"The IRS will likely start issuing coronavirus relief payments to taxpayers in mid-April and begin issuing paper checks several weeks later, and it could take up to 20 weeks for all of the paper checks to be issued, according to a memo prepared by the Democratic-led House Ways and Means Committee."

>hey so when's my check coming in the mail
>idk like the end of August bro lol

awesome, I already filed my taxes and something had fucked up with my direct deposit info so now I'm not getting this fucking check until like September. Fuck this whole system. These assholes can fucking ship pallets full of no-strings-attached cash at the snap flip of fucking switch to all the kike banks and corporations but the people who actually need this shit NOW have to jump through all kinds of fucking hoops and bureaucracy just to get their measly $1,200. And no, I'm not a NEET. I have two summer jobs starting in May thank God, and hopefully they don't get shut down, but I need this fucking money now for my car insurance and maintenance so I can fucking get to my job in the first place. I hate this planet and I hate this piece of shit government more than anything. And I'm expected to shower Trump with praise for making me go through a fucking obstacle course to get my table scraps.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If some ancient boomer faggot doesn't have direct deposit or doesn't bother to change their address, then too fucking bad. Why not just have the check chiseled onto a stone tablet there, Mognor.

I did, my direct deposit shit worked in 2019 but for some reason they couldn't get it through for this year's refund. Wasn't a big deal because I just got the checks but if they're going off my fucking taxes they're not going to have my direct deposit. The only hope I see is if they actually build their gay portal so I can give them the correct info and get this check ASAP. Just another day as a stupid fucking goyim in this meme society.

>The IRS expects to create a portal later this month or in early May to let people update their direct deposit information and check on the status of their payment.

Absolutely retarded.
> mehhh fuck Trump, orange man bad

>two summer jobs
underage b&

people shiting over 1200$, now if it was 12000$ there be something to actually look forward to

Why are they so fuck non-committal on a timeline for any of this bullshit?

Someone just realized that government is inept. Remember this anytime someone's answer to a problem boils down to "More government."

>naomi jagoda

YOUR fault, dumbass. Paper check top fuckin kek

Makes sense.
Wait a bit.
The more that die, the less payments the gov pays.
Also, getting a check in September will make them vote in November.
Only thing I know for sure is that I'm not getting any check.

September is closer to the election. Trump’s entire first term has been a trial in edging.

Good thinking, Kemosabi. Chang is proud.

>”Something had fucked up with my direct deposit info”
Translation: you’re a fucking retard who literally gave incorrect info.
And obviously you were using the EZ type form because you’re a retarded zoomer, so it’s not like you have assets to declare or shit to deduct.

jesus might as well not send them at all.

The IRS has said that nonfilers, outside of Social Security beneficiaries, will need to file "simple" tax returns to receive their payments.


> Freely giving the government your digitized information

Cause its the government. They don't know how to do anything.

obvious democrat shills OP, the press conference today was very clear, they will start dropping money quick into accounts in 2 weeks, they want everybody to do it by electric deposit, if you dont have direct deposit info filed with the IRS from a previous tax filling then you have to just give them the deposit info in a web portal they will have soon, simple as that niggers, the fucking fake news journalist niggers tried asking 3 different times

That's a long winded way of saying "I'm a fucking deadbeat loser" but ok

Real question, I owed on my taxes so I paid via ach, am I going to have to wait?

Imagine being so fucking gullible you thought democrats wouldnt try to sabotage trumpbux and everything else too.

watch the Treasury secretary in the white house press briefing today , dont depend on journo niggers to interpret it for you

no they're seasonal jobs. i work with boomers and hot college cuties



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no,, they are giving the money regardless if you owe them or not, the money is for immediate relief it is not going to just be used as credit toward a owed balance that would defeat its purpose

this guy gets it, OP must be demo-rat shill, and really retarded,

So? The only info to be had is stuff that they gave you in the first place.

I already have my tax return and have direct deposit, and I'm making even more money now than before the shutdown.

>did you not watch the press conference?
Its coming in two weeks for direct deposit. Munchin said this information is bullshit. He was hounded by two fat bitches that got absolutely BTFO out when he asked them where they were getting this? The fat ass reporters had no answer.

>mistyping a number condemns you to poverty and debt
wew, people like you need to be killed lmao

No I mean will I get direct deposit, or have to wait forever for a check. I've been laid off and I'm struggling a bit unfortunately.

fucking right , true

Learn to Code


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holy shit are you retarded? this thread is still small, read everything , I already said that they will deposit money if you have current bank transfer info in their system form a previous filing, if you dont then they will make a web portal to upload them the deposit info, they dont want to send checks dont make the do that

>it could take up to 20 weeks for all of the paper checks to be issued
>Paper Checks

Direct deposit chads checking in

Did you even read OP's post? He is a dumb stupid cunt, but he said he had direct deposit issues. Point is: how the fuck is that our problem?
See you guys in two weeks when I get my neet bux.

$600 one-time check 5 months from now? Well, that will certainly solve all my problems.

I dunno about you fucks, but I'm gonna blow every red cent on big ass cumbersome buttplugs and hemorrhoid cream

lmao so how are creditors going to hold themselves over until then? CC companies and mortgage lenders and landlords? wtf this shit isnt sustainable the economy will implode

Economy is completely collapsing

We will all be eating from dumpsters and living in Trumpville box towns. US dollar is worthless and start stealing gold yesterday.

how's it going fellow direct deposit chad?

>I dunno about you fucks, but I'm gonna blow every red cent on big ass cumbersome buttplugs and hemorrhoid cream

Thinking about getting a gun to shoot myself

>mistyping one of the most important numbers in your life, memorized by heart with keystrokes committed to muscle memory by anyone that isn't a nigger or illegal

fuck you

My NEETbux are inbound to my bank in two weeks, plus bonusbux for unemployed.

Just make that $35 minimum payment and roll over that interest into next month, goy.

Well the CCW things and background are down and gun shops are almost always empty right now. Can't even buy a gun to shoot yourself. The absolute state of America.

Get a buttplug too, insert it, then shoot yourself. Leave a suicide nite that says "I CAN'T GET THIS THING OUT OF MY ASS"

>digitized information
you must be one of the dumbest niggers if you think your "digitized information" is safe and secure

Sorry user :(

So much for an efficient government lol


a few things:

1. they IRS will have a way to give them your direct deposit info through their website so you can get it immediately. that will apparently be set up by mid april, so give it a week or two.
2. those with the lowest adjusted gross income get it the earliest.
3. there will also be a way to quickly file a "simple tax return" online. here's the quote from that article:

>The IRS has said that nonfilers, outside of Social Security beneficiaries, will need to file "simple" tax returns to receive their payments. The Ways and Means Committee memo said that the IRS expects to release the simple tax return "soon," and that it will require information such as taxpayers' names, Social Security number, dependents and direct-deposit information.

posting all of this as a way to help those who may not know. pay it forward and such.

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what a load of horse shit. Everything to do with the virus, it's all horse shit.

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Learn to suck cock. $100 per pop and you can have a stimulus check every week, user

Why not make it $120000? Hell, make it $1200000.

But socialists tell me government is #1 efficient over evil private business and is a primarily a humanitarian organization, how could this be?

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Hello brosephs! I don't like to tell people this, but just a few years ago I was still getting my refund via check. I have no idea why, I think it was just general paranoia about writing down my checking account. As if the government can't do whatever it wants to my bank accounts anyway. Boy, was I retarded!

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>up to
Weasel wording

I have it committed to memory but I added extra digits to the front to signify my checking account but I don't think I was supposed to since I had checked which account it was to go to.
So again, a tiny mistake but that's all it takes I guess.


>implying the government doesn't already know you have a bank account

it's a new thing and they don't have the apparatus yet

NEETS here who rail against government gibs and socialism can't wait for their gibs and socialism.

NEET's pay taxes, unlike illegals and stillborns

>Weasel wording

>Weasel wording

>Weasel wording

>Weasel wording

>Weasel wording


>daddy I spilled my juice plz clean it up :(
Or try not being a fag maybe?

The fucking leafs and abostralians have managed not to fuck this up so much. The problem isn't government, it's OUR government.

What we should do is take lead pipes and crack the sk*** of any politician we see.

Top kek burgers
>pic related

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>awesome, I already filed my taxes and something had fucked up with my direct deposit info so now I'm not getting this fucking check until like September
amend your return or some shit

fuck off nigga im getting an AMD Ryzen upgrade for my 7700k build, the rest go to credit cards or bankruptcy filing. We'll see

No you retarded fuckface the socialists tell you government needs to be reformed to serve the needs of the working class instead of the 1%.

But by all means, re-elect Trump so he can fire all the relevant people two months before the next crisis.

Enjoy your corporate sponsored apocalypse, faggot.

>but for some reason
this is likely a fuckup on your end without further information

>according to a memo prepared by the Democratic-led House Ways and Means Committee."

enjoy ur eviction pinko