots is as easy as a movement subversion
You should actually read Mein Kampf, I'm sure you haven't as the social programming is so deep, but you really should.
It's an eye opener.
>Is reading Karl Marx wroth it ?
The only reading that jew faggot is worth doing intro is anthropomancy.
I tried reading Capital once. It's an insanely boring book. The cliff notes will do you fine. Marx had a tendency to be unnecessarily verbose.
>Or is he just going to turn me into a based commie ?
>Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism, recognized that anti-Semitism would further his cause, the creation of a separate state for Jews. To solve the Jewish Question, he maintained “we must, above all, make it an international political issue.”
>Herzl wrote that Zionism offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.” In his “Diaries”, page 19, Herzl stated “Anti-Semites will become our surest friends, anti-Semitic countries our allies.”