Dear Yas Forums,
Gods greatest gift to mankind are White Women™. They are loved by every race in the world. We should pay attention to every white women and help them rule to world.
Dear Yas Forums,
Gods greatest gift to mankind are White Women™. They are loved by every race in the world. We should pay attention to every white women and help them rule to world.
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Wrinkly progeriatric frumps who whine about nothing, eat kale, name their sons medieval trade titles and fuck nigger men. Pass.
No thanks.
Prove it.
>help them rule the world
You mean even more you raging flaming faggot? Women got life on easy mode by default, it's not even funny
White women are literally he reason America is turning to shit
Except asian women are the most desired race of women. White women completely blew it.
Die Incele mit gelbfieber
yes, sure, uhhhhhh...
>women ruling the world
Only white women who do this are ones who are mad at daddy. White women have personally confided in me that a) black dick is nasty b) niggers stank.
This thread? See any 'man hate' threads? Who's on easy mode? Speaking of that...
Easy mode and white women are responsible for all your problems?
I don't speak your monkey language.
This board is about politics. Just sod off with your issues with women. You and your anti-Semitic retarded friends are the fucking cancer of Yas Forums.
So those White women fucked a bunch of niggers and then made you listen to the story
Is google translate really unavailable to some burgers? Interesting.
you tell 'em, based bear wrestler.
Reminder it's white men who race-mix more than white women, who are more loyal to their race than any other women, and white men who race-mix are just losers who can't get a real women they need some child-like submissive bug woman
>helping women rule the world
No you go out and have a couple drinks with women they talk.
The women who were vocal never actually fucked a nog. Females watch way more porn then they like to publicly admit.
If i am 3/4 irish and 1/4 cuban and i nut inside a mexican woman of spanish descent, am i a white man conquistador conquering an breeding native women or am i a nigger making more niggers? I look incredibly white, and tall and athletic.
100% agree.
White women race mix = mad at daddy
White men mix = losers who cant get white women.
Or you could just speak English. Or go the fuck back to your own country.
You will breed the ultra nigger.
>muh marriage statistics
>nignogs don't marry
> help them rule to world
demi-nigger 55%'er you can't even spell
you couldn't run a lemonade stand
go breed, you might be able to handle dinner
My ancestors have been here since the 1800s, chud. Nothing wrong with retaining a mark of your heritage. Your Anglo-supremacist views showcase that you're probably room temperature IQ at best. Seethe more mon*lingual mutt
Women are holes to put your dick in. If you think they’re anything more than that you’re a simp faggot.
Das is right. Kek.
I think is more people spoke German the birth rate would go up! Such a strong in charge language, chicks dig.
Let's play trivia since you're so brilliant, anglo-centrist.
What language was the first draft of the declaration of independence in?
Who is still the largest ethnic group in the US?
What was almost the official language of the US but was beaten by 1 vote?
What is still the 2nd most popular language in most of the midwest?
What language do the amish (original settlers of the US) still speak?
You probably dont even know, der Burger.
You wish, sweetie.
Debatable, but the amish indicate that you're correct
Great. But when you speak to me you will speak English.
I'm not answering any of your questions. We speak English in this country. The end.
As a colored man I agree. Ban these chinks and jews who degrade the name of women.
And men are poles or... Yas Forums s?
Honestly if that's you thinking you got to kinda respect hardcore feminists who have the same though process. I'll use the following reasoning....
Like racist. I guess I'm a racist. Like have you own ethno state, dont be a traitor and breed with others. I got mad respect for other racist of diffrent races, malcom x, that spanish dude Cesar Chavez. Sure they hate my race, but takes one to know one. It's the freedom fighters types, MLK, commie Rosa, that I cant stand.
Kek. Leck meine Stiefel, brainlet. You can't even access google translate correctly or pass a us government exam. Atleast tell me you're protestant, dixie.
I believe all are German except
>What language do the amish (original settlers of the US) still speak?
Pennsylvania Dutch technically, could call it high German if you wanted.
I'm not going to tell you anything except go the fuck back to your own country.
>Gods greatest gift to mankind are White Women™. They are loved by every race in the world. We should pay attention to every white women and help them rule to world.
Ok confused, German protestant decent here, why are you team amish? Amish are garbage.
>best women
>best men
>only a handful of East Asian civilizations can compete in achievements with even the more humble European civilizations
>conquered the world, left it better than it was on arrival
>first to leave the planet
>only temporarily held back by the most sophisticated tyranny in human history
Honestly how can racelets even compete?
They're based beyond belief. You'll see in 100 years when they make up half the country with their fertility rate of 7
Fuck off, we're full, paddy. Go back to yours. We dont need your tobacco growing, slavery endorsing bullshit in our country.
People who meme this just can’t accept that white women are giant, disgusting, and not even remotely feminine. I wouldn’t watch white women in porn let alone actually date one.
Fuck women
Thank you for you based belief in me my fellow countryman
>Korean is only attracted to Asians
Good, race mixing is a mistake.
Yeah okay. Just speak the language while you're here, you dirty immigrant, understand? That's it.
Not really???
They have genetic issues from interbreeding.
They also have a problem with pedophiles in communities.
They refuse to go fight in wars.
They run 90% of all puppy mills.
Think you getting your plain folk mixed with the fancy dutch folk, the latter being the more based.
is that why all your bug money bleach their brown ass, make their brown nipple and pussy lips pink, get white plastic faces etc?
Pennsylvania dutch is a corruption of the word "deustch", friend, if that's what you're referencing.
For reals, Cubans are legit cool, very family oriented. Knew a few in the 90s that fled from Castro and just wanted to go home. Sad asf.
Now that Irish shit is pure nigger teir...
Go forth and breed that Irish right out of the gene pool.
Yes and they dislike Amish, I cant understand the 'based' love of them.
Silence, dixie / new england libshit / mormon. Every version of you that came over to this virgin country has led to its division and corruption. Bring dich um oder geh.
Tight knit family communities that are religious is the ideal. The amish dont do it perfectly but you cant argue that they have a less virtuous life than the average clown world resident. Everyone laughs at the amish till the power goes out.
You're free to go back home at anytime, monkey. Nothing is keeping you here.
My irish father dipped out on me while i was young. I tried many times to date white women but they were all mentally damaged psychopaths. My latina is a princess. she is 5'9" with amazingly long legs and a small torso. She looks like a female action figure. she is like unicorn, the kind of girl they would have dragged to the top of a pyramid to sacrifice. She was also reaised strict catholic and is the most family oriented person I have EVER met. I love her so much bro...
>Paddy calling others monkey
What did he mean by this?
I meant go back to your own country. Take your own advice and google translate that into your language if you're having difficulty understanding mine.
reply is meant for
Reminder that you're only saying this because you got called out for being a butthurt ricecel. I dont even care you're anglo, you dont belong here for the sole reason of being a room temperature IQ doomsday-device-blew-up-in-my-face mutt. Kys or return to europe we're full
>rule the world
No you mean putting them back in the kitchen.
I'm trilingual you're just retarded and a ricecel.
KYS simp
What? None of that makes any sense. Just speak English when you're in this country. A simple thing to do, so do it.
White women are shit.
White women fuck niggers because they are trash and it's normal brain function for them.
White men marry Asians because they don't want degenerate trash that is white women.
Fuck mods
Fuck jannies
Fuck niggers
Fuck tradcucks
I don't care how many languages you speak. In this country we speak English. Fit in or get.
Fucking raceniggers, you realize paid performers manage this board as a "cultural" show to distract y'all day by day from shooting people like downtown ghetto thugs, right?
Jesus Christ get a fucking room already.