Super Gore NESTS are cities INFESTED by Ultraorthodox cultist baby dick suckers, what pol calls "kikes" kicked from 100 countries.

Roadblocks blocking one of the largest SUPERGORE NESTS.

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Other urls found in this thread:

We should do the same for your entire shithole and then everywhere your kind infests all over the world.

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Can't post source because Yas Forums blocks Israeli sites, will keep posting images and updates.

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even kikes hate kikes

he's a big guy

Based, some Jews are clearly better than others and Orthodox Jews are on the bottom rung.

There's a 25% chance he is an Arab living in israel

most Israeli Yas Forums posters on Yas Forums are slavic

Israelis hate kikes
ילד כפות


>kike on kike violence
fucking based af

Basically, those orthodox Jews are societal leeches. Like niggers in the US living off of welfare, they live off of governmental grants and international donations, with most of them not actually working and contributing to the economy. They don't even join the military for the most part, thus not even contributing to the defense force that protects them and their families. Instead, they stay at home or go to a yeshiva where they read the bible and talk about what new ways they could limit their lifestyle to be more right about religion. They live off the taxpayer while not paying anything themselves. They seclude themselves from the regular society, they inbreed to create the stereotypical Jewish fuglies posted around here. They might not even know Hebrew, as they never bothered to go outside of their bubble. There are orthodox groups that even see Israel as an abomination that prevents the messiah from coming, and yet they still take the money the country offers them.
They're leeches. And the reasonable Israelis who live and work and run this country don't really like them. You don't need to be an Arab to dislike them.

In fact, one of the great motions is to try and force-recruit those fuckers to the military. Everyone hopes that this would burst their bubbles and actually help them integrate into society and be... fruitful.

Thicc, I never thought the Jew could Jew the Jew.

We are living in a brave new world.

Without hosts to feed on kikes will destroy themselves. This is why israel will fall. The orthodox will take over through birthrate and fuck everything up. After israel collapses the process starts over and they will wander again unless someone rounds them up and deals with them. Jews are the worlds misfortune

>Let them fucking die

...why don't you? You know their are parasites on the Israeli state.

Give orthodox Jews credit, they HATE Zionist created Israel. They want the country dissolved and Jews scattered.

>jews holocausting jews

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Do you realize that they are level 10 kikes but you yourself and the rest of your tribe are level 1-9 kikes?

You do this to us, so fuck you.

Lock the rats.

fucking rip and tear

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>1/3rd of Israel is a Muslim community
wtf I thought you guys were pure?

>It's that Jew over there, Cleetus, he's the bad one, not me!
>t. Chaim Shlomovitz

Side effect of invading

wtf do those martian runes say? See

They are so used to kiking that they absolutely must kike, even if its at the detriement of fellow Jews.

That moment when even jews get redpilled on kikery.

>mfw living next to bnei brak
>mfw my neighborhood has a local park
>mfw its closed down because those fuckers all go to said park
just one street over there are about 100 violations of plague carriers, fuck those ultra kikes the city should be in lockdown forever

But they're at least genuine about their religion, right?

Since the country was founded as the Jew country, a lot of rules were set up to support the Jewish lifestyle: No work on the sabbath, no public transportation, etc. Nowadays, most of the country is modern. People live first and do religion second, like American Christians who do nothing religious other than go to a sermon on Sunday. Orthodox Jews are a minority, but they are still enough of a zombie population chunk to sway elections and give way too much power to the orthodox parties in the Knesset (parliament). Since they technically count as right wing, the non-religious right wing party of Netanyahu keeps siding with them and thus giving them MORE power just so they could have a majority in the Knesset. As a result? The Orthodox can still do what they want, and they can still have the ability to object to changes.
Fuck, our minister of health is an Orthodox fuck who caught the virus. He doesn't even have internet at his house to attend online governmental meetings, and had to have a special team to install it specifically for this.

Parks and playgrounds are closed, even in further cities.

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Who's jewing who now?

>oy vey chaim, it doesn't make the slightest of sense to block it off.
Hazmat chiam:
>mordi, I must say this once, you are giving me heartburn oy... we must contain it.

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I can feel their craziness even here in America. There are orthodox Jewish immigrants where I live. Some of them lived 25 years in America and never learned how to speak English. Am I am questioning why the fuck do they live here?

>our minister of health is an Orthodox fuck who caught the virus. He doesn't even have internet at his house to attend online governmental meetings, and had to have a special team to install it specifically for this

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That's hilarious.
Digits for Jews to be exiled from a Jewish country.

Thirty fucking three

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They're all Arabs.

You and your orthodox kinsmen are going to all be in the same boat (quite literally) when the Palestinians and their neighbors kick you out.

lol even jews hate jews.

maybe you shouldn't use a term from a (admittedly awesome) videogame when talking about real life stuff

>i hate jews, they ruined jews

fuck, more funny stories please

>our minister of health is an Orthodox fuck who caught the virus. He doesn't even have internet at his house to attend online governmental meetings, and had to have a special team to install it specifically for this.

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I'm pretty sure when pol says "kike" , they are referring to you and everybody else in your family

>He doesn't even have internet at his house to attend online governmental meetings
But, WHY would you let them continue to live like this?

Jews vs Super Jews

Why do you regular Jews hate super Jews so much? Pls resbond.

yall been whining about each other since Khazar times KEK

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>don't even speak Hebrew
Do they speak Yiddish?

Lol now you know how us goyim feel.

There is nothing more satisfying than watching the hubris of jews be their own undoing

My heart goes out to the families affected by these 33,333 deaths.

No, Yiddish is for filthy Hellenized pig-goyim.
Real niggas only speak telepathy in Aramaic.

They basically infected NYC too, not just Israel.

Orthodox Jews seem to be disgusting bug people like the Chinks.

nice psyop, jewanon
but you forgot to mention how ultra orthodox jews call israel an illegitimate state!

Oy vey its like the warzaw ghetto shoah again! De natzees! De natzees de in Israel now! Aaaaah! Quick! To the Temple! Where is my red heifer!

It's a free country. They may live in the stone age if they feel like it.

Some, yes. It depends on the country of origin, but generally the Ashkenazi orthodox ones speak Yiddish around their neighborhoods in Jerusalem. On my grandpa's funeral, a rabbi who was friends with him showed up. My dad asked him if he wanted to say a few words, but the unprepared man stuttered a mixture of Hebrew and Yiddish.

Even the orthodox are trying to Jew Judaism. Not being able to "work" on Saturdays, they are not allowed to light fires, use electricity, touch money, fucking do the dishes with any sponge that rinses water. The list is long, and I suspect it is so because those dumbasses had to have a full comprehensive list to specifically prevent every type of work, so a banker couldn't touch money, a blacksmith couldn't use fire, clothwasher couldn't rinse, etc. So instead of taking a day off and chilling the fuck out, they make shit just to circumvent these prohibitions. A guy walked up to me at the supermarket as I was picking up sponges and asked where the sabbath-compatible sponges are. I didn't even know that was a thing. Had to google it later.
They had a special Saturday phone invented for individuals at a position of importance, which dials in an inverted way so they could dial without being faulted for pressing buttons and thus enable electricity.
The IDF has to follow the Jewish rules, so soldiers are not allowed to write down events in the event log with a proper pen on Saturdays, even if they themselves aren't religious, because writing is prohibited. But since it's a matter of protecting lives, the IDF got an approval to write on Saturdays. Still, to "lessen the blow", they use special pens with disappearing ink that lasts 24 hours. When the sabbath ends (Saturday sunset), they are tasked with rewriting all of the events with a proper pen before the logs disappear.

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>Can't post source because Yas Forums blocks Israeli sites, will keep posting images and updates.

You must break the link instead of jpost.(il) no () it must be jpost. il Perhaps that is the problem?


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>When the sabbath ends (Saturday sunset), they are tasked with rewriting all of the events with a proper pen before the logs disappear.
You say Orthodox Jews are responsible for this mess?
Based as fuck. I hope these Super Jews take over your shit country.

Man living in israel seems fucking awful user.

Yes. We have a shitload of these in NY and NJ, they mostly speak Yiddish but signs around their areas are all in Jew letters. I'm pretty sure Yiddish uses the Latin alphabet so I assume the Hasidics know both languages but speak Yiddish.


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No, we call all of you chosen complex cunts kikes.
Last time I checked Weinstein, Epstein Schemer etc were not orthodox

>sabbath-compatible sponges

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Israelis ARE KIKES. Culture is downstream of religion and yours is hideous

Oy vey, certainly the goyim are responsible for these 33,333,333 deaths

Man this dudes are just pharisees, totaly retarded fucks.

What I cannot understand is this agreeing to follow arbitrary rules, but then using considerable time and money to circumvent them.
If you believe that those rules are god-given and good, circumventing them still has to be a bad thing.
And if you think they are shitty, why follow them in the first place?



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Hate to admit

>Ashkenazi maykers tell you the disease is good and necessary to bring about the salvation of humanity (i.e. sacrifice all gentiles to MIGA)
>Urdak is Israel (their progress is reliant on human suffering and sacrifice)

You are a funny guy OP, and I agree with you. The gore nests are a symptom and indicative a more serious problem.

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109 countries, at the lowest count.

What language do they speak if they don't use nu-heeb?
Yiddish? Aramean?