So while walmart workers are making 12$ an hour coofing on each other...

so while walmart workers are making 12$ an hour coofing on each other, this thot is making 100k a year talking shit from her room.

i used to be a trump guy but fuck this crony capitalism shit sucks, we need a new system that values hard work. or give everyone a UBI.

fuck it

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This trash should be illegal.

its okay, projekt melody is taking over

Wooah, why is not she banned? That top show way much cleavage

Americans spend their disposable income on reee shit, in other news the sky is up

>some thot makes millions off cum addict simps
>we need ubi and redistribution zomg drumpfff

Single parenting should be illegal.
A boy raised with an active father doesn’t waste money on these bitches

Holy fuck she's hot. Do you have moar, maybe with greater tiddy visibility?

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That's not crony capitalism it's regular capitalism. Crony capitalism is about larger businesses essentially bribing politicians for larger/more consistent market shares.

>this fag thinks $2k/week is a lot of money
Here's the secret, quit selling your time to schlomo. Make something people are willing to pay for.

Not communist but taking control of capital for the better of the nation and society. Whst system would that be?


I support taxing Egirls at 100%

At this point everyone realize that profiting on mutts unwise money spending is a good business, spending on shit you don't need is already a part of America dna

I actually think cultural shifting would be a better choice. That one quote by that European doctor about how no one funds biomedical reseach but spends loads of money on entertainment speaks volumes about how much we actually care about scientific research. I use to not think there was a lot of value in nations pursuing science first but damn if this isn't making me now.

You realise most of her subs come from Yas Forums, especially Yas Forums Yas Forums etc?

fuck off coomer

seems to incur a lot of other benefits as well

>fellow trump supporting nazis....
Neoliberals like you always change your views when it suits your identity group

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That system you speak of can only be realized by force. We can never vote our way to that point. The system is too forgone.

Are these people still getting money when their viewers have no income?

incels would rather starve than not give money to thots

she even is ugly af

That's why it's so important to kill whores like this wherever you find them. There's a reason why this wasn't an issue back in the good old days of Bundy, Kemper and Co.

Good. This virus is doing wonders for the world.

>people doing utterly retarded shit with the money they earned is the fault of [system I don't like].

Consider suicide you freedom hating sack of shit.

We live in a winner-take-all economy and if your only chance of not being a wage slave is by becoming an entrepreneur. At 250k a year it takes 4,000 years to become a billionaire.

That's not "crony capitalism", it's communist education coming to roost. This just shows how pathetic both men and women are in this godless age of degeneracy.

.t atheist

Better to wage slave for 12 an hour, than be a degenerate whore for all the cash in the world.

state-mandated slave labour instigated by lottery drawing

Nothing wrong with women whoring them selves out. The real problem are the beta faggots who enable them. We must purge beta faggots, beating up faggots outside twitch con would be a good start

This. Fuck it. Ubi now!

Attached: Yang Ubi.png (861x744, 439.53K)

Give UBI so we can have families again

Yeah, capitalism is fucking gay.

Fuck women!

Ubi would literally be the easiest way to fix our economy, if not actually boost it to the fucking moon. Imagine billions of dollars being pumped into the economy every month.
But no, unless we can drive Jamal to the point of extreme poverty to put him in prison and make a profit the status quo isn’t happy.

>unless we can drive Jamal to the point of extreme poverty to put him in prison and make a profit the status quo isn’t happy.

Jesus christ you act like nignogs would stay out of jail if you were just nicer or they had more money. It's never going to happen they are in there because they're fucking crazy violent

You realize they are not allowed any Corona stimulus, thot patrol 2.0 snitch them out.

And report there lack of taxes to irs.

Many of them take Gibbs for child support, if that's the case snitch them out.

Capitalism is great, corporatism is trash.
Nearly all the exemplary countries commies cite for their glorious socialist utopia are in fact capitalist countries, with social programs.

op you should try it out.
Might open a few doors for you.
you dress sexy
and act all provacitive, and "warm"
might take a bit to build a following.

Also curious, anyone know who the highest paid trap is?
prolly some underage fag who know what they got.

Ethots or Landlords

i dont know who to hate more....

>Simps throw bucks at thots.
>Blames trump.

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Another fucking tranny post. Good work discord nigger. This is better than your usual shit, definitely. But the fact is Biden and Bernie won't to remove debt so thots like this can go through society without any repercussions of their failures. A vote for Trump is a vote to stop thotter.


>Show tits

>Talk uninteresting shit

>Get money

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i'd do the same if i was a hot girl. fuck simps.

So according to your logic, everybody should drop their job and become an attention whore!

Should I take estrogen pills and pretend I am woman or should I just shove different size objects in my ass for the faggots?

What about producing something of actual value than attention whores licking their sugar daddies airplane toilet for attention?

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I second this. I didnt make 100k a year being a neet and our society wanted equal rights and to put an end to privileges, so end this sexual discrimination. Whoredome and being a neet should not be profitable.

That's not how it works you idiot. Capitalism is free market and the free market is changed and influenced by what people value. If people value watching and masturbating to thots on a computer screen for hours and hours, it's not a failure of capitalism, it's a failure of our society and new leftist dogma creating conditions for men to be degenerates and lonely. Once these men realize or are pushed towards realizing that they are wrong the whole market for these types of whores will just simply cease to exist. Socialism perpertrated by the leftists in the west would completely erase gender difference and men will find themselves without values and meaning more and more.

based brit bro

make sure each of these bitches pays taxes on their whoring income

they dont, only the hard working goyim pay taxes

everyone else leeches of the system

Get a good idea, turn it into money
Stop being jealous you communist cocksucker

You act like this is any different from female singers or actors


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Report your local thot to the IRS

>not gonna lie, former drumpf supporter here, votin' for open borders n shit now cuz bad thing exist and it's drumpfs fault

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High IQ post

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We're headed towards a future where women will e-whore themselves for 6 figure incel simp bux while having their pick of chads due to their income.

Beta uprising may actually come to pass.

People simply should not have the choice to financially support degeneracy, and the free market quite simply should not exist.

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So smoking is banned on Twitch because most of the users are 14 year olds and its a "bad influence" but this skank can show he tits off just fine?


89% percent taxes

1. I love Belle Delphine with all my "heart." And by heart I mean I would impregnate.
2. Capitalism must be destroyed.
3. Trannies are a product of capitalism. And Antifa are capitalist foot soldiers.

because those tits contain more plastic than her screen does.


We can have capitalism aswell as conservative and traditional values in society. ie: No pornography or prostitution.

>he actually believes this

You're not realizing how easy it is to make money in America. The key is not to work hard, the key is to innovate and engage in his many willing transactions with as many people as possible. You're supposed to add value to other people's lives and then they will add value to yours. Why would you even think that working hard would make you rich? I can't even get my head around this. What is wrong with this generation?! There was another kid who just could not understand that he failed to pass and could not make it into the army. He kept going on and on about how hard he tried. It's not about trying, there are no participation awards, you will receive no A for effort! Sometimes your best is not good enough, and when that's the case you need to change up what you're doing and attack it from a different angle.

makes nearly a million in 2 months and can't afford to buy a better fucking face.

Omg just kill yourself.

there is no justice in this world. there is no karma. our money is fake and our labor is meaningless. fuck it, UBI is fine with me.

>There are no participation awards!
>Vietnam War Veteran


I'm in my twenties, thank you. The secret to being successful is this, you are trying to add as much value to as many people's lives as possible. That's it. If you will understand this and apply it you will be successful. Now, if you just want to work a job and make a salary, you must put your money into a qualified Roth IRA where it doubles every 7 years. If you do this, you will retire a millionaire. This is the best system on Earth, but nobody is going to make something out of your life except you. YOU have to make it happen. I know you don't want to hear this, but you have simply been given so much that you have become soft and weak men. You need to wake up and get with the program. I love you guys, but c'mon! Listen to some Earl Nightingale"The strangest Secret"

Shut up simp. Weak men like you are what's wrong with the world.