Your world is virtual

Attached: virtual world.png (1404x1236, 1.24M)

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Trust is efficient, you primitive slimeball. Lying is a false economy that gets worse over time.

Eventually we're gonna have technotelepathy and machine-assisted free will. A whole lot of abuses will fall away, even as way more than 90% of information experience turns virtual.

Someday humanity will live in billions of simulations.

>Trust is efficient

you have never been outside of the United states. Hell, you've never even been to Hawaii or NY.

true but youre preaching to the choir on Yas Forums

ok schizo.

>preaching to the choir on Yas Forums
I know. I just wanted to make this info picture and post it on Yas Forums feel free to use it.

will do, thanks

The more people involved in a conspiracy, the more quickly it tends to be exposed.

Half the nation is in on it
The other half expose it

Good thing there are more poeple than just the nation then.

Your gay lol

for me, its MTV News, the best cable news programme

only a burger who never left the States would believe so

t. I travelled to all 5 continents

>The more people involved in a conspiracy, the more quickly it tends to be exposed.
Source your ass.
Or worse source your media.
>Yes believe everything we tell you
>Now we tell you that "The more people involved in a conspiracy, the more quickly it tends to be expose"

How dumb are you exactly?

Meanwhile in the MSM:
>Everything we don't like is "conspiracy theory"

Literally who will expose this and where?

>t. I travelled to all 5 continents
How stupid are you exactly?

>I did walk in a meaningless street and did eat some meaningless food in some meaningless restaurant in some meaningless country
>Therefore I know how the world works.

No you are only a idiot who did eat food in different geographic locations. Not different from watching cartoons from different countries.

>all 5 continents
I missed this, holy FUCK! 5 continents??? There are only 3!

Now try to do your mental gymnastics to justify why placing meaningless lines at continents who are the same landmass is magically a different continent.

3 continents
America (1 only)

Antarctica does not count because no one lives there and its ice that if melted does not a landmass give.

Attached: 1200px-Continental_models-Australia.gif (1200x609, 137.38K)

Right, so a healthy combination of skepticism and trusting your gut is the best way to get through in life.

Which one is the bigger delusion? Believing that most of the information shared is considered true by the people sharing it or that massive amount of people in media of all places are smart enough to maintain a lie.

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Yes true skepticism not the meme skepticism that translates to "blindly obey what the gov and MSM says this makes you skeptical".

I'm just pointing out the fact that exactly like with VR googles all inputs of the external world are just pictures on monitors made up pictures.

These people can tell absolute lies an you never know the difference since all your data comes from these guys.

Just be aware of this, pointing out this fact to some makes them get hostile lie the MSM is their religion or something. They trust it on faith and refuse to acknowledge.

>trusting your gut
Hard to say what you mean by this.

The things in your life you know involve places you have visited and people you interacted with. This you can be sure of. The rest is literally just other people saying stuff.

And these people are part of a organization that is controlled and regulated what these newsman tell you.

I'm just saying that if the DPRK news is considered to be government lies how can the people living in the DPRK know this? And then you ask the same of your own government.

>The DPRK propaganda must be true because so many people can not be part of a conspiracy and have it work.

What is this retarded boomer meme about conspiracies collapsing because to many people are in them?

>Source your ass.
Nope. This is my source:


It's just how secrets work in human society. I wouldnt trust even 1 person to keep a fucking secret.

Look at how many people are clamoring for a drug that no one knows if it decreases mortality. It’s astonishing. Because a guy named Zelekov gave a bunch to outpatients. People were clearly much more intelligent a century ago.

...and the drugs clearly work 100%. Look at the French #s, how well it’s working for them.

All of your world is virtual. "You" are just a brain floating inside a skull trying to form an image of the world outside based of on whatever neural signals your body delivers. Its all a simulation and theres nothing weird about it

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>The more people involved in a conspiracy, the more quickly it tends to be exposed.
Man do I hate proverbs. You see user, even if this saying does correlate with reality from time to time, it's bare essence is empintess. It's just mindless drivel to repeat over and over. It might be true, it might be not, but just keep repeating it and you're bound to hit something. Sure, if the conspiracy in question is a pack of niggers conspiring to murder another outstanding individual of a dark persuasion, the more involved, the faster it unravels as someone is bound to get arrested anyways. Sure, why not. It's just that simpletons like you are able to only think in household terms, and thus assume that what OP meant is that every fucking morning every single news industry employee dons a black robe and marches to their local lair for a morning briefing from satan himself with a flow chart about their world domination in the background. Do tell me, have you ever held a job?

Attached: npchmm.png (239x250, 34.41K)

Then again it seems like our OP isn't a shining beacon of awareness himself either. Like most poles, he's really in tune with the real tangible world, and like most poles, he struggles with concepts more abstract than the next cabbage planting season, or what's beyond the first bend in the plumbing. If eating different but same cabbage and potatoes is what you get out of seeing the world, well, then that's what you are capable of.

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that pic is cringe as fuck. where did you get it, reddit or something?

no comment?

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Did you read my second part of my statement? Source your ass.
Or worse source your media.

>This website has words written on it by other people! Now you must feel dumb.

So words written on a website can not be lies?
How stupid are you? This is a serious question.

Therefore all the things the DPRK media says must be true.
Is this your position user?

>he hasn’t seen the seventh continent
You have no idea how lost you really are

Where did you find that, the David Icke bulletin board?

Yea. Only there is a difference between you interacting directly with something and just blindly believing the stories others tell you. Especially if these stories come from a corporate and hierarchical organization.

It's called compartmentalization, look it up

These anti conspiracy memers are to stupid to imagine that its a hierarchical organization and the guy who told the guy who told the guy who told the guy that is telling you this simply was a sheep who believed the liar in power.

And even if you figure this out how will you tell this to others?
Your family and friends?
>Crazy conspiracy guy
TV stations?
>Will not let unauthorized info on.
Actually worse since you are drowned by a see of 100+ other conspiracy theories.
>Internet conspiracy theorist
Sensational TV shows?
Same like on the internet drowned by a see of crazies and other wack jobs.

Even if you go rouge and are a newsman the second you get off script(newsman literally read script given to them) they turn the cameras off and will simply run a story how local newsman did go crazy.

actually its six because the land points connecting south and north america and africa and europe could be removed if we nuked them, so its six

What are you talking about exactly?

also antarica has land under neath the snow, if you think about it its probably where white people came from

Does everyone who works at the factory floor need to be aware of every detail the board of directors do for the next quarters budget, export sales and purchases? What about the toilet cleaner who on one hand clearly helps the organization function, but probably don't need to know about that sale to Thailand?

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Im picking up an oculus rift s next week. anyone here used that one?

take your fucking meds dude, holy shit

Yet magically you don't say islands are continents.

There is a difference user between going from Spain to America by sea and from France to Britain by sea.

And there is a reason the Mexicans did not ship to Europe first the distance is important YO.

Consider this

Are you retarded, user? They don't sit down their journalists in a windowless room and tell them,
>Promote this political agenda, and slander this one. Talk about this story in this light. Oh, and never say anything negative about our sponsors.
They just go,
>Make sure you uphold our station's integrity today!

And every party involved KNOWS that the second sentence means the same thing as the first, in practical terms. In any organization with any sort of drama people talk about things using plausible deniability, using simple sentences that imply multiple meanings.
You'd know this if you worked in an office for one(1) day.

that video has some gay as hell pastel colors, fuck off faggot
islands arent big enough to be continents and the little prick points that connect the two continents of africa and europe and south and north america could easily be destroyed, meaning they are four continents

Well honestly I was making fun of you, but you do come across as a typical pole. Really good a telling when he's getting fucked over, but pretty bad at abstract things he cannot touch. Concepts and such. Kinda lacking in the meta. Don't get me wrong, I like polish people, but you're not really a nation of deep thinkers. Really good at how, not that much about why.

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>has land under neath the snow,
That turns out to be Archipelago not a continent in any meaning of this word.

Yes you can be extra anal about including antarica however literally no one will live there (ever) because of the Antarctic Treaty.

Ah yeah, Gnostic kike technology & an artificial demiurge will be just great, amirite "fellow white man"?

wrong pic related, its clearly a continent

Attached: antarica.jpg (1200x675, 159.74K)

Lmfao holy shit you literally are a goddamn idiot.

No. I have a college education and work as a scientist. I have a good handle on what is real and what isnt real.

As for bypassing the media, yes everyone should do that. Or at least PAY for a good source of news.
Free news is just propaganda, entertainment and advertisements.

>america could easily be destroyed
You don't know about the canals.

Still irrelevant the distance would be to insignificant. If you can swim across yourself its not a continent.

>that connect
You don't know about tectonic plates that dictate far more then our continent divisions.

>could easily be destroyed
And we talk about that if you move the continents and 20KM minimum to be significant.

>techno telepathy
>machine assisted free will
Is this satire?

Even if I grant that still no one will ever live there so including it is a waist of time.

literally all it takes is ONE nuke to seperate the continents, infact it should be done since africa should be seperated from europe so they cant go there
the tectonic plates would be destroyed, theyre just deep dirt, the nuke would hit them

and seriously if you can find someone who could swim across the whole distance of a nuke radius then you have found the ubermensch

that's what they said about america too.

>PAY for a good source of news.
>If I pay for something it can not be lies.

>I have a good handle on what is real and what isnt real.
No you are quite delusional.

>and work as a scientist.
>I believe blindly what others tell me without question, this makes me smart
Point and laugh.

>a scientist
instant comedy how is your theory that unified the phlogiston theory and the illuminescent aether working out?

You quite literally are engaging in theology, I'm sure working with these equations to figure out how many angels can dance on the head of a pin make your autism happy.

Whoa, man. That's deep.
Nobody has ever had that thought before.

>>Someday humanity will live in billions of simulations.
Who do you think will be paying for that shit, buddy?

Best case, you're rending out your brain. Which means you're no longer smart enough to comprehend the severity of what you're doing. Children will be born, stunted permanently at an IQ peak of 70.

Worst case, you're renting out your time. Which means that there's really nothing stopping Google from changing your agreement from 4 hours work for 20 hours play to 24 hours work, zero hours play, or anything stopping them from making you believe you're 5 minutes away from retirement at any given point. At best in this situation, you'll get a free ride until your body expires because they harvested all the organs out of it, and then you'll have to start paying for the rest of infinity.

If you aren't the top 0.01% of humanity, the singularity is going to be very, very bad for you. Personally, I'm killing myself the day brain chips become mandatory.

I'd argue that arguing about the commonly agreed upon, completely usable definition on the amount and classification of continents is a waste of time but hey what do I know. I mean even if you're right, claiming that there's 5 continets is also right enough and there's no inherent unsolvable conflict between either claims, as there's still continents and in both claims the continents themselves are where they are in the shape they are.

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Its quite literally illegal to live in antarica.