Donald Trump has admitted the US government’s emergency stockpile of protective equipment is nearly exhausted because of the extraordinary demands of the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump says US stockpile of protective equipment nearly gone amid coronavirus

Report warns of White House and states competing for supplies as president focuses on counter-narcotics operations at briefing


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Government is the best, we should give them more power and unilateral control over our lives.

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UV cleaning and gaz sterilization of masks and protective equipment for reutilization / switching between two sets, motherfucker, are you even living in 2020 ? Wtf is this ?

Welp capitalist democracy has failed

Second national socialist revolution when?

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Didn't he say that he could give an order to have factories in the U.S. create more equipment? He even let GM, a car company, make ventilators a week ago.

You haven't heard about what happened in Communist China and the Soviet Union with all the famins ane food shortages, have you?

>doing something before it happens
>somehow a bad thing

Ummm i thought the based free market would be swooping in to save us when demand was high.... boomerinos where are you now?

nigger we had stockpiles for exactly this kind of situation of course we're running out that's what it's for. do you want them to keep a stockpile of protective equipment and not use it? You are the same kind of autistic Yas Forumsirgin that hordes all their items in a jrpg and then beat the final boss and never use them. this is the final boss USE YOUR SHIT

The US hospital system is barely capitalist.

Well he should have stockpiled more medical equipment. I think he can still give the order to make new medical equipment, N95 masks, PPE, hazmat suits, etc.

Gosh I wish we never had WW2 just so you could have seen hitlers Germany crash. Central planning is just stupid.


that's what he talked about for 2 hours today faggot


>he should have stockpiled more medical equipment
President Trump didn’t stockpile it to begin with. The stockpile goes back decades.

We had a stock pile, only smart people like myself and Styx saw a global Pandemic coming.

Yeah, well, I don't follow the mainstream media or Trump/government, so I wouldn't know. When did he say he'll start production on the medical equipment, asshole.

It's okay because he made sure Isreal is S A F E

If central planning is so stupid, why does the US and England always need to break it up, often with war?


I hate you fucks..
Please stop shitting up this board..
Drop the stupid fucking memeflag too

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>Source: my gapping asshole

>do nothing about the cartels for 4 years
>pandemic hits
>time to fight the cartels!
>btw we aren't prepared for the pandemic lol
Muh leadership. Muh trusting the plan.

>>do nothing about the cartels for 4 years
Are you retarded?

No he's probably some poor fuck that lives near the border and can see the administration has done a horrible job at keeping the cartels in line.

I ain’t watching that. You need to realize that the necons hate nationalism because it does harm replacement. That being said a free market with laws to prevent replacement is the best way to go. Like a word had pre 1960s

he's been giving multihour press conferences everyday for the past 2 weeks. He invoked the defense production act again specifically to make more n95 no time stamp fuck you you can find it on your own

It's unironically just a coof. Hospitals are empty.

275k people are hospitalized from influenza every year, 35k-50k die, but they don't run a daily ticker on the numbers.
And they aren't even doing that, instead they are giving you daily numbers on people who simply tested positive, well BFD if 200k people have it when 85% don't even need treatment, or already beat it but still show up on tests because of antibodies.

Greatest Psyop in history, bigger than 9/11.

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He should've added more to the stockpile

Everyone who was on the /cvg/ threads and on Yas Forums who saw the prepper threads were most likely prepping since late January and throughout February and early March. I began buying food and supplies starting in and throughout February and early March.

Like I said, I don't follow Trump or the mainstream media, although I will read some articles every now and then, usually archived articles to try and not give the mainstream media any clicks.

OP why do you lefty's insist on being retarded. what don't you understand about DIRECT shipments?

How many people are that? Very few, if you watched the wuhan videos and took them at face value you were ready.

Also what could America and the west do? China makes 90 percent of our medial equipment, so we really could not had stock piled when China is using it already.

Okay, okay, at least America is not making some medical equipment according to this asshole .

I tried getting ready by buying what was needed, but my Dad kept getting angry at me for buying too many things. I wasn't even able to buy any masks so I've been staying at home mostly since the last round of shopping in early March. Anyways, being prepared a little is better than no preparation at all.

Most PPE is designed to be disposable and is tossed after one use and not decontaminated, though some hospitals are going against recommendation and stretching this to like ~5. It's the reason why they're burning through it so fast, combined with the drastic increase in use for dealing with anyone who might have it.
Reusable respirators (especially in a large quantity) and the equipment to properly sterilize them is something that many US hospitals don't have.

Yeah.. All that wall bullshit, and cracking down on human trafficking, and don’t forget about all the meth and fentanyl seized.. that was all just for show... I’m sure you’re right..

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If it’s air born we are pretty much fucked. Your only hope is your body can take it and your food can help your survive the economic crash.

But seriously, self isolation and 6 ft is the best way to go as of now

Our monetary system has nothing to do with capitalism.

The nat soc don’t know this and idolize a Manlet

I've know this was coming since January because of anonymous shit posters. Meanwhile the government allowed chinks in every city in America buy up the entire supply of PPE and ship it back to China. I saw this in person when I started buying supplies in January.

This shit is so cringy, stay glued to the orange man on TV and feeling involved like it’s an episode of blues clues or Barney

> fuck feelings, except my hardcore pro trump feelings

They could have halted the Chinese from pulling off a material denial operation in our entire fucking country, closed the borders to literally everyone and let everyone outside die. Instead it watched the most obvious doomsday virus spreading world wide and bought the dip.

Yup, and again trump wanted to solve the China issue and border issue years ago but the left says muh racism.

So if this virus is air born and you are dying from it just say. I am so glad my nation is not racist and I am so glad Chinese investors will own my community one day

I actually live on the border. It's way worse than it's ever before. Keep talking from your northern shithole though it's entertaining.

Again trump wanted that but muh racism. Also if Republicans go against the WHO or CDC you get called a science denier and when proven right the opposite side says you did not do enough. It’s also tired some

>left says muh racism
The president can unilaterally close the nation's borders to anyone for matters of national security. Trump is just ineffectual.

Lol Trump could personally walk into a school and shoot every white child and I'd still vote for him

If we didn't share our shit with the rest of the planet, we would have enough for ourselves. Just saying.

Are you that dumb or have that bad of a memory? The court’s literally stopped his travel ban and the Supreme Court only gave it a 90 day ban

Everything gets “stolen” because our leaders have duel alliances to other states. Just look at how Israel got it’s Nuke then look up the Sampson option

>Thinking you're going to convince a single reasonable person that Biden is a better choice.
Biden is done. He knows it. The DNC knows it. Why do you think Pelosi and Schiff are trying to pull another impeachment hoax? Because they know Biden can't win so they need to get Trump out of office. They're going to point to the large number of black deaths and say that the Trump admin is trying to genocide blacks and that he needs to be investigated for genocide.

Yet no such challenges existed when he did it to China and all of Europe. National defense is literally his job.

Or maybe project zyphr is real? Guess time will tell?

This. It's gaslighting all the way down.

By that time it was too late. Chinese New Year had started

Whenever you stockpile resources and command for one thing to be made, the tools to make such a thing are occuppied and resources are diverted from something else that may prove necessary later. You can't stock up for every possible disease or disaster, but you can have a market that freely changes and adapts and rapidly responds to disease and disaster, which is why you see pillow manufacturers producing masks.

the US is a failed state

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Keep fanning his balls, bro. I'm sure turning the country into a diseased socialist shithole is really just 4D chess to own the libs. Trust the plan.

That's NOT what he said you fucking nigger.

He said the stockpile is low because they're not putting shit in the stockpile right now...things are going directly from the manufacturer to where it's needed INSTEAD of going into a fucking warehouse somewhere and being stockpiled.
You're the kind of low IQ beta cuck faggot that reads a headline and thinks you know something. Actually read the article or, better yet, watch the press conference live.

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How? I Am saying the truth, you really think any president could shut down travel to Europe or China in January? While there is no threat at your door step? Get real! And learn how the world works.

This is the only good post I've seen on Yas Forums in years.

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>hur dur

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Cuomo demanded them until he got every one in stock (just to store them, just like the faggot he is).

Go back

No really keep going. You're my quarantine entertainment. Tell me another one about all the things daddy trump did for me.

>3M literally shipping medical supplies out of America to other countries
>its the free market goy

Fuck private property, nationalize all anti american companies.