United Nations wants 10% of entire planet’s annual income in fund for coronavirus response

>not working?
>laid off?
>cant afford rent?
>fuck you, you better pay 10%
lol, look at these guys here

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Guess Mexico's gonna pay for it

Fucking kikes and their retarded psyops. Boomers and happeningfags are all firmly on the hook. Just give the kikes the fucking money and end this retarded happening already.

Fuck that

lol, try and take it, fucking globalist, my machete says different.


All the world's billionaires could foot that bill and still be set for the rest of their lives. Fucking kikes.

Fucking kek. WHO completely botched it, they cam go fuck themselves

Jews dont understand the concept of shame.

Ooh ohhh ahh ahh
My United States Army beats your taco cutter


I hope you got a license for that machete, son.

.t bitish copper

Just take the chip and experience financial freedom

That would productively employ a lot of people and fund the production and implementation of gobsmacking amounts of health and safety equipment. Are we gonna see consumer hazmat suits out of this?

The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, has announced the creation of a fund for addressing the global coronavirus pandemic – and he is simultaneously asking nations to contribute the equivalent of at least 10 percent of the annual income of the entire planet to a massive “human-centered, innovative and coordinated stimulus package” that would be administered at the international level.

Although Guterres doesn’t state it explicitly, he seems to be connecting the new fund, which he calls a “dedicated COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund,” with the massive stimulus package plan, announcing both measures in the same press release.

If countries were to accept the plan, the United Nations or some similar coordinating agency would be given the equivalent of approximately 8.7 trillion USD, an unprecedented amount that would be 2,900 times greater than the UN’s annual budget of 3 billion USD.

The proposed plan would effectively place a global agency, presumably the UN itself, in charge of propping up the economies of the world during the coronavirus crisis, placing it in charge of 10% of global income.


Ask the Rothschilds to pay for that.

i just want these kikes to get coughed on, infected, and die

no loicence needed in mexico cuck.

Dumbass, there's not only no "chip", there fucking ought to be. Licit tracking is a bona fide countermeasure to illicit tracking.

>United Nations want to take over the entire planet and form One World Government


Come and take it from me.

Kill yourself, globalistcuck.

>Mexico has literally zero medical infrastructure of note
>h-h-ha ha take that America!

Ecuador is going through now what you'll be going through soon.

Fuckin globohomo cocksuckers. You ain't getting jack shit

based & redpilled

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Guterres also wants 100 billion USD for the World Health Organization, whose president has been blamed for helping to cause the coronavirus pandemic by repeating in January the Chinese government’s false claim that COVID-19 is not transmissible to humans.

He also wants the same organization to build an “interconnected Global Health Emergency System for data, workforce, and supplies.”

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Guterres says that the money would be channeled “not only to the business sector and lead firms, but to the workers and SMEs worldwide that underpin the global economy.”

“It is not enough to protect major businesses: we need to protect their suppliers, and the global consumer demand – the household income – that will usher the global economy back to life,” writes Guterres in his report, called “Shared responsibility, global solidarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19.”

“To be effective, the stimulus package will need to focus on direct and targeted transfer of resources to the most vulnerable households and scaling up health emergency preparedness, social protection, tax abatement, low interest rates, access to credit, insurance and wage support schemes,” he writes.

Among the objectives of the plan, Guterres includes “attention to continued delivery of sexual reproductive health services, such as access to contraceptives without prescription during the crisis.”

“Sexual reproductive health services” are a euphemism often used by international organizations to refer to abortion and contraception."

Ask the rothschilds, I'm sure they can print some from all the worlds central banks they own.

>spend years trying to scare the goyim with retarded climate bullshit
>no one gives a shit
>hype up the flu in kike media
>boomers and retards spergout
>world government
Well played, kikes.

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implying the unted states army is going to do the un bidding, fucking globohomo i hope you ge fucking coofed on.

They need to make China pay for it all. Fucking molebites caused this!

All the income of mexico comes from wetbacks sending money back so no, checkmate

get your chink anus ready fucking shill, your assets are going to be burned to the ground.

This won't pass mark my words, the world will revolts being forced to pay a bill they never asked for, the UN is full of retarded cucks who realistically aren't helping anyone, why don't we just cut aid to other countries and see how these pigs like it.

Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute, noted that the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) helped to create the pandemic by repeating communist Chinese government’s false propaganda denying the health risks of COVID-19, and said he was against giving them or the UN in general any additional money for the crisis.

“The UN bureaucracy primarily exists to perpetuate itself and various Left-wing causes that are inimical to liberty and sovereignty,” Mosher told LifeSite. “If the China coronavirus teaches us anything, it is that in moments of global crisis we can only trust our fellow citizens not a distant and detached group of bureaucrats who are better compensated than nearly all Americans.”

He also noted that “reproductive sexual health,” in reality “means forcing contraception, sterilization and abortion on peoples who have not asked for it,” and added that such priorities have left poorer countries unprepared to deal with COVID-19.
>forcing contraception, sterilization and abortion on peoples who have not asked for it

>use of funds would include contraceptives and reproductive health
Why can nothing be simple and effective these days? They always add trivial bullshit in the margins that makes it completely obvious how nefarious they are being. Its like that diversity quota thing in the covid19 relief bill

>bringing a knife to a gun fight
No wonder your people pick fruits for my people

you globohomo cucks will never have mexico, you fucking globalist are going to burn first.

>>not working?
>>laid off?
>>cant afford rent?
>>fuck you, you better pay 10%
>lol, look at these guys here

Classic that it is a Spanish flag in the background. They are trying to secure their handouts just like the shitalians.

the nuance really goes over your heads right retards.

>Guess Mexico's gonna pay for it
10% of Mexico's annual income is like 2 pesos or something like that.

>lol, try and take it, fucking globalist, my machete says different.
Whatever faggot. If that Lebanese Jew masquerading as a beaner (Carlos Slim) says suck it, you are going to suck it and swallow. That's the way it has always been for beaners.

>All the world's billionaires could foot that bill and still be set for the rest of their lives
Antifa called. You application has been accepted. Please continue your "muh Billionaires" line of glownigger bullshit.

Who do you think is going to be handing out loans to the entire planet soon? NWO is on its way my friend

The Beast of Revelation is trying to rise out of the waters.
Who will it be the UN or the EU?

>equivalent of approximately 8.7 trillion USD
Approximately 2 pesos and a half-eaten taco of that sum would be coming from Mexico.

how about

>No wonder your people pick fruits for my people
Lol. You mean our gay marriage supporting, tranny-friendly military. Dude ... I'll take the beaner with a machete in that matchup. Now put our rednecks up against the beaners and that would be a good fight.

The plank from thine own eye

The cure / prevention costs $10 a person.

3 pills a day, 10 days, 30 pills total, 31 cents a pill. Slightly under $10.

Just start cranking out full blast - Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine. Everyone should have it, leave it up to them whether to take it or not.

It's a fucking joke that we're not doing this yet.

Kill the Rothschilds and take all their money.
End the Fed and all the Feds across the globe.

Jublilee - wipe out all the debts.

United States Notes.

Yeah actually the army does whatever we tell them to, they're about to shoot a bunch of your people's drug lords. Ok spic

Demand Congress legalize murder of military commanders and their families by incomprehensible torture.

So... like a tithe. Weird.

Why? theyll just give it to africa
first world countries are the ones affected, were the one with the money. Why do they need to take our money to "give it back to us"?
They dont, they want to siphon off of us and throw it at shit skins like they always do.
the shitskins havnt used a fucking thing weve given them, fuck them. The money and masks are for us.

>nooooo don't take from the dindu billionaires, take from everyone!
ok kike

What if they have long term effects like infertility or something

i don't know if these fuckers are globalist shills or just so retarded that don't understand nuance of the written word.

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This is exposing UN for the useless waste of money it is. We can afford to get rid of the UN.

Looks like they're really going all in and pulled the trigger on this globalism thing. Guess its time to get comfy before the storm.

LOL. Make the chinks pay.

Based, you can stay on my side of the wall

Hi Chang!

>they're about to shoot a bunch of your people's drug lords
Holy shit bro. No kidding? Maybe we should declare a "War of Drugs" or something. If we did that Mexico and all of the South American drug Lord's would roll over in a second. I'm guessing they would be super scared of the USA taking out drug lords. Yup. That shit would be over in like a minute.

>>nooooo don't take from the dindu billionaires, take from everyone!
Sure ... because seizing the means of production has always been such a non-kosher activity.

these cunts have been completely inefficient and they want even more cash to be even more of a useless shitnigger