COVID-19 leaked out of the Wuhan Superlab


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Other urls found in this thread:

Normies are retarded, Kikes are lying sociopaths. We knew about this for months.

NO! It was the bat souppppp!!!


>Shanghai Shivers

>Cantonese Cough’n’Sneeze

The bat soup narrative was bullshit to begin with.

Chink Lung-Shrink

>>Shanghai Shivers

Listen here Jack, I'm gonna set you straight. I'll only say this once so listen up, Fat. This virus isn't going anywhere. Let me repeat myself, this virus isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it covid whatever; we called it the "Shanghai Shivers". OK, here's the deal, Slick. I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. He caught the Shanghai Shivers one year and let me tell you, if Cornflake Jackson says, "It ain't no thang" you can take that to the bank, Buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit. I'd punch your daughter straight in the mouth.

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Is that the one Soros owns?

I wouldn't call anything from their shitty made-in-china CDC a superlab. They probably sold their test animals to the wet market. Maybe someone thought the vial of nasty virus was a delicious energy shot and drank it down.

It is not a bioweapon, it is a bat virus that was deemed dangerous to humans so it was being studied in the institute. It scaped the lab, the wet market was scape goated.

Fukkin kek

>It is not a bioweapon, it is a bat virus that was deemed dangerous to humans so it was being studied in the institute. It scaped the lab, the wet market was scape goated.

Normal coronaviruses do not have 2-4 week iincubation periods and they do not have HIV inside them. You have to engineer that.

Anyone have the one with the oriental malady?

I read this in an aussie accent and kekd

Got me at the end.

keep this in mind

Kung pow virus

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We, as people of the earth need, to have zero tolerance for any bioweapon research in any country going forward. It doesn't matter if the current situation was a bioweapon or not, the fact that there has been work done on similar bioweapons is insane. And it’s insane to allow it to continue after this. ANY government that continues bioweapon development is an enemy of the entire planet and needs to be treated as such. ANY researcher who continues this work should be imprisoned or killed if necessary. We cannot allow this to happen again, and it will if nothing is done.

>blue checkmarks suddenly trustworthy on Yas Forums

Hey guys, it's totally not a bioweapon. The HIV spikes don't work in the computer simulation, so there's like, no way people making a weapon would focus solely on those spikes if they were trying to make one from scratch. It's totally just natural from stuff like bat soup and cursed pangolins and just super unlucky that the genes relating solely to HIV's method of cell penetration and no other HIV genes just naturally developed on their own. Stop blaming the Chinese government guys. Seriously, it's so not helpful at this time when we should all be working together to stop this naturally occurring novel bat soup virus.
t. official scientist please quote me bro

So its not a "bio-weapon" but it leaked from a lab.... so its man-made... Why do men make viruses? Viruses that do things not normal in nature and that as bad as nature can be is orders of magnitude more damaging to human biology if not to use them as a weapon of warfare? Just for shits and giggles?

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Fucking normies or satan worshiping pedophiles who have sold their soul trying to lie and shut down a completely credible source of information that would change the world for GOOD.

Truth is beautiful.

I don't think China is that smart yet.

Moo shu achoo
Feng shui fever
Peking puking
Nanjing nausea

That's all I got

They also are not airborne.

not men-made. It was isolated from bats exacly because it was dangerous for humans

The virus has HIV inserts, Normies are retarded and are going to burn in hell for trying to suppress this.

The French engineered it.

Gooks should go home while they can. Might become unsafe u go now...

It is a very close cousin of SARS. It's just a new SARS. It isnot men-made. They were studying it in the lab because they found the virus in bats in the south of Chinaand it looked very dangerous.

Exactly, these weapons need to be discontinued just like nuclear weapons. There is no need to cause that much damage and suffering the citizens of the world are not Canon fodder.

Brazil gook... u should go home.

Why does it have HIV inserts? It’s clearly bioengineered. Deductive reasoning tells us this

China's behavior weaponized it

I'm just telling you the truth. I'm white btw. It scapedfrom the lab and it is China's fault, but it is a bat virus from the south of China, not a good bioweapon, it's basically SARS.

No bro, it's just a total coincidence that HIV antiviral treatments work on coronavirus also. Besides, the side effects of the treatments are worse than dying from COVID19 itself so you guys should totally ignore any reports like that and do not explore that avenue of treatment.
t. real totally trustworthy virus doctor

>Normal coronaviruses do not have 2-4 week iincubation periods and they do not have HIV inside them.

Neither does this one.

Fuck you porra

>It is not a bioweapon, it is a bat virus that was deemed dangerous to humans so it was being studied in the institute
"China was just trying to help mankind!"

This is fucking hilarious

no HIV inserts, literally Indian fake news. It is a respiratory virus, very similar to SARS. Scientists all across the globe studied the DNA of the virus, no trace of bioengineering, it's just a bat virus. But chinks are retards so they brought this very very dangerous bat virus fromsomeisolated rural land to a very heavily populated city wich is also a hub of international travel.

Fuck Chinks btw,but not bioweapon

>Celestial Sneezenings

So what are you going to do to CHINA? Or RUSSIA? Nothing. That's what.

How do these people sleep at night knowingly suppressing information that would save millions of lives? Are they even human?

May i refer you to the pandoras box.
That remains open since man was placed at the head of society.
That continues to leak forbidden knowledge and power.
With no way to put it back.

And knowledge is out there.
the scientific papers published.
The bug chasers out.
that one fucked up reddit post about loving all your parasites and bugs.
Biowarfare can now be waged by anyone with a scientific catalogue and some sterilized equipment.
moss graffitti
seed bombs
fucking alcoholism and celiac diaease
all biowarfare.
anthrax, e coli, mustard gas.
all reall fucking easy to obtain by virtually anyone.

then what the fuck made it jump from being a bat virus to infecting humans... that doesn't happen very readily from what I've heard...

>Cathay Croup

>gain of function

They are worse than nuclear weapons in a lot of ways. We must demand that every government stop making these and hold them all accountable.

>This paper has been withdrawn by its authors. They intend to revise it in response to comments received from the research community on their technical approach and their interpretation of the results. If you have any questions, please contact the corresponding author.
>Prashant Pradhan, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey, Akhilesh Mishra, Parul Gupta, Praveen Kumar Tripathi, Manoj Balakrishnan Menon, James Gomes, Perumal Vivekanandan, Bishwajit Kundu

Nigger they wrote this shit in their downtime at the call center.

Actually it happens all the time, for a ton of reasons. Creating novel strains as part of antiviral development is normal.

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nope, not what I'm saying. I'm saying that some retarded chink brought this crap from the rural areas of the south to Wuhan, a very densely populated area. they did this knowing fully that this was a dangerous virus and then they let this crap escape.

>Pooh's Flu

>not posting the link
Here faggot do better next time

You don’t have to be smart to release coronavirus from your lab

You have to be as dumb as a communist chink

>Beijing Boogie


Fuck off cunt.
How the fuck do you know

>Are they even human?



Saigon Sniffle

that's literally why they were studying the virus,because it was dangerous. They noticed that it couldinfect humans so they brought it to their virology lab to study... the lab happens to be in a very populated area andchinks are retarded so you know what happened.

no shit its a weapon

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so its not biology that prevents cross specie infection just proximity?

Isnt the entire genome already uploaded? Last i heard, this was a chimera. its been argued that it's between bats/pangolins and that pangolins seem to have almost the exact same rna sequence that causes SARS.

Lmao, how can Yas Forums simultaneously call covid19 both a hoax, and a bioweapon at the same time?

btw that's the true story. So I'm unironically in danger forposting this. Hope at least some of you believe in me.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i love you bro, fullhomo

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Some one probably dumpster dove and pulled dead animals out of the dumpster at the lab and sold them at the market. People will do that round here with roadkill

Rice Rabies

Pay attention faggot, where were you months ago.

It was the product of “gain of function” research. Basically they made an airborne version of SARS that didn’t exist in nature yet. Happened at UNC in 2015. I think this situation is more akin to Chernobyl than Hiroshima, it that makes sense. It wasn’t developed as a bioweapon, it just turns out it is one.

it did

Fuck, I'm lovin' Biden posting.

No, they’re communists

Commie Cold

And the USA is the only country to have all 5 strains
New mutation in Texas that came from Mexico with no Genome to wuhan
The state of America is sad

Sichuan Sickness

oh' look, it's january again

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If it's a weapon it's a terrible one. The death rate is way too low and doesn't really affect fighting age men. It could be part of research into a weapon, it's certainly not the final product.

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That’s gold Jerry, gold!

Wuhan CDC lab

300 meters from the market

Had bats and bat viruses there

not the same virus. We have the genetic code of the bioengineered virus,it's not our coronaboy. Also,chinks are not that smart, ifit was bio-lab made it would be easy to spot the proof in the RNA code.

Our virus is simply a bat virus that chinks were to retarded to control so it is now destroying the world. It scaped the lab btw

Let’s not conflate chemical weapons with bioweapons. Bioweapons are especially likely, in fact, intended to get out of control. Anyone who makes one should face dire consequences, kill their employer, their family, their friends, their entire country i don’t really care what it takes to make it stop.

>Yas Forums is one person

Can't they feel the weight of guilt and shame on their consciousness that will follow them for the rest of their life and punish them with karma?

Burden is on you to prove the claim, you made it.

Cite a study, done by white men (not Randeep and Pajeet), and that hasn't been withdrawn, that shows either of your claims.

Incubation average is 5.6 days, 14 days on the very top end. You may get the occasional anomalous extreme outlier but you get that with any disease.

We just need to make an example of the CCP and set up a Global Human Rights watch that can't be bought out by the elite.

Asian AIDS

You didnt answer my question, faggot. If the genome already uploaded, why arent more scientist claiming this is a fucking bioweapon? Any molecular biologist could tell, no? Also read the comments section on that site you sent. Stop posting this shit, you are embarrasing yourself

That's not to say that's a bad idea either.


that sounds ultra gay. Just give money for some jihadis to revolt and overthrow the government like you americans generally do.

Ah look at this pedophile apologist believing the NWO agenda.

It was a legitimate report. The shills never explained why there was 4 UNCANNY INSERTS.

chop fluey

I don't think it's a weapon, but it has some characteristics that would make it usable as one. If it was too deadly, then anyone who gets it would be seen as a lost cause and would be written off. But if it fucks you up but is largely survivable, it takes them out of the fight and ties up medical resources.

Or some Americans pita released some animals from an American bio lab

In coming to Texas a new mutation of covid 19 not connected by Genome to wuhan

This corvid 19 it’s going away anytime soon

I like that it's more accurate than bio-weapon. even if it wasn't created in a lab it's still being used for bioterrorism.

Yerrow Fever

>i love you bro, fullhomo

Listen here Jack, let me set you straight. This thing isn't going anywhere. Its like Cornpop and mini wheat attacking you with a straight razor man. Back in my day we didn't call it sexual assault whatever; we called it the "Suprise dick prize" and you were a lucky woman if you got it. I used to know a colored guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall and sell vinyl records. Here's the deal, fatboy: if a smooth negro like Cornflake Jackson says the Suprise Dick Prize, "Ain't no thang" you can take that to the bank, buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit. You wanna do some pushups? Let's finish this conversation outside. I'll punch your daughter straight in the pussy and set her on fire. The Vietcong are in the trees man.

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Tibet's Revenge

There's usually no way to prove something is a bioweapon. The various weaponized anthrax strains were made before we could fuck around with DNA, for example.

Wubonic plague, kek

ya no shit. fucking level 4 bio lab in the same area as the outbreak. not to mention having a fucking level 4 bio lab even near a city is beyond retardation.

Because (((they))) don't want anyone to research the bio terror weapon angle for obvious reasons. Stop being a pedophile apologist.

Can't believe no one said Kung Flu yet

Doing so has political ramifications.
It would basically mean a declaration of war so no one wants to make the claim.


>CIA media says "may"


That's good but I like to call it the Commie Cough.

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I'm not my government, I am a person and this is what I feel we need to keep each other safe from our governments mistakes and bad leaders who are negligent to its people.

It’s not hiv it’s an gen that is found in hiv and not sars
Complete idiots

>visible insertion points

>If you don't believe medical reports done by someone who shits in the street and swims with corpses in the ganges, it means you are a pedophile
>"T-t-they just withdrew the study because they accidentally clicked the wrong button!"
>trust the Washington Post guys, we are all seriously doomed from this super duper deadly disease

I'll bet you think the holocaust is real too.

>Although, the 4 inserts represent discontiguous short stretches of amino acids in spike glycoprotein of 2019-nCoV, the fact that all three of them share amino acid identity or similarity with HIV-1 gp120 and HIV-1 Gag (among all annotated virus proteins) suggests that this is not a random fortuitous finding. In other words, one may sporadically expect a fortuitous match for a stretch of 6-12 contiguous amino acid residues in an unrelated protein. However, it is unlikely that all 4 inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein fortuitously match with 2 key structural proteins of an unrelated virus (HIV-1)
>Further analysis revealed that aligned sequences of HIV-1 with 2019-nCoV were derived from surface glycoprotein gp120 (amino acid sequence positions: 404-409, 462-467, 136-150) and from Gag protein (366-384 amino acid) (Table 1). Gag protein of HIV is involved in host membrane binding, packaging of the virus and for the formation of virus-like particles. Gp120 plays crucial role in recognizing the host cell by binding to the primary receptor CD4.This binding induces structural rearrangements in GP120, creating a high affinity binding site for a chemokine co-receptor like CXCR4 and/or CCR5.
It has gene editing scars surrounding the amino acid delivery system of the very first few isolated strains of hiv.

>You don’t have to be smart to release coronavirus from your lab
>You have to be as dumb as a communist chink

Think of all the chink rekt webms. Now imagine all of them wearing moon suits.

germ theory is a lie


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It was funny though.

China is testing this. If the upcoming geopolitical struggle goes hot, I'm sure they are going to have all manners of viral strains at their disposal. All they need to do is develop a highly contagious and lethal strain of Influenza or Coronovirus that can kill able-bodies and keep the vaccine for themselves.

Don't reply to copypasta

The only country is USA they have all 5 strains
So China doesn’t have the strain that was in wuhan
Plus there is a mutation of corvid 19 that just got to Texas from Central America and has no Genome to wuhan
Things are looking ugly

This. China is still responsible however not only because of negligence but because they covered it up.

\pol\ called this like the first day we started having Coronavirus generals.

Guangzhou Gonorrhea
Sechzuan Sniffles
Chengdu Chills

What are you trying to prove with your pic related? The media is telling us that this virus can appear out of nowhere across the entire Atlantic ocean

they already did that with h1n1 like 6 years ago. made it into h5n3 or some shit.

Sino Sniffles

There are no visible insertion points in our weaponized anthrax strains. So they're not bioweapons? Don't be retarded. Even like with the second wave of spanish flu, we accidentally selectively evolved that to be way more lethal by spreading the most dangerous cases through hospitals. Imagine if we had done it intentionally. There'd be no way to tell.

Who fucking cares at this point, the truth sets will set us free.

Maybe if everyone stopped lying we would have utopia.

WHO-Han Flu

>It has gene editing scars surrounding the amino acid delivery system of the very first few isolated strains of hiv.

Pic related, it's the authors of the paper with that claim.

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How do you know there's no way to prove it? Is that documented or just your opinion?
Schizo alert. Take your meds.
That's possible. Wouldnt be surprised if Trump ends up lifting some tariffs

Your a lie

Please tell the size

First it was the US, then it was Italy, now it's France? What the hell

I was skeptical at first, but the Chinese regime's initial response to try to cover it up at all costs also indicates that it's an escaped virus.

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We need to declare war.
We're already starting by killing their proxies.