Pro-Life Crying Pussies

If you cry over & bitch about unborn babies being destroyed you're a fucking pussy. What kind of faggot cries over life that hasn't even started? Get a fucking hobby you whiny bitch

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you should of been aborted desu.

I wish I was aborted. Seriously.

we could only be so lucky.

Just ask you mom, post birth abortions are allowed.

Nooo not the hekin bloody bloberinos

There’s an invisible rabbi in the sky who will punish u for that

Has nothing to do with god for me. I just don’t want white babies being killed. Let shitskins do what they want

The pro-life movement is way more cringy than the abortion movement. At least the abortion crowd doesn't pretend they're moral. Trump supporter btw.


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OP is a low-empathy pro-lifer.

Pro-choice crying pussing.
If you cry over & bitch about cunts taking responsibility you're a fucking pussy. What kind of faggot cries over a slut that cant close her legs? Get a fucking hobby you whiny bitch

Those pro-life people are evil. Their 'life is a gift' bullshit is so cherrypicked.

are you seriously this much of a parody irl or are you just roleplaying? Because I'm being serious right now.
Is all fine and well as long as "whites", whatever that weird, vague term is, are reproducing?

abortion is immoral but practically necessary because I dont want to pay for single mothers or niggerbabies with my taxdollars.

I care about my future and financing. Don't know how you can't see that.

If I can't kill someone like you on a whim, some bitch shouldn't be able to kill a baby on a whim. Let's just make the rules even. Is killing ok or not? I'm alright with either choice.

You are a heartless and opinionated asswipe !One day ,even though you're not worthy,you'll be lucky enough to have a child of you own and THEN your mind will start to question the morality of abortion !

Life isn't precious, it's just a belief system to shield you from the fact that you aren't special in the context of nature, which can throw you away any second.

I hope that's a nigger.

wtf is that thing?
kill it with fire

You're either a troll or mentally ill

by "white" he means the tan mutts.

>force unwanted babies so i can kill them

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>If I can't kill someone like you on a whim, some bitch shouldn't be able to kill a baby on a whim
Pleb argument. The fetus has no investment in life, doesn't matter if you kill it. Also, plenty of good reasons not to be born, like 80 years of toil and suffering.

Wasn't this the actual opinion of the founder of Planned Parenthood?

probably just a chink or an american mkultra'd by chinks

But the bar conveniently stops at you right?

look at this kek pussy.

This is my waifu, say some nice things about her.

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I agree op why would I care what other people are doing it's not directly affecting me.

And if you are one of these people that feel the need to stick your nose into other people lifes and tell them what they should and shouldn't do you need to go see a doctor because that is so socially inept you probably have some kind of autism or adhd

Please tell me that one day these politicians and roasties will pay?

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>nooooooooooooo my actions can't possibly have consequences
>i did the only thing that could ever impregnate a woman and now i am pregnant how could this be

Best post. Don't blame the fetus, the devil made nature like this to mock babypumpters. It's right there in your face that you shouldn't procreate but people do it anyway because pussy feels good.

Just checked. It is:

> “The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” In her autobiography she proudly recounts her address to the women of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, N.J., in 1926.

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we arent crying so much about what is happening here and now
rather about what is to come after we both draw final breaths

as i said, you have until your final breath to correct your error

I don't even know what that means.

Ayyyy lmao

Bruh, kill your baby or yourself for all i care, you have the right to do the wrong thing at any point in your life, i shouldnt pay for it, like i dont pay for your condoms

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Did a fetus hurt your feelings ?

The only thing you say?
>girl without vagina impregnated after stabbing.


Living sucks and dying after living sucks. never having been born is pure luck.

liberalism will eventually,
want abortions allowed up until

doubt it?
look where we were 70 years ago
look where we are now
then tell me it is impossible

His blood cries to The Lord from the ground.

There's no error.

1 case in 1 billion

>this one in a gorillion chance means you're wrong
Ok buddy

>What kind of monster values life
Astounding critique, user

plain english

An unwanted foetus is life unworthy of life.

not that you can yet perceive

So I'm not guilty of anything then. Fine by me.

>Anti-abortioninst: Yeah I'm worried about the white birth rate and how minorities are out breeding us

You are probably pro abortion then. Did you know that abortion affects minorities much more times than whites? About 36 percent of all abortions in America are performed on black people yet they are only 13 percent of the population. Abortions are the biggest thing halting them from exploding in population


anti-abortioninsts are dumb.

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>white people don't exist
Nice nose faggot, I can see it from here.

we all are
some refuse to acknowledge

various fallacies

and try to curb the emotional theatrics
they are wailing onions|boy tier

Haha. I'm a Trump supporter and I can't stand how fucking hypocritical, naive, and wrong my side is. Not as bad as the libs, but fuck...

> I'm a Trump supporter
no youre not

You're going to be forced to reincarnate and suffer more. Sorry to break the bad news Christian nature worshiper. Or good news? Since you love babies so much.

>You're going to be forced to reincarnate and suffer more

try some actual theology
not mythology

>Christian nature worshiper.

a few self-contradictions in there

>You didn't agree with everything Republicans agree with therefore you're larping.
>You're not allowed to be a Republican unless you groupthink and upboat/downboat.

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Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Hello there jew boy

Not a contradiction. If you're pro-life, you're pro conception, which means you're pro-nature, which means you worship nature. Pro-lifers are nature worshippers.

>without abortion the system would have been crashed by niggers breeding out of control long ago and every Zoomer and most Millenials would have been born into the race war
>the slow boil where the frog doesn't leap is better somehow because minorities suffer too, no I don't really care about my own people at all stop asking
>implying a billion dead nigger babies are worth even a single dead white baby
>pretending that abortion, an entirely Jewish enterprise from it's very inception, is not fundamentally a kike openly asking you how many minority babies you're willing to accept in exchange for the kike being allowed to murder white children
Abortion is Satanic, and the Jews who practice it and the shabbos goyim who defend it will not escape the fire in Minecraft. You are all of the devil and you will all burn for the industrial scale child sacrifice you enable and defend. This is Moloch worship.


Huh? There is no lie in my statement dumbass. Go check the stats. white people actually do less abortions compared to their population.

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theres about a dozen reasons
but all that is needed is that you prefaced a post with it
thats it


if you worship our Creator-Savior you arent exactly some sort of druid bud

and your syllogism is beyond laughable


>which means you're pro-nature,

ooops, try again
(maybe somethng like pro-CHRIST FFS LOL)

You're bad at judging who's who. Definitely not your field, but that's okay, you can drink more soda pop.

Someone in China would eat your pic rel

>If you're pro-life, you're pro conception, which means you're pro-nature, which means you worship nature. Pro-lifers are nature worshippers.
This is you.

another way: by that reasoning i could infer you worship technology

*you are using technology to talk about worship
*therefore you worship technology

that is how retarded you sound

Every race of people have been doing abortions before Judaism. You know what they did with unwanted children? Just left them in the woods so that nature would kill them. For fucks sake Hansel And Gretel real story is basically the father leaving his kids to die in the woods

You idiot. I’m pro choice in that I don’t think this should even me up for debate. NO GOVERNMENT IDIOT CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO NOR FUND WHORES IN THEIR WHORE ENDEAVORS.

However, semen, when penetrating an egg. Produces a spark of light. As in it’s probably a “soul” entering the newly formed commencement of the being.

Alas, abortion should be much much more limited.

>If you cry over & bitch about unborn babies being destroyed you're a fucking pussy. What kind of faggot cries over life that hasn't even started? Get a fucking hobby you whiny bitch

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Not an argument. If you have a child, you are saying YES to nature, therefore you support nature, therefore you love nature. You can perform mental gymnastics all you want, but if you have a child, you are a nature worshipper, the end.

stick around you will figure it out, about prefacing posts with that sort of give away

re read until it sinks in

(hint: disconnect in reason/logic is here: which means you're pro-nature, which means you worship nature.)

youre welcome

What kind of faggot runs around starting fights with strangers? You're a fucking grade a douche canoe bro

Lmao your telling me 12 cells that will die just by a 2 min vacuum has more soul than the cows we eat for lunch. Christ cucks do such mental gymnastics

oh i get that thing is LARPing as though it came from a gulag!

There's nothing to sink in. You're a nature worshiper just like the satanists.

You know we're all made up of cells, right? How is it not murder to kill a one 'clump of cells' but it is murder to kill you?
>effects niggers more than whites
>more than whites
>effects whites
Yes nigger, we can just sterilize niggers, and as long as kikes are ritually sacrificing anyone they should be opposed. Why are you pretending kikery is OK as long as niggers get it worse than we do?

>Not an argument

well then this isnt:
dont shoot yourself in the foot

2 options:
*abortion is fine
*it is not

one leads to death
one leads to life
and i do NOT mean that of the infant

Lol, look at this lost moron

Oh boy. This guy is in full Christ Cuck mode. Upset that not enough of your tax money went to Israel?

theatrics and emotional performances and appeals are obnoxious to every last person here, even you


no one can grasp it for you

God says it's murder tho sorry bud you lose

I hope that's a jew

It's never too late. Follow your dreams.

> You're a nature worshiper just like the satanists.

2nd to last line
we already established what the truth is
dont keep playing the shitforbrains part
its stale now

or are you still worshipping technology

or better still:
*you are using technology to talk to me about worship
*therefore you worship me

im flattered

Lmao then I guess we shouldn't eat meat. Heck plants are made up cells. I guess eating a tomato is murder too.

You are actually advocating sterlizing niggers yet a nigger can talk, think and live independently yet think abortion is inhuman. Christ Cucks are funny

I'm not Christian. Both Christians and Satanists are nature worshipers. They both are nature-affirming (life-affirming) meaning they suck natures cock. They are both worldly. I have nothing else to say.

1. You get to go in the oven with the rest of the Kikes
2. An unborn baby is worth a million of you, and I won't shed a single tear when you're burning fingers scrap at the hot metal walls of your final resting place.

I say word salad therefore my argument is right.

Do you even understand what you wrote? First you didn't rebutt my argument about the stats. Then you start to get on the emotional side saying I'm the emotional one even though I'm using facts.

Just shut the fuck up Christ cuck

>I don't agree with you so i'll kill you
Great pro-life argument faggot

so anyway
stop worshipping me

Yesm, just hand over the baby. good goy

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Stop saying Christ cuck you man child get over whatever you're butt hurt over and go to church faggot

What race is it?

you did
try to keep up and pay attention

This is a propaganda thread. OP is a kike. Have white children. Abortion allows women to escape responsibility and makes them become whores.

>eunuch tranny wants to die
color me surprised