Let's be honest here. How many of you would enlist right now if it meant tearing China a new one?

Let's be honest here. How many of you would enlist right now if it meant tearing China a new one?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I bear literally no animosity towards the Chinese and would much prefer to destroy our own ruling class of cuckolded traitors

>Enlist to point your weapon at your own "quarantined" people while you wait for China to shoot you in the back

Private industry has ALWAYS outperformed public. I will join a private army.

DIE FOR ISRAEL GOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


wow. an actual patriot on Yas Forums and not a Q patriot? i'm amazed

>Thank me for my service

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Our problems are domestic. Race war now.

A ground war with China won’t happen
Simply because we have a superior Air Force. They would literally have to EMP us to stop us. It wouldn’t be a cake walk, but it would be a lot of collateral damage with the amount of drones we have.
Could you imagine an A-10 swooping down on some Ching Chongs ?
It would be hilarious

id join if it was israel

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No. Most of the problems of my nation are internal, and opposition is likewise internal, including a lacking anti-epedemic measures. If there is a foreign force that makes things worse, it would be America.

Daily dose. Also fuck yeah. Love to kill me some chinks. Fucking gooks think they're God's gift but they're literally worse than Jews and are more problematic. They also make shit products. Fuck em. Nuke em all.

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This. But I would also implore the chinese people to do the same to their own corrupt government. I wish there were a way to fight alongside my countrymen without having to resort to shooting at my armed forces. Can't we bring back tar and feathering or something? I don't really want to be locked in civil war with folks who won't step out of our way.

No, I'd rather invade Mexico

Why are we mad at china?

join to fight china and then get forced to fight russians or some other europeans? like the shit they pulled in ww2?

I joined the Navy because my dad was in the Marines, and his dad was in the Army, and his dad was in the Army during WW2 as a truck driver. Joining the military felt like the thing to do because my father's father way back have done it.

However I chose Navy because my father sat me down. He was Marine Recon. He told me war isn't romantic, and if you really feel you must join the military go into the Navy and learn a trade.

With that being said, I would rejoin the Navy in a heartbeat if we went to war with China. I fucking hate those chinks. I hope Russia doesn't get involved, not because of a fear of losing, but I don't think we should go to war with Russia.

I bet she fucks good.

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Do you accept mercenaries?
I accept payment in the form of Chinese civilians and gold.

They're all the same user. Kill em all.

I’m gay

Fuck off. No more banker wars. No more allowing ourselves to be culled


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We aren’t. Bankers and corporate heads are mad. We’ve been in a trade war for some time. And China may be threatening us for releasing the virus there

>I would rejoin the Navy in a heartbear
You sound like a nigger.


Kill the real enemy

Not so fun fact, this guy ended up like that because of an ambush that occurred while looking for the traitorous deserter Bergdahl. Attacks reportedly increased and were more deadly after the desertion. The rumor was that he gave away all US SOP and TTP.

I prefer to crush them by bringing manufacturing back to Mexico and Central America where it belongs. Kill two birds with one factory. Also, cancel all debt held by Chinese companies, people, and trusts. Then conduct cyber warfare on their shit relentlessly and with prejudice. You'll find my solution both builds the wall, with jobs to our neighbors, still gives us cheap shit, and fucks the chinks right in the ass.

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Why not all of them?

I'm down.

Only if we're guaranteed Nanking 2.0, including the raping and mass burial parts.

Maybe Tojo was right.

Why wait to enlist?

Good wumao. Promoting divide and conquer of America for China to fill the power vacuum. Go fuck yourself “patriot”

actually, I am also part of the NL flag, and today I will do the first attempt to try to get into the reserves. For you see, with this corona thing, only the essential industries (which arent fairing too well either), and the war industry probably will remain.

Instead of going to war tho, its most likely going to be standing around a corner or stacking sand bags for me@! Glorious.

China would literally win a war against the US in 15 minutes. This is not a fight America wants.

Also, recognize Taiwan and give control of Chinese banks to them.

i hope china crushes the entire West Coast.


Assuming shit would not devolve into a nuclear war (which it most certainly would). Why the fuck would I join the army as an infantrymen to risk my life for the minuscule class of ultra wealthy people that would benefit from such a war? Has anyone here ever read War is a Racket by Smedley Butler? You fags should.

throw in israel and we got a deal op!

Whoa, an actual based poster for once. Rarer than an antarctica flag.

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I would unironically enlist if our weak little country allied with based America and got to rip those chinks a new asshole

Only retards enlist. All western nation’s armies are zog. You only fight for Jewish interests

No their Chinese made bullshit would fall apart and zero experience their generals have would kill them before we even knew they were trying to attack.

i would

Because zoomers are nihilistic bloodthirsty NPCs. What a lost generation

If we can be "honest" we'll live forever in peace, sheesh.


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Something fucky went on. I almost wonder if someone tried to equip children of this generation with "insight" into "virtuous" adults... so to speak.

i mean, its not as though youre wrong, but if you hate china and the army will send you there to kill them, youre still doing it for yourself as well


I'd be on the first deployment over there. I'm already considering joining the Air Force anyway after I finish my degree and going into one of the networking positions, get some CCNA/CCNP/CCIEs.

I also agree with this user about getting rid of the unelected traitors at the highest levels of our government. Not the first part though, fuck China.

I'm on board with that too user.

I've already decided to enlist at 18 so i'd be 100% ready to deploy in china and destroy them commie fags

Probably mostly correct a lot of zoomers are really fucking stupid.

Fuck China but I'm not enlisting in that shit nigga. Give me a parachute, jihadi jacket, and a plane ride to Israel though and we'll talk.

Forgot to quote

Replace China with Israel and I'd sign up right now.

Taiwanese are /our/ chinks. they would love to help. For China we already have a base in Japan in case those dog eating, rice rabid, slant eye jews get uppity. I'm sure Italy wants a couple of pounds of flesh as well.

I agree somewhat user. I feel like China’s economy played by the rules, as fucked up as it may seem. They can run their own country as they want. The reality is the role of a ruler of a country is to make your country as powerful as possible. Might makes right.

But the businesses and corporations and politicians that sold out America for their own personal gain are to be exposed.

lol no

What if they take control and implement communism and people watch their children forced into labor camps? Or murdered, put on ice and harvest children’s organs? I’m all for letting them do that shit in China but I’m not looking to live in a commie hell hole.

Private global force! Has a nice ring to it!

I shall.

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We are all two sides of the same coin being stamped on at both sides

The Chinese people are our friends

The Chinese, American and European Governments are NOT OUR FRIENDS