Get in here kiwifags. How’s your Friday evening going? I’ve got /EssentialService/ work tomorrow, but still, I’m enjoying some Jameson whiskey.
>Total cases: 868
>Total recovered: 103
>Total in ICU: 2
>Total dead: 1
Get in here kiwifags. How’s your Friday evening going? I’ve got /EssentialService/ work tomorrow, but still, I’m enjoying some Jameson whiskey.
>Total cases: 868
>Total recovered: 103
>Total in ICU: 2
>Total dead: 1
Other urls found in this thread:
How’s life on the dole you incel?
Who cares about you dumb cunts. You willingly gave up your guns to a female prime minister.
>No end in sight
>No end goal
>Just shut down forever m8
>Economy isn't important.
>Killing people via ruining them financially is ok as long as we minimise the coofing
>Hi guys we're gonna start testing for community spread!
>lol j/k we don't have any spare tests!
>Be kind!
You gotta be joking mate. The population had literally zero say on that matter. There was heaps of people who were strongly against it but the government gave zero fucks. The law was pushed through faster than anything I’ve ever seen before. There was only one based MP who voted against it (David Seymour) but it didn’t matter, our whole government unanimously fucked us.
Anyway, that’s a bit rich coming from a country who took their guns away 20 years ago.
/EssentialService/ here cunt. However I still claimed my $7000 JacindaBucks the other day.
>The population had literally zero say on that matter.
>There was heaps of people who were strongly against it but the government gave zero fucks
>The law was pushed through faster than anything I’ve ever seen before
Must suck living in such a disgusting garbage cesspool of a country. Blame yourselves for voting in a women prime minister that was a fucking DJ before her political career.
Like 33% of NZ voted for her lol. She just formed a government by combining with other parties. Also lol australia is far more over regulated with a 45% income tax on rich ya fucking socialist cunts.
You also have no bill of rights and America routes all of its spying through your country because of it. NZ is still ranked as one of the freest countries on earth by conservative think tanks in America. Shut up ya twat.
>Like 33% of NZ voted for her lol. She just formed a government by combining with other parties.
What an absolute shit hole of a country.
It's called Five eyes, you dumb sheep shagger.
>NZ is still ranked as one of the freest countries on earth by conservative think tanks in America. Shut up ya twat.
>Get sent to prison for sharing or watching the Christ church shooting
>Have your guns taken away despite a supposed "up-roar"
you only digging yourself a hole.
Did you even apply?
My Friday is okay.
Yeah our GDP is going to contract by 10% and the government is taking out tens of billions of dollars from creditors and increasing treasury bonds interest rates. To make matters worse, the central bank has predicted New Zealand will enter a recession worse than 2008.
At first I was okay with the lockdown, but it’s only been a week and I’m already stressing about how badly this is crashing our economy into the ground.
who gives a shit if some old sick people die, this happens every year throughout all history.
I knew Labour would waste no time introducing a stimulus package. It is a common trend for politicians to ignore their campaign rhetoric and yes the Wuhan Virus is entirely out of the purview of the government.
Labour ran on the platform of having a strict budget that didn't run a deficit. Anybody that knows the record of the Left-Wing parties knew this was not going to be the case on the chance Labour won.
So here we are now, a country already running a deficit. Made worse by the governments failed programs to build houses, wasting more money like National on the Growth Funds. Wasting cash on a broken healthcare system, increasing the minimum wage but not addressing the problems as to why the cost of living is so high here. The list goes on and on, so the Wuhan Virus adds nothing new to the fact Labour was running the economy into the ground.
How many houses were built? Ten thousands were promised, we get 56.
How many jobs were created with the Provincial Growth Fund? 400? Costing 14 million dollars.
Blatant failures of the Maori Land Court System as well.
this country is highly incompetent when it comes to actualizing a plan. I really can't tell if it is deliberate or not.
Huh? There's a huge surplus right now, heading into this coronavirus stuff.
Past government plans was to turn us into the equivalent of a Petro-state but with milk. The absolute fuckery of previous and successive governments has seen failed neo-liberal economic policy and the continued use of Keynesian economics.
I wonder how many tv series I'll have watched by the time this is over. There's nothing else to do.
It is a surplus of funds from creditors, not our government surplus from export and tax revenue. National left the Labour government upon their election with a sizeable 7 Billion dollar government surplus.
If we had an actual revenue surplus of 22 billion or 25 billion. We wouldn't need to be taking out loans from creditors, issuing more bonds and raising treasury bond interest rates.
Entirely detrimental to the public long term, and successive governments.
I'm fucking sick of it lads. If thos had occurred back when I was single I'd have been over the moon. Now I'm stuck with a panicky missus and hyperactive toddler. All I can do is drink
What are you watching?
Had to get dole here bro as I was in retail and got let go, time to get a skill
I watched Lodge 49 before, great show. Now I'm watching Halt And Catch Fire, also really good, first season is a bit shaky though.
Take a primary producer nation at arms length from the rest of the world. Introduce globalized neoliberal political zeitgeist and run with it for a few decades blindly emulating your peers. What we have today is the natural end result of that. You can't fix it without a move away from the fundamentals of our current government (pick either one, same fundamentals). The fact that a ministry of works was not something even on the table until this crisis speaks volumes. Look at the great infrastructure achievements of old new zealand, and realize that that nation is simply dead in the current political climate. It could come back, but only if conditions shift to foster it.
I've just been re-watching Stargate SG-1 recently.
My missus has gone really fucking weird the past few days, giving me the eyes like I'm responsible for all ills currently befalling us. Which I guess is kinda on me since I've been calling most of this since mid January, and she's about the only person I've been openly talking to about it. My mistake eh.
don't limit yourself to one drug, it's better to diversify, especially if you have a family.
Labour was given that surplus from National
How are people getting let go? I thought all is full timers were on 585 at Cindy's expense... shouldn't cost your boss anything to keep you on the books?
you don't think a pandemic that results in economic or societal collapse is enough of a push?
Mate educate yourself. If you can get into being interested in learning new stuff, there’s endless amounts of content on YouTube and even (((Netflix))).
You’re here on Yas Forums, which means you’re into politics, your next step should be to get into history. It’s honestly 10x more interesting than politics and will help you understand modern politics better, plus give you a well educated understanding on how we got to where we are right now, and where we might end up in the future.
Great infrastructure achievements simply aren't possible anymore. Why build that highway? Itll cost too much. It'll encourage evil car driving. It's on sacred maori land. Theres an endangered snail living there. That money should be given to pacific islanders
you dont talk to women about things that scare or upset them, are you stupid or something?
I think we'll be back at work in 3 weeks. The pressure on the government to lift the lockdown will be intense
After 4 weeks, itll have either worked, or it won't have. And if it hasn't worked, theres no point maintaining it
I got stuck with my missus and her little sister when this lockdown started. I was already keen to dump her before this started so now I’m fucked, I’m feeding and housing three people on my one income (me, gf and her sister). We’ve argued a bit already but I threatened to kick her out of my house and now she’s acting extra nice and friendly to me, even given me a few blowjobs this week.
Honestly though I’d rather be alone during this lockdown. Fuck the girlfriend pill, it’s not worth it.
The damage will have been done, and any legalisation that is passed that further curtails any more of the economic freedoms we've here will remain.
Is the sister any good
Based. I'm drinking port and shitposting on Yas Forums
Reporting in
got family friends who now are stuck in nz and had to rent a place
Where about in New Zealand are they stuck?
idk im assuming auckland or wellington due to the fact there flight got canned
She aight, but too immature
As long as you're not a nu-kiwi faggot we could lock out the rest of the world forever and still be sweet.
James Shaw on the AM show this morning talking about how this is a great opportunity to target the relief funding of our economy, to aim for a more sustainable future
ie 'cut all investment in yucky things I dont like, like farming and manufacturing, give all money to pie in the sky boondoggles run by my political mates, and other far left ego projects'
Wellington is cancerous and Auckland is the worst place to be right now.
RIP Mate.
second post
based post
Holy fuck man we gave those retards so much time to leave. Just as retarded as the people who are still “stuck” in other countries, when we gave them a massive deadline to get back.
Morons didn’t take this seriously and now they’re paying the price. Get wrecked.
three way with the sisters, do it we're all gonna die anyway
I don't think the event made us shit at responding to it, I think we've been on borrowed time for a while now, waiting for something to come along and fuck all our shit. This looks like it's gonna be the think, or at least, the events that follow after it will be.
They're as possible as they've ever been, except for what I stated. There is no major mainstream political party willing to entertain the fundamental concept of a government that directly employs workers to achieve outcomes. It's all contract out to market and adherence to absurdly complex standards. All of this adds up to the current inability to actually achieve anything. Shortcut this with a ministry of works and a show-must-go-on attitude to standards and yes, you could get back to those infrastructure success stories. You're right though, we ain't gonna get there.
Yeah I know. I just didn't think.
Give her the Stimulus Package
why you sheep shaggers either love or hate jacinda.
Are you that 'shit is cash' fuckwit? Australia has a written constitution. Our bill of rights is a fucking joke, it isn't worth the paper it's written on. The government can and does suspend it at will.
Sorry i misunderstood what you were saying. No, I don't think it'll be enough to move us back onto a better path. I think we've lost too much over the amount of time it's been eroded (lifetimes) to be able to react in that way. Which means either we return to a weird semi-stable normal after this thing, or collapse.
James Shaw and the Green Party have no solid economic policy. I remember when they were advocating for printing money and giving it away freely.
Fact of the matter is, National has a terrible history with managing the economy. Labour also has a terrible record with managing the economy, we can't catch a damn break.
what's bad about auckland? I live in central, shit's comfy
The same way Americans love or hate Trump.
The same way Australians love or hate Scomo.
What a retarded question.
Everything gets contracted out because:
Government departments are terrified of fucking up, they need contractors to blame
Public sector employees by nature are garbage and usually diversity hires. The Ministry of Works' entire top tiers will consist of people who have never lifted a shovel
Cost of living for starters, but also talking about population density during this pandemic.
Look at Napier. Look at Christchurch.
Old New Zealand, nu New Zealand.
Higher chance of chinkouts. Plus did you see the queues for West Liquor today?
I always thought Kiwis were the most level headed of the commonwealth though.
Yeah I legit dont know who to vote for this election. I'd never vote labour, especially not after the Day a Nation Cringed, national has yet to convince me they're not chinese puppets (and probably won't until judith Collins is gone), winnie has as much credibility as hone harawira, David Seymour talks a good game but his politics still boil down to "lol just have more money". And the greens go without saying.
Super comfy, our government is doing its job so we haven’t been in quarantine
it's estimated that there are 1.5 million privately owned automatic weapons in nz, last count for voluntary turn-ins was 35,000, they didn't do shit.