Porn must be quarantined

A consequence of the quarantine will be an increase in the use of pornography. The government needs to order porn sites to close just as it ordered restaurants. During this time you need to stop watching porn if you want to actually please a real woman. You are conditioning your brain to use ineffective techniques. It must be banned to prevent this damage.

>I hate porn because fucking men who have watched a lot of porn is the worst. The absolute worst.
>Most porn is about watching women pretend to enjoy sex acts that are unpleasant to them. It doesn’t have to be this way, but it is. Men who watch this type of porn are basically being taught sexual practices that will not work in real life
>the only moves you’re learning are moves that will leave your partners miserable.
>More than that, however, is men become accustomed to watching women pretending to be turned on

Research on mutually effective sexual techniques. Essentially, make sure everything is aligned:
And another here: JSMT- CAT Overview 2000 (corrected).pdf

Petition to the government and other entities to begin the banning process:

Attached: You can have this.webm (480x852, 2.36M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>can be obtained for FREE
>makes men spend much less on roasties
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s
>boosts your immune system to fight off Coronachan

yep Porn and Masturbation is based (and life saving)

Attached: kas1.webm (720x480, 2.85M)

>During this time you need to stop watching porn if you want to actually please a real woman. You are conditioning your brain to use ineffective techniques.
Women don't want anything to do with me so I don't see why that would be a concern at all.

I don't want to please women. I want to enslave them.

ban the state
you can't ban shit nigga
we are free ya know

See here the end stage of the coomer. Make any thread about pornography and this German will appear, eager to share his stash - his urge to have a woman redirected to having the images of women from his incessant COOMing to images. Thus he saved pictures of them, the closest he can ever have to posessing the women he desires

Avoid his sad fate anons. It's not too late!

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 7.69K)


Attached: 1585829087396.jpg (786x892, 145.32K)

See here, anons, the many kinds of coomer:

The dejected. Sunken down and dejected just as his wang and his brain do when they COOM and realize that it's only a computer screen. Blind to the fact that, if it weren't for his fapping, he would have the fortitude to make himself worthy of a woman.

Next, the other end of the spectrum:

It's no secret that most pornography crosses the line from sex act into act of violence, as the article above discusses. The women clearly not enjoying it.
Having firmly connected this in his mind through his years of COOMing to progressively worse and worse pornography, this user now views what should be the consummation of marriage into an act of violence. In his search for sex, he has, ironically, lost true sex to himself forever.

See where their path leads, and turn while you still can, user!

Attached: We can help.jpg (606x514, 28.89K)

jokes on you I can jack off to anything
including your pic
especially your pic

Attached: 1570728335026.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Surely not this

Attached: JRD.jpg (800x600, 23.81K)

i think this edit is supposed to be what could have been as opposed to what is

I don't care about what women enjoy. They are not people, they are little pieces of property. I don't know how much more clear I could make it.

>the fortitude to make himself worthy of a woman
What does that even mean? Behave like a nigger?

See the cycle of this user's hate. Attempting to devalue and discard women, yet drawn to masturbating to them night after night after night. The denial of his desires increasing his hate, his hate increasing his desires, all in an endless cycle of suffering. A one-man play, in the genre of tragedy.

Attached: Hate.jpg (1280x1369, 204.2K)

Fuck off feminist trash. Patriarchy is not hate, it's just correct.

It mainly means getting Yas Forums user. Pump weight not wang. Strengthen yourself body and soul and you can have the reality where you now only have the image

Attached: volcel.png (945x801, 119.68K)

are you implying he can't masturbate to men
or even other species ?

man are the ones with the sexual energy
women only get fucked if they look good

Fuck off OP. You want even more freedoms taken away?

Keep in mind that if a woman was only attracted to me for having muscles I still wouldn't care about pleasing her since I would only have contempt for her for being a subhuman.

ITT: coomer coping

"Freedom" was a doomed concept to begin with. All it has brought is a tide of decay and depravity.

We tried to base a nation on freedom. We gave it our best, and it seemed like a good idea. But the trial has failed.

Attached: Not after your kids we swear.jpg (4032x3024, 2.76M)

I can coom without porn and without thinking about women. I can simply coom to the patterns of my blinds.

Don't make excuses, user. You're right that strength of body isn't enough. That can get you harlots from Tinder. You need strength of soul as well.

Instead of watching pornography, tune in for service at Every weekday and weekend it's on. There's a chat for strength and encouragement.

Then you can have strength of soul as well

Attached: Born of a virgin.jpg (500x643, 125.02K)

Praying to the jew is the most lethal poison to your soul.

porn isn't freedom. it enslaves you. no free market can last if it doesn't prevent the sale of harmful addictive things.

What's this "we" shit. You're a woman, you're not part of "we."

By watching porn you are paying to the Jew

I don't pay for my hentai though.

And see the fruits of current Japanese sexual culture

Attached: Japan depopulation.jpg (1024x765, 136.49K)

to be fair, they are indeed full

>Muh freedom argument

I'll never have sex anyway, so what does it matter if I watch porn?

This is the lie that porn traps you in. Of course you feel pathetic, most of your sexual experience has been watching women being pounded and jizzed on by other men.

Break the habit and you break the lie

Attached: nofapper.jpg (720x405, 99.67K)

Less population = less pressure on infrastructure
Also, it's essentially voluntary eugenics: NEETs and other undesirables are willingly removing themselves from the gene pool. As long as they don't fall for the GlobalJew, they'll be fine.

imagine doing loads of cocaine with a naked Linda Carter back then?

I already overloaded from cooming
>Sexual desires vanished for the past 2 weeks
>Deleted all lewd files
>Deactivated all accounts
Balls hurt for the first few days.
I can finally study and research again without thinking about it
Also remember to report all irrelevant porn images and Is Coffee Good For You threads.

Attached: 1578352077711.png (1127x546, 771.08K)


infrastructure isn't that expensive in the grand scheme of things. higher population actually means more labor and more specialized labor, meaning a bigger economy, meaning more money for infrastructure.

"Overpopulation" is the biggest lie of the Left. No country has ever actually suffered from overpopulation, the Left just keeps saying it'll be a big problem in three decades. They say this every decade and it never comes.

Now Leftist Europe will lose its place in the future because it will simply be too small

I am not in the mood for porn... I do have a mini strider, some dumbells and a speed bag to practice at home.

Overpopulation isn't a lie. That's sociopathic. Hypergamy is a greater moral imperative than breeding itself, and as we break through barriers in life extension we will desperately need a society that can transition towards being indefinitely childless.

What are we gonna do if medical technologists invent a nanovesicle based therapy that dumps rejuvenating compounds on the mitichondria of every cell in the body, making most of a person's metabolic processes as potent as a 22-year olds?

We're gonna get at most seven years of warning when that transitions from a scientific potential to a scientific fact. We may only get three. If people totally disbelieve in the treatment, we may get as little warning as negative fifteen years. What are you gonna do to transfer society to ubiquitous childlessness in negative fifteen years, huh?

Not only do we need to take overpopulation seriously now if we're to transition towards immortality in the coming decades, doing so is the life-loving and immortality-seeking thing to do. Heaven's carpets are not made of babies, and immortality on Earth will be pretty miserable if people prefer breeding in coffins to living a free-roaming life in a stabilized population environment.

further proof that everyone concerned about overpopulation is a nutjob

at least whatever makes you nutters prone to your madness removes itself from the gene pool when you all become convinced to avoid reproducing

imagine being so pathetic you post this thread every day because you're a raging homo obsessed with other men's sperm

>no free market can last if it doesn't prevent the sale of harmful addictive things.
yeah because prohibition worked so well, glad I don't have brain damage like you do, btw the only side effect to porn so far seems to being making some gay nazis on the internet mad

>because prohibition worked so well

It unironically did, what do you mean? it was quite successful at reducing alcohol consumption. Like says, "After Repeal, when tax data permit better-founded consumption estimates than we have for the Prohibition Era, per capita annual consumption stood at 1.2 US gallons (4.5 liters), less than half the level of the pre-Prohibition period".

It also dealt massive damage to the alcohol industry, as the first article talks about: "Prohibition wiped out an industry. In 1916, there were 1300 breweries producing full-strength beer in the United States; 10 years later there were none. Over the same period, the number of distilleries was cut by 85%, and most of the survivors produced little but industrial alcohol...The 318 wineries of 1914 became the 27 of 1925. The number of liquor wholesalers was cut by 96% and the number of legal retailers by 90%".

you are on the path now user

>Treats women the same as men
Not chad.

Lots of things are already banned, and now thanks to coronachan we all know normies will literally never fight back against the state

we are pass the authority, time to mature.

Attached: index.png (271x186, 4.66K)

>>because prohibition worked so well
>It unironically did, what do you mean?
imagine being this much of a dumbass, did Germany win the war too? LOL

See now anons: I linked and quoted a peer-reviewed article in support of my point, and the only reply the coomer's brain could muster was "nuh-uh!".

Keep your brains strong, don't become cumbrains.

Attached: Wanker.png (952x717, 175.45K)

>goes off on the left
>uses marxist framework of LTV
you r angry at liberals

She's a chick.

>and as we break through barriers in life extension we will desperately need a society that can transition towards being indefinitely childless
No we don't. Life extension, even if discovered, is morally repugnant if it comes at the expense of a next generation.

kek, that explains a lot

>incel cope thread

Oh look it's the seething roastie again. What happened? Chad didn't call you back?

yes because you pulled some document out of your ass that said breweries shut down after they were illegalized means there were no other problems or unintended consequences of prohibition, you faggots are so uncool you're now taking the political positions of 1920's grandmas and you think anyone else would be dumb enough to agree with you because your witless anonymous hectoring in one obscure discussion board

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I have a high sex drive and I fap 3-4 times a day for the last 10 years. I work out. I eat very well and take the right supplements. I look out for my health. Haven't been sick in a very long time even though I regularly don't take precautions, run around in cold temperatures, etc.

How is it my fault that women are not sexually attracted to me? Of course I would rather stick my penis in a woman but the reality is simply that many modern men don't get laid. What am I supposed to do without porn then? Become an angry psychopath/rapist?

Is it okay to coom to pics my gf sends me?

We are both far apart in self isolation.

>Post a peer-reviewed study from the American Journal of Public Health on the statistical effects of the intervention in question hosted at the official website of the National Institutes of Health

The cumbrain's reply:
>some document out of your ass

Attached: Lmao.jpg (720x360, 64.01K)

Have sex.
It is mich better than porn.

I hope you have all enjoyed this demonstration of the deficiencies of the porn-addled brain. Avoid that coomer's fate while you still can. It's time for my sleep gainz, good night and God bless anons

Attached: Sleepy Blocks.jpg (200x150, 10.54K)

You say that like it's an easy thing to do. It's not. It's very difficult and even though I have my own apartment, good car, and fit, it's very hard. There are no places to meet young women and quite a lot of them are fucked up. No I don't care how easy it is for you Mr. Chad Chadinson. What's your proposition then? Should undesirable men be entirely celibate without even jerking off?

if you're doing all that for your physique and women still aren't attracted to you it's likely the fapping killing your gains. It lowers both testosterone and motivation so you not only work out less hard, but get less muscle from your workouts

You need to like wrap it in twine or something, get a physical barrier there to stop the 4 times a day

But I thought women liked being fucked rough and have guys have their way with them?