Jews are freaking the fuck out right now because the mask hoarder completely blew it. They’ve been found out...

Jews are freaking the fuck out right now because the mask hoarder completely blew it. They’ve been found out. They’re trying to bury the story

Attached: B044EBBD-5250-4003-96A2-5374E37D74DA.jpg (1745x3695, 1.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyone who goes to reddit for their info is a retarded faggot.

post this in r/subredditcancer that's what that sub is for

Yeah well what does the mask hoarders religion have to do with anything? It literally could have been anyone.

>Reddit is run by kike mods

Whatta surprise. Told you to not go there faggot.

kys you newfag faggot

yeah but at least you can let retarded faggots know what the jews are up to

Great job OP! You've really begun to get to the bottom of this fiasco, the only piece of advice I can offer is that you should definitely
>go back
and keep digging! Who knows how far this little rabbit hole goes!

Make a wikipedia article.

Go back to the_dreidel, stupid migapede

>d-don't counter propaganda on the biggest social media platforms, goy
>just stay here in your containment and circlejerking doing nothing, goy

I mean I hate reddit but this faggot has a point

>Thinking the cucks on Reddit will even listen to this.
Checks out

Attached: 1585837938867.gif (350x272, 689.31K)


They're afraid he's going to give up information since jews will roll on their own if it benefits them individually.

Pic related is op.

Attached: ClassicBabyishFennecfox-size_restricted-1.gif (453x250, 720.69K)

Link to the thread?

Attached: EUS9tONXQAEps-n.jpg (800x1050, 83.16K)

Filthy Kike Hoarder-they don't even wear them-and are a major source of contamination!

Look a this ugly bastard!

Attached: wuflu Boruch Feldheim filthy cheating kike.jpg (726x727, 52.59K)

That was the entire point of the error. Once that link is made, nobody else can make a new thread with correct info.

Dammit Chet!

I just went to the front page and a post about it is at the very top with correct info in the comments. Nobody cares about your plebbit drama

Man this is a reddit post

Read the post just before yours. They coof on firefighters.

Jews don't control information, yo. If you disagree I will ban you.

Check out the replies. The hebrew one translated:
>Noise and towels! He is a terrorist son terrorist who seeks to hurt Jews. You can't believe it and it doesn't matter to you

Attached: 1405825776434.jpg (296x296, 11.65K)

I got banned for posting "Jews" on that thread

notice that he didn't mention that at all in the screenshot, that's the point. But clearly it DOES matter if it can be used as a cudgel against the truth

reminder that jews make fake letters like this and circulate them in order to discredit their enemies
>whatcha doin rabbi?

Attached: boruch.jpg (1242x1710, 519.8K)

>still thinking Jews are a religion and not a race

You fucking retards readily quarantine yourselves from society and then Pat yourselves on the back like you didn't get jewed hard as fuck.
Go outside get a fucking wife and drop redpills liberally every where you go.
Anyone doing anything besides spreading hope and opening eyes is a kike faggot or a golem.

Attached: 1585594987485.jpg (1000x1000, 177.31K)

Nice try Chinko.

No one here gives a shit what some kikes on reddit are up to, that's why we're here and not over there.

>"kike is a race"
Is it?

Attached: 20200403_133427.jpg (2048x1141, 1.21M)

Speak for yourself, fag. OP provided a great infographic for when some bluepilled normie asks "LOL and what exactly is wrong with redd*t?"

>It literally could have been anyone.
But it wasn't. It never is.

Yeah, the snigger firefighter had a jew- hating terrorist dad.

If the son had internalized with-Jews-you-lose he wouldn't be covid positive now.

Here you go schizo

>reddit bad
news flash. maybe you should go back there

To be honest I was expecting the mob to be the first busted on this.

Who is paying for these people to have the ability to make such purchases?

How have they earned it? Worthless scum.

That's the biggest problem humanity needs to solve.
>What is a jew?
Is a jew a Khazar? A european fraud masquarading as a jew?
Is a jew a semite? An ethnic hebrew from Jerusalem?
Is a jew religious, and a devout follower of the torah?

This confusion is the root of the second world war. Hitler wanted to kill communism, which were Bolschevik and "jews", and killed 30 million Russians a few years prior.

Here's my impersonation of OP:

"Pssst, hey Shlomo! Chaim over there is posting lies and fake news to prevent the goyim from knowing. Aren't you going to do something about it?"

Eh, it’s shit in the toilet, but knowing what grade of disaster it is is pretty enlightening.

Because reddit is banning people for "antisemitism" if they point out the truth about this particular price gouging incident. They obviously have some sort of ulterior motive or a reason for trying to cover this up.

always provide a source, the user wasn't wrong, jews do this all the fucking time. Controversy comes up, they flood with fake news, if you pass along something with 99% truth and 1% fake news, what do you think they're going to write articles about? That conspiracy theorists are spreading false information to arouse anti-semitism. the jew is a child of the devil, crafty in all its ways.


I went thought OP was just being a schizo poster, went to reddit and the top post is about this and the second top comment is pic related.

Which one of you cunts wrote it? That comment is too redpilled to be from an NPC redditor

Have not laughed so hard in days

Attached: Untitled.png (821x869, 81.58K)

>just a cohencidence

Seems the summerfags arrived early this year.

It's an interesting reaction that confirms in my mind that the report is legitimate. I wasn't sure before reverse image searching.

You're doing God's work, just go back and do it. Forever.

You should also point out "hospital" was changed to "home". Last I checked, one of those things would stock far more medical supplies than the other.

Why does plebbit protect this man who is a Jew by surpressimg the truth? If he was white they would be non stop slander and doxing.

Kikes own reddit

Lol. This is how we get plebbit to turn on their puppet masters by exposing to them how elitist and racist they are.


Fuck you faggots jews are a scapegoat
The masters are faceless and most importantly nameless
We can deduct their actions without letting them funnel all the blame on a singular group and walk away into the next era as the heros

You have to go back.

Reddit is beyond fucking gay, it's mob ruled voting system is fucking gay as shit.

What sub leddit is this

I am serious guys, is there some kind of raid going on?


Will they reflect on the fact they made that association before clicking the link.

Go read it yourself lads, the double-think and reddit mods are working overtime and its making normies very confused.

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I just went to not any sub reddit or logged in, the top post was about this.

Go have a look at the comments before they enter full damage control and just disable all comments. It is a gold mine

Yes, it could have been anybody but Jew is the way to bet and as it turns out the way to win.

Jew also was charging a million dollars to use his empty hospital in Philly. Only the stupidest of people can’t put these data points together once they’re given all the info.

>pic related faggot

Attached: 168850.jpg (1196x676, 573.54K)

What a beautiful man.

I open eyes but struggle with the spreading hope part. Don’t want to fool anybody.

Usury is literally a thing in their religion

It still is a mob it’s just Jewish instead of the Italians you have in your head. The Italians lay very low now, watching for Rico.