Depression rising

Does anyone notice how many are depressed now, what is the reason for this do you think? What your opinion on suicide and getting help. What are the reasons do you think that it is getting much worse?

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Because Western society is jewed to the core and degeneracy is rampant

People have no purpose or meaning in their lives.
>Religious people have been shamed
>Atheists have been shamed
>Nihilists have been shamed
There is no where to turn

The future looks bleak.

People living isolated lives that value growth and consumption over sustainability and survival. Most people in the West have no reason to live other than their job or their next entertainment product.

How easy is it to defect and move to Europe from the US? I wouldn't mind studying abroad possibly... I have nothign left in my life anymore

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Behold, the Son of Man is neigh!

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LOLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!! This person thinks he can escape his depression by changing geographic locations. Everyone laugh at him.

My best friend died today and my mother shot herself lat month yeah I want to move away.
So anyway anyone have any advice, at all.

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Rat utopia experiment. Theres nothing to challenge us anymore so we are eating ourselves.

depends on if you got the right skills. look for a company that will sponsor you. damn user. you gotta go somewhere and do something.

This. No purpose, no direction, no future. Only consumption and long hours doing (mostly) unfulfilling labour. If you don't have it in your mind to create your own purpose and find self-fulfillment in some area you're eventually going to slip into depondency and get caught in a continuous cycle of hopelessness.

View the external world as nothing more than a movie that doesn't affect you. Detach yourself.

i was depressed prior to kung flu but now that its happening I feel alive again. wont ever get to experience something like this ever again, its amazing

You will experience something like this again. Around once every 10 years a happening occurs.

Focus on making connections. Start a cult or join a cult.

Wage slavery and sampling more people.
Until about 1960 most people would tell you to suck it up if you had a mental illness and just self medicate with alcohol or tobacco like people did for thousands of years before. Also if you committed suicide somehow most people were illiterate and nobody literate cared to write it down unless it was a siege.

>Around once every 10 years a happening occurs.
Yes. Before this it was 2008. Before that 2001. Before that 1991 (fall of communism). Before that was the 1970s.

Ignore the shills. You're already on the right path. Get the fuck out of this country if it's possible for you. I wanna get out also but I don't have any money to do so.

80% of men are not allowed to have sex in modern times, while chad just rotates out a new roastie from his roster every week. men need a woman in their life.

we have billionaires spending millions of dollars on yachts while good white men starve in the streets

life seems like it was intentionally structured to be as difficult and miserable as possible for us (children are forced to wake up at 6am, rich people wake up at 9am or later )

many people are still asleep, and dont even know about their third eye. we have actually regressed spiritually as a society. like people 200 thousand years ago probably knew more about it than your average person does today.

idk the list goes on. one of the worst times in history.

drain the swamp.

“If you really want to escape the things that harass you, what you're needing is not to be in a different place but to be a different person.”

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Humans are just starting to realise how pointless they are. No matter what you do everything you accomplish will one day be erased when the sun literally fucken blows up. Once you look at how useless your existence is and realize that one day, long before you've had the chance to make your life mean anything, your life will be taken from you. Kinda makes you give up. Why should I go to work? Why should I become successful? This is the type of mindset that leads to early alchoholism/drug abuse. This is the type of mindset that drives people to suicide. They have nothing to live for but the high of what's killing them.

Don't let the past be a burden to you. Don't be afraid to feel, but don't let the feelings consume you. I'm sorry for your loss, fren.

Fuck your bullshit. I have no attachment to this shithole and never did. My great grandparents are to blame for coming here from Italy.

Why don't women suffer from this thinking of existential dread? I've noticed it is only men.

More like when the Jews decide to alter it or erase it altogether. Jews are the problem and always have been. Either they are eliminated or things will keep getting worse.

How so? How do Jews make OP depressed?

I don't really know. In my personal experience women are just more superficial people. They care less deeply about things. They know how to enjoy life, they know how to keep themselves distracted. They do as they're told. Not saying men are in some majic way superior to women in their thought process, but I just think the female brain focuses on different things. And maybe it has something to do with the existential ones being alone. We're left with our thoughts, no one and nothing special to think about. Just more food for thought.

I have no skills other than typically help desk certifications. Although thank you user
I want someone, anyone just to not feel alone.
I plan to user
.You are right, at times I feel badly because of the guilt I feel but in the end, you have to move on in life.

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How do you know what all women are thinking? There are billions of women user.

Have you ever heard a women lament about her existential dread? Didn't think so. People make their thoughts known if they are thoughts that haunt them.

Sorry for your loss user. You sound like a nice guy.

Women usually always have a place in this world. Not all men have a place in this world.

With digits like that you should definitely start a cult.

You are a retard. I wish I could legally own guns at this point.
You think the situation is better here?

maybe get a job teaching english in taiwan. if I didnt already have a degree and a house and friends and shit, that's what I'd do. you'll be worshipped if you're white

Come back fratello, we will welcome you with open arms.

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Then go back to Italy.
And check out the situation there.
You are so damn wrong.

He is right.

it's a mind virus

Not really, I have friends there but I do not care about guns anymore, when you find your loved one using your gun. Don't want them anymore.
I don't care I just want to be happy and rebirth myself.

What is our name user
I am not any nicer than anyone else I assure you.
A shame, I am supposed to speak to a psychiatrist about it on the 7th, not looking forward to it. Still can't look at any photos.

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>everything you accomplish
We can't even get to that point. Death is coming, and everything is temporary, but we're not even allowed to live.

You should look into stoicism. Your mind is weak. You need to strenghten it.
The grass is NOT greener on the otherside.
Rebirth is only possible after the full understanding of the death.

Natural selection

>What is our name user
The Lifesavers. You are cult/support group/family for depressed people.

To my understanding it centers around women’s biological role in society. We’re all primal in our tendencies to some degree, and women tend to realize that no matter what they do, a man will always have the upper hand in a disagreement because he is capable of killing them.

I’m not some salty incel faggot, I’m a married adult, but women are only able to maintain their rights as other men can enforce them on their behalf.

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I agree. But not on a level of killing them.
Its that they cant use logic. Their emotions always get the overhand and therefor know that arguing is pointless. So they comply.

I also have a wive and a kid on the way.
Agree on last thing as well

stop masturbating, but most of all stop looking at pornography. At least do that if you're not going to stop fapping, but ideally stop both. Its hard, but the reality is that its only hard because you keep choosing to do it when the urge arises, and its nothing more then your choice, and your choice alone.

Once you abstain for a certain amount of time it gets easy, or at least it gets much easier, and you realise that it was really only an illusion that it was hard all along. It seems like something out of your control makes you do it and holds power over you, but really, you're just choosing to fap and/or consume porn, and then once you coom you regret it, and you're like a different person in a sense, to what you are when you have the urge and you give in and are fapping/consuming porn.

The stronger your addiction is, the more this split in yourself exists, and the only way to overcome the addiction is to reconcile the two "yous" into one. In its most severe form, the splitting is part of a personality disorder, but even then, its possible to overcome. Once you over come being a coomer, you realise how easy it actually is, because you regain self control. There was never anything other then yourself that had control over you. Nothing ever makes you fap, coom and consume porn other then the strength of your own will to do so, and the weakness of your will to abstain. The sense of helplessness is an illusion and a coping mechanism so you can blame something other then yourself, and deny the decision that you and nobody else but you made in the past, you did it because you wanted to. You did it because you enjoyed it. You did it because you didn't want to make the sacrifice of not experiencing that pleasure. You lied to yourself by telling yourself it was too hard, or even hard at all, to make that sacrifice, when you knew damn well in that moment, that it wasn't hard at all, you would just prefer to be greedy, lazy and irresponsible and fap anyway.

then, you guilt tripped and pitied yourself after you coomed which only reinforces the habit and makes the addiction worse. The shame is an inevitable consequence of cooming, and with the chemically induced shame that must follow the chemically induced high of fapping, lust, porn, and orgasm, comes all of the thoughts of hopelessness, determinism, guilt tripping and pity partying.

The feeling of shame is determined, so you mistakenly believe the thoughts are determined as well, but most of all you mistakenly believe that your behaviour and choice is determined by something other then you, because the pleasure, high and sensations of fapping, lust, porn, and orgasm are all determined along with the crash that follows orgasm.

In reality, your choice to fap and or consume porn is determined by nothing other then your conscious will and eagerness to do so, and the weakness of will to not do so, or the lack of will to abstain entirely.

Why beat yourself up when you did exactly what you wanted to do? you accomplished exactly what you wanted, because you're pathetic, creepy, disgusting, slimy, perverted, weird and weak. Why do you feel shame about it? Thats what you are because thats what you chose to be, thats what you wanted to be. Why do you hide and run from that reality and bury it, because it hurts? Poor baby. If it hurts to be a such a worthless loser then don't chose to be one.

If you had any respect or love for yourself then you wouldn't choose to be one. You choose whether or not you have respect or love for yourself. If you don't nobody will respect you or love you either. You don't think about that reality when you chose to consume porn, or you do but you avoid it and/or choose to consume it anyway? Too bad. Choose not to do that.

Been in your shoes
Just do whatever feels right, don't think too much. Sounds silly but "just do it" is true.
Even if technically the country of destination is worse or has a worse image. A change of location matters a fuckton. You go girl

Think this is cringe? good. You're right, it is cringe. Pornography addiction is cringe and the fact that you have to overcome it is cringe and what you have to do to overcome it is cringe. Nofap is cringe because masturbation addiction and pornography addiction and perverted fetishes, and everything associated with these things is cringe and pathetic. You only cease to be pathetic once you overcome all of it for good. You deserve to feel like a loser for having to overcome it and while you're still over coming it, because you are one. Let alone for continuing to consume pornography and masturbating by yourself in front of a computer for hours, slimeball


Somehow, I recently became a NEET. I had a successful life as a bartender. I was living with a beautiful woman and I was about a month away from asking her to marry me when all of a sudden she decided she was a lesbian. Fuck me. My life was turned upside down. I left my city, my job, my girlfriend, my dog, and most of my friends to come move in with my mom and her husband. I spent my meagre savings traveling for a few months and now I'm here. I'm almost in shape enough to join the Army in my late 20's. Though I'm looking forward to learning new things and hardening myself, it's hard to not feel stupid as fuck for being at square 1, around 10 years after moving out of my mom's house.

Time is a flat circle and whatnot.

But here I am. Reading /x/, /k/, and Yas Forums every day, becoming either more deluded or more clued in as to what the world around me is becoming, but ultimately realizing that through discipline, I have the ability to change the world around me through my knowledge and passion. In the last week, I've had the balls to bring up the JQ "hypothetically" to two liberal friends, when 2 months ago, I considered myself a left anarchist. Who am I? What am I becoming? Is Yas Forums right, yet again?

Ultimately, reading here and reading the less vitriolic NatSoc posts have really dragged me in. One thing that leftism really clued me into was disenfranchisement. Bernie Bros get it, they really do. But such things as giving up identity, unfettered "feminism," and general sexual liberation really never sat well with me. Ironically, while bartending/the service industry really makes people cut loose, it made me cloister up and realize that everyone around me was actually hurting themselves. I quit porn, I quit masturbating, I quit smoking, I quit drinking, I work out every day while listening to podcasts I find stimulating, I read news, I do yardwork, I spend time in the sunshine, and I talk to you guys. My time in isolation has been great. Thanks, Yas Forums.


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can you point me in the right direction
thanks user

This depression is a mindset independent of location read the art of travel by Alain de Botton

Hyper-individualization and office jobs. People need to exercise and need a community to be part of or interact with on a regular basis. There are outliers but they are rare. The degeneracy and consumerism that is promoted by kikes and other money hungry rats is directly opposed to both of these ideas unless it's superficial in nature only (brand recognition and shit).

When you realize you cannot find satisfaction in your own slavery you will be closer to freedom. You need spirituality in your life, no rational human should find wageslavery and forced social contracts normal. Your happiness cannot come from these systems as they all seek to coerce you toward consumption and distraction.

In the end it's all just down to chemical imbalance, and whatever causes it varies between individuals.
One of my favourite theories for why it's getting so widespread is the first world eats a lot of food processed in a way that encourages general inflammation, which then triggers an "o shit nigga you sick" response that stops you wanting to go do shit.
I don't like the depression = sad angle, I think most of the time depressed people are just sad because they feel like shit and they don't know why. I like to think you can at least get past the "sad" part even if you can't fix whatever's making you depressed in the first place.

Not sure what my opinion on suicide is anymore due to personal experiences with family. Wanting to get help is usually good but most doctors just aren't going to be able to figure out what's actually up with most people.

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Those digits mean this thread is important.
I got spat in they eyeballs today by an abbo. Im a little depressed. Not because it was an abbo, but because I feel like a punching bag. The urge to kill now and deal with the consequences later is gone. Now Im concerned about how it will affect staff and my family. Ive literally self cucked. I've lost the will to stand up because of fear of the law. Once I was frew and never gave two shits. Now, I cower under the threat...

If you are miserable there you will be miserable here.

-t. burger who fell for the "moved to based Eastern Yurop" meme.

Only now I have no frens, shit pay, and no family nearby.

I needed to read that. I really did. Im financially and socially fine, but spiritually I am back at square one. Thanks fren. You've illuminated the dark.

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