/DUG/ - Deep Undergrond General

Here's where we are currently, and the ride never ends. What is going on around the world and under our feet?

>Phil Schneider's testimony of being in a DUMB

>Map of known Deep Underground Military Bases

>Military trains troops how to fight underground

>Known US Human trafficking routes

>Celebrites acting strange all over the place, most recently Jim Breuer posts are somewhat relevant and strange. Is he trolling?

>trafficking routes coincide with DUMB locations
>military starts spending more funds into underground training
>earthquake locations coincide with DUMB locations

There's plenty of other information in the previous threads of /DUG/ or /DUMB/ that you can find on the archives.

So what is really going on? Possibly the biggest psyop of our time or a real war behind the scenes of the public with different elite factions?

>inb4 Qtard, shill, jew, kike, tranny
OP is still a faggot, but you can always goes back to shitposting in your BLACKED threads.

Attached: DARPA Attention.png (648x542, 428.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Some of the last replies regarding the topic
>OP pic related

Aug 2019, Why Does Darpa Need a Huge Underground Facility by Friday?
>Darpa explained in a follow-up tweet that the ideal location would be “several city blocks with complex layouts and multiple stories.”

>And when work began in the altar area and it was taken down for repairs, 19 skeletons were found piled beneath it where there was, they discovered, the entrance to an underground passage. It is said that the passage ran from the old priory to a nearby manor house half a mile away for reasons unknown and, sadly, unexplored by the Victorian builders who hastily covered the entrance over after finding it in the 1860

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bump out of interest


Thanks for the bumps

>rules for thee, not for me

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>he does it for free

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I Like how even though those letters aren't vowels, you still said
because pronouncing the letters sounds like a vowel. also

youtu.be/F0eNYqK5zZo Excellent 40min documentary on DUMBs, lots of interesting evidence presented, nothing sensationalized.

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THANK YOU OP! and bump

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I actually watched a few Phil videos earlier today for the first time. Never heard of him before, but I don't really care about aliens, but I do like conspiracies. The one thing that kept striking me as odd in all his videos, he almost always had a projector on behind him, but never showed anything of interest, usually just a satellite image of area 51, but he would hold up small photos of stuff - like who the fuck can see what he is talking about. How hard is it to make a fucking slide show? Plus, the fact that he always disclosed how his father was an evil neon yahtzee in itself is pretty cringe. He has all this hidden information but still thinks USA were the good guys - really bro? All that being said, it was interesting to listen watch, but not very convincing or life altering

The choice between an and a is based on the sound of the word. An herb. A union.

were there really any good guys back then man? I mean i wonder how far the white race would be if unified rather than destroyed by the germans. Not saying that to shit on the germans, but the french and british wouldnt have submitted even if the germans had the best laws or system.

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So, if I'm understanding what you are saying
->we know of many dumbs, we have maps of them
->the army is literally fighting right now in them
->no one heard /recorded gun/explosives sounds around these entrances and you haven't found even one dumb entrance

Deception works at every level, he was basically a drone for them, I could imagine it fucks up your perception.
Deception and greed goes beyond race, some will sell out their brothers and sisters to achieve power.
>you haven't found even one dumb entrance
fucking lul. What is CERN?

Attached: huh.png (330x323, 187.19K)

You have a source for these pics?


meds: not taken
government: blamed
causations: correlated
coincidences: connected

yep it’s schizo time

The Reich had maps of the deep underground and both colonized it and sections of Antarctica / Ante Arctica and its underground. DUMBS are to fight against them. HH

You’re the type of person to call someone schizo for legit whistleblowing. Go suck a stiffy.

Yas Forums

You realize there’s a megatroplis both above and deep below Fermont, QC right?

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Go on.

Don't say that then not elaborate

Watching this now, CHN is somewhat of a tard, but he's alright.

So they can release budget report as "yes10B for underground experiments but only soldier trainning and stufff"


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I don't know why the other guy didn't provide it, but I got you famalamadingdong.
relevant images start on 149.

Read this image in the voice of Gul Dukat.

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Thanks fren

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52.8174192, -67.4112403

52.8174192, -67.4112403

52.8174192, -67.4112403

I need to change IPs now

You’ve been warned

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they felt like playing some Doom RL?

You people are the worst. Go shit post on your slide threads lol. I don’t care enough to go thanksgiving spice all those idiots.

Isn’t it against the rules to post this image?

it's always been a concern for warfare, but it's odd that it's now a focal point. there was some cave shit, and some close quarters battle shit in the middle east. but that's not really what this implementation is.
They seem to be attempting to apply small, special, unit tactics to platoon and company sized units. that's fucking weird, and goes against almost all US doctrine and common sense.
Up to this point, do you know what the USA's answer to
>"sir, they went into that complex, what do we do?
is fall back, establish security, and you drop a fucking jdam on the building.
The number one rule of room clearing is you don't go into the fucking room.

Agreed but this one was good anyways.

This guy gets it. We're training as if we're gonna be fighting WW3 against fucking mole men

Take my energy

Based. Visualization in progress, strengthening troops resolve and moral in 3 2 1.

I’m watching you.....

>52.8174192, -67.4112403
The fuck is this?

When we are all having our entrails gnawed on by molemen, I'm gonna remember this post and laugh.

NEETs can now join the army and fight without ever leaving the basement

>check it on maps
>clearly photos of it available, cool looking caldera thing
>"the requested URL/maps/uv?pb=!1swas not found on this server.That’s all we know."
I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

well remember the hype prior to 2012 when a few countries expanded the old bunker systems from ww2 / cold war / whatever and it got all the doomers panicking over 2012.
maybe these bunkers will actually be in use if there is a ww3, maybe it is just a drill in case of event. or maybe it is something else.

It was just a lake in the middle of nowhere.

I was like 12 in 2012 my dude

And why is the water red on the satellite pics? Is it some kind of giant abattoir?

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exactly. It makes next to no sense. Before, I thought it was nuts. Then the adam and eve story stuff started to enter public consciousness. Then DUMBs. We had already had the deep dive on
>all of this has happened before and all of this will happen again
which leads to... they probably know this. and this time, they seem to intend to not only survive it, but keep rolling as if it's business as usual. Like Metro, but it isn't a nuclear winter. It's solar radiation and earthquakes like nothing we've seen before.
Which is clearly /x/tier nonsense, I'll be the first to admit that. but it's also where we are now.

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My guess is solar flare or nukes

thanks for making me feel old.

but there was some spending from Russia and U.S or at least rumors of it.
some conspiracy types got spooked because they thought it was evidence of an asteroid impact (one was flying past around the same time from what i remember)

Listen to me.

The elites have retreated to an area northwest of Fermont

People think it’s Antarctica, or a lost city of Atlantis, a secret island... it’s none of that.

You need to look in the area northwest of Fermont QC if you really want to see what the world is hiding from you.

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It would be welcomed getting a screenshot of each link so we don't have to click the link but find it by whatever is displayed in the screenshot. Too much of a straight path makes it easier to get shot.

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Just like with this one too. It's supposed to come by later in the month, and rumor has it shits gonna go south when it flies by


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There's a whole hollowed out mountain in Russia that contains an impenetrable nuclear base


Who the fuck is this fellow?

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>elites are stuck in Labrador

They must be freezing and bored out of their fucking minds

It’s extra terrestrial in nature.

reminds me of underrail

I don’t mean Hollywood elites

anything is possible.

there is underground stuff all over the place most certainly.

Since OP won't. It's actually Fermont QC (pronounced Fer-moh because Frenchy Quebecois). it's a shitty hole of a mining town. since it's so remote and roads are unreliable to heavy loads during certain times of the year because muh Canada freeze/thaw, materials are stupid expensive to ship. Economy is subject to boom bust of iron ore prices and those two things together mean that family homes aren't the norm. So imagine a mall, that is also a hotel, that is also the French version Auschwitz. it's called "The Wall" and that's where most people live. I did work at mine one town over from it called Wabush in Newfoundland (much...much better than shitty Quebec in this hamburger's opinion).

and that truck seems a little far from home.

How quickly secure self sustaining habitats can be created?
spidey sense activated

Some years ago a local guy here in Cape Breton said he was working on the building of a billionaire's house up in the north of the island and it was honeycombed with tunnels... owner was said to be a friend of the Bushes. George W. visited my very remote and obscure county a year or two ago

Why TF is it red? Blood? Mining deposits? Is this in relation to the bloody river in CA earlier in March? How do you know this?

He is the one who knocks.

honestly, for one person? not that hard.

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more details?

It's not impenetrable if themselves got in, retard.

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