What's with all the anti-china shilling lately?

What's with all the anti-china shilling lately?

Are neocons trying to drum up hatred against China to start another war?


Israel is pitting the US against China because Israel has already been making moves to replace the US with China as the good goy vassal state and Trump want to keep good goy status.

what's with the pro-china shilling lately?

Are communists trying to drum up hatred against the USA to start another war?

They need to get the focus off the fact the most powerful nation was brought to its knees by our Revolutionaries (NS)

kys chink

made for bbc

If anything it's all China all the time!
Fuckin' Shills!

>what's with the pro-china shilling lately?
>Are communists trying to drum up hatred against the USA to start another war?

I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

You shills need to rewrite this retarded shit. Obviously it’s because they started a pandemic that panicked the world.

imagine the smell

Did China release this virus to start a war?

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so now we need to start ww3 with them, right? fuck off idf filth

Yes, and they will get it.

It’s just you. You post an anti China thread, hit up your vpn and argue with yourself.
Then you log into your huffington post account and write about how all the white nationalists hate you, based on your own posts.
It’s honestly a little tired, Zang Chow.

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They're trying to gaslight people into believing a level 4 bioweapons lab are incompetent enough to have a leak, even if they are chinks.

Not allowed in my state. Built for BBC. Brown eyes shall not share salvation


This fucking lowlevel bait is just so tiring to see. You have all day to shitpost and have fun with it but you can't even fucking try with that. How do you fucking fail at shitposting.

If China disappeared off the planet tomorrow:
1) All yearly flu pandemics would suddenly stop
2) The common cold would be unheard of
3) Your products would actually work and not break on the 1st use
4) You would no longer have chronic diarrhea from eating at filthy Chinese restaurants
5) Your country would no longer be bought off by Chinese CCP members
6) The Jews can no longer herald China as a communist "success" (Jews invented and spread communism there)
7) Bill and Hillary Clinton would now be poor
8) The oceans would recover from being raped by hungry Chinese
9) The Mongolians would take over and they're much nicer folks
10) All those beta males who married chink women would be single and depressed.

Jade Snel

Areb you not aware that their disgusting meat markets or their low iq virologists caused a pandemic?

Jesus how did she get so fat??

>What's with all the anti-china shilling lately?
We've awoken to the yellow menace

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China dindu nuffin L

No, just sick of the torrent of pointless anti-China bile mostly from Americans. I only speak for myself. Why don't you guys just mind your own business and pay attention to getting your own country in order. Instead of sperging out because China doesn't feel like becoming the next Syria in Xinjiang or because they're mean to the HK studenterinos. You're not fooling anybody.

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Also don't forget that the only reason business started up again is because the redirection Uighurs concentration camp prisoners to the factories.

China is based

Instead of getting mad it chinks you should be mad at your kike government for not closing the border.

Sometimes i imagine
that the people behind these posts are super rich and super out of touch douchebags that are trying to understand the situation they all led us too for their shitty resource games.

And i hope that one day some shitpost on Yas Forums ends up sending countries into war all becuase some rich and powerful bastard doesn't really have a fucking clue and decided to take some "good advice" from some user that equates to the global political equivalent of deleting system32 or making crystals.

Report slide threads
Repot thot posters

Do your part against communist China

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Maybe its because they unleashed a biological warfare agent on the rest of the world ?

we can't be mean to kikes

>says the increasingly nervous Chang for the 8th time

The truth hurts, no matter the source

China is asshole

Okay, Hwang.

are you suggesting the US would lose the war and China would replace it as world hegemony?

that's hard to imagine.

Do you actually think anyone here ever liked China in the first place?

Chang living overseas is just scared that his daddy in the politburo might lose his job when the communists eat each other alive and his meal ticket disappears.


>> Didn’t see the first Chink for about half an hour – a Cantonese– five footer. You know how you know that when you’re in public, Chief? You tell by lookin’ from the straight black hair to the bounded feet. What we didn’t know was our immigration laws had been so selfless, no oath of loyalty had been required. Very first light, Chief, Chinks come cruisin’. So we formed ourselves into tight groups…the idea was, the Chink comes to the nearest man and he starts huggin’ and hollerin’ and screamin’ IMMIGRANTS WELCOME. Sometimes the Chinks go away. Sometimes he wouldn’t go away. Sometimes that Chink, he looks right into ya, right into your eyes. Y’know, the thing about a Chink, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like adoll’s eyes. When he comes after ya, he doesn’t seem to be livin’ until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white, and then – aww, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin’, the street turns red, and in spite of all the poundin’ and the hollerin’, they all come in and rip ya to pieces…in that first dawn, we lost a hundred men. I don’t know how many Chinks, maybe a thousand. I don’t know how many men. They averaged six an hour…Noon the fifth day, Mr. Hooper, a trucker saw us. He swung in low and he saw us…and he come in low and three hours later, a big fat Mac truck comes down and start to pick us up. You know, that was the time I was most frightened – waitin’ for my turn. I’ll never welcome a Chink again. So, eleven hundred men went in the welcome wagon, three hundred and sixteen men come out, and the sharks took the rest, November 8th, 2020. Anyway, we elected The Orange Man.

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If supporting war with China makes me a neocon then consider me the second coming of John fucking McCain on this one.

Fuck the fucking chinks. Drop all the nukes on that place, kill every last one of those disgusting subhuman bug people.

Sure China did lie and as a result people will die, but the United States has been shitty enough in handling the pandemic and the Casualties in most countries could have been far less especially in the US if they wouldn't have skipped containing it and jumped straight into mitigation.

Neo cons dont get to shape shift out of their prominent role just like african slavery, the goyim know.

you are so clearly a CCP shill. How does it feel to suck the dick of those that murdered your ancestors and enslave your own people? Parasite.

They've been astroturfing anti-China threads here for a year and a half.

Never forget if you let the virus kill you, you win canad-user.

China is 100% hate worthy

>Virus originating from China
>outbreak happened because China tried to censored the virus
>entire world gets fucked over because of this cover up
>dur what's up with the antichinese Yas Forums
Back to plebbit you.

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>I hate China because someone on Yas Forums told me to

nigger, this shit is china's fault.

If you aren't against china then you're a fucking fool.

trump shills trying to shift the blame to someone, anyone other than Dear Leader

Shut up chink.
I'm done listening to any chink sympathy.


Don't you have door handles to spit on and hand sanitizer to daigou, chang?

China should be nuked.

george soros wills it
iow kikes
nothing new

CIA shills don't even hide anymore. Pushing conspiracies about China online by using little shred of credibility they have.

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>40 Jews ITT perform their daily task of gaslighting the White Trash against their latest rival.

Shut up chink.
Concentration camps are in your future.

don't question the sudden change in board language that occurred in 2016
don't question the origin of hundreds of shockprop webms that appeared overnight
don't question the sudden rise of "china hate threads"
don't question the attempts of obfuscating the fact that certain pictures have been reposted thousands of times from a single source
if you do you're a ccp shill
btw american agencies would never EVER shill here
War now, enlist at your local recruitment center!
I'm doing my part!

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It's called speaking the truth.

China lied, people died. Very fucking easy to understand.

fukken this, man

Deflection to keep the heat off israel.