Stay at home white man, while the poo takes your job

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What’s worse pajeets replacing the working class or hispanics replacing it?

>he’s incapable of competing with Indians who can barely speak English
You don’t deserve your high paying job if you’re not competent enough to keep dumb immigrants from stealing it.

Spics. At least Pajeets are bro tier and have great food.

Indians are high skilled workers who cuck white brainless on a regular basis

This is news to you? fag

No not really they’re just used as cheap labour . 5 Indians combined usually get the same pay as a white American

The issue with indians is there is nobody of value who calls them out for only hiring other indians once they infect am American company.

>t. Street shitter
You're both terrible and don't belong here. Neither should be let in.

If any of you retards lived in the US instead of chink prison camps, you'd get the rope. We might just have to ready the nukes...

>fat polcel NEETs

pick 1.

Attached: averagewhiteoid.png (720x1280, 566.29K)

What job? Everything is closed.

Id consider spics better at assimilating . Pajeets where I come from live in enclaves and don’t want to assimilate.

I'm whiter than you Paco.
My GF is indian and her parents make delish butter chicken every week. Homemade yogurt too.

Cope seethe dilate

Affirmative action. Retard.

Worked with an 80% poojeet workforce for 2.5 years. Let me tell you, not a single one of those people could stack boxes or count to six consistently. Also, we had adult potty training videos for new poojeet hires because we had a problem with them shitting on the floor. Unironically.

Fuck Indians.

literally the only people who say this are actual street shitters.

pajeets are invasive brown smelly turds from pooistan

no one likes them, not even themselves..

Well they do 10% of the work of any white American, so...

You’re not from America, retard, so clearly you don’t know how this works. Affirmative action actually hurts Asians and Indians more than it hurts white people.

Attached: D070B119-ED1E-4DE2-8655-B27F54F1981F.png (1228x988, 237K)

i am a manager of a H1 visa indian. He is far superior in skill than what i have found from 35 domestic interviews. Sucks to suck, sorry. Its a numbers game. Their top 10% is the equivalent of all of our grads.

Those two work different kinds of jobs. Panjheer is going to replace low level management, franchise owners, all levels of customer service. Roberto Domingues-Ayela-Cabron-Hernan will replace all levels of manual labor except for high level manufacturing/machining.

This has to stop. Indians are taking our jobs

And 5 Indians are as productive as 1 white worker. Hence the shitty pay.

>half nigger kids

t. gomez

Please kill yourself. You’re obviously a street shitting pajeet.

>But the food! the post

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Hispanics are far worse, but that's not to say I like Indians. Indians at least try at their jobs even if they don't always succeed. Mexicans are lazy worthless pieces of shit who can't even mow your lawn correctly.

Looks like you feel for the curry Jew like bongs did

Pajeets don't replace the working class. They replace the middle class.

People who hire pajeets don't care how retarded they are. They do it because Pajeets are dirt cheap compared to hiring someone locally. Just like how companies who get their shit manufactured in China don't care about quality. Usually they're gigantic companies that can afford the cost of shoddy work.

Yeah dude, just compete with an ethnic racket when the entire system is designed to prevent whites from cooperating and sharing resources

It was just a year ago when there were national quotas. Now its corporate freespin flood out our locals unrestrained.

Suddenly all of the draconian anti-American, anti-free speech drivel coming out of big tech companies makes sense now. Most of the staff aren't even American.

No wonder Microsoft sucks major donkey dick now.

Imagine being such a piss poor coder that a Pajeet can do your job.

Has anyone here actually SEEN Pajeet code? They code like Obama speaks, if-if-if-if-if-if

talmud trump back at it again

Companies don't care about code quality. Microsoft actively punishes it's employees for fixing bugs and not delivering features.

Gomez isn't going to take my engineering job.

Shaneesh poppykins will, for 1/3 of the price.


Get a real job you fucking glorified lego cuck
t. Union Millwright with 0 people of color co-workers

If you're working at a place that's willing to sacrifice it's efficiency and stability to hire braindead pajeets, that's a sign you're at the wrong job.

we merely adopted the poo... they were born in it... molded by it... they didn't smell fresh air until they were in the US and by then it was nothing but DISGUSTING!

Trump loves shit.

Attached: Trump's Goal is Prince Jared Kushner.jpg (600x807, 88.65K)

>My GF is indian and her parents make delish butter chicken every week. Homemade yogurt too.
"I love immigrants because of food!"
t. Fucking Boomer.

Attached: BOOMER LIFE.jpg (900x900, 216.71K)

>No not really they’re just used as cheap labour . 5 Indians combined usually get the same pay as a white American
>Well they do 10% of the work of any white American, so...
So, 5*10% = 50%... IOW, H1B is an excuse for the government and corporations to disemploy and destroy the native citizenry.

Attached: Makes you think.jpg (210x240, 22.48K)

>No wonder Microsoft sucks major donkey dick now.
(Do you remember the Visual-studio "installer" from a few years ago that was like some retarded Unix-program from 30 years ago?)

>It was just a year ago when there were national quotas. Now its corporate freespin flood out our locals unrestrained.
(((Their))) goal was always to replace the native citizenry.

>If you're working at a place that's willing to sacrifice it's efficiency and stability to hire braindead pajeets, that's a sign you're at the wrong job.
This is true; sadly I don't have the requisite funds to become an employer myself... I'd love to get into a particular field of manufacturing.

I became a homeowner at 22 in this era because I DIDN'T waste my money on smartphones

Fuck Cognizant!

Fuck TMG!

>I became a homeowner at 22 in this era because I DIDN'T waste my money on smartphones
I didn't because I got unemployed/underemployed + clinically depressed for years... but, OTOH, I think that I understand my peers that were fucked over by student loans much better.

the highest expense for any company is payroll. cutting payroll by hiring shitskins or outsourcing is a great short term strategy to increase revenue all other things equal. manager cuts pay, hires shit, produces shitty outcomes but manager has moved on or worse, is a C-level exec that got a golden parachute or just got paid to be fired. this has been going on in tech for decades.

i know people who's bread and butter is cleaning up these fucking messes when they happen. I have walked into a few in my career as well. don't assume that businesses make the right choice when it comes to bumping profits or making stock look better.

It's the eternal cycle.

>New C-level comes in.
>"Hey why do we pay all those nerds in IT so much? Let's just outsource them to India."
>IT gets outsourced. New C-Level looks great saving the company a ton of money.
>IT goes to shit. Stuff starts breaking. Barely sentient pajeets paid $1 a day can't keep up. The outsourcing company lies and makes shit up.
>New C-level comes in.
>"These outsourcers suck. Let's insource it."
>That C-level leaves.
>New C-level comes in.
>"Hey why do we pay all those nerds in IT so much? Let's just outsource them to India."

I thought India was infected. How is this going to "flatten the curve?"

FFS, they already steal all IT jobs. This shit needs to stahp

Poo on Street, dilate

Remember when the orange man said he was going to get rid of it? Me neither!

>100000 Pajeets taking faggot coastal tech jobs or 100000000 Hispanics taking every job that's below graduate education level


Pajeets have founded tons of major tech companies, including the OG Sun Microsystems. Idiots on this board underestimate pajeets as a group. There’s a lot of middle and lower class but their upper class is very elite

I'm already on my way to stealing your jobs, how does it feel to get cucked by someone who shits in the street?

Ignorance. You’d be surprised at how many major companies have a pajeet co-founder or c-level executive

Fake and homosexual

This. The ones that come over don’t come over on a fluke. Idiots on this board don’t seem to have the perspective to think about what hoops someone needs to jump through to make it over here from India. They work their asses off

Most business rules are conditional logic

Mathematician: How to write 4 in between a 5?

China: Is this a Joke?

Japan: Impossible!

America: The question's wrong!!

UK: Rubbish !!

India: F(IV)E This is the reason you find Indians everywhere in the world in finance, business, medicine, engineering & arts... anything to do with optimising your brain!!

British: Can u Swim?
Indian: No
British: Then a Dog is Better den u because It Swims. Indian: Can u Swim?
British: Yes!
Indian: Then What's the Difference between u & Dog… British Shocked,Faints!! Indian Rocks!

European : Y do U indians come in all colors, look at us,we R all white..?

Abdul Kalam: Horses too come in different colors but donkeys R all the same..!!!

Einstein & a Indian sitting next to each other on a long flight...

Einstein says:
"Let's play a game...
I will ask you a question,
if you don't know the answer,
you pay me only $5
if I don't know the answer,
I will pay you $500..."

Einstein asks the first question:
What's the distance from the Earth to the Moon...?

Indian doesn't say a word,
Reaches his pocket,
Pulls out a $5...

It's the indian turn...

He asks Einstein:
What goes up a hill with 3 legs
comes down on 4 legs..?

Einstein searches the net and asks all his smart friends...
After an hour he gives Indian $500...

Einstein going nuts and asks:
so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four..?

Indian reaches his pocket and gives Einstein $5...

Einstein fainted.....

Send to all Indians all over the globe! Magic Missing Indian flag in this? Don't worry send this message to only 2 groups u will shock to see all these flags will become Indian flags Created by: engineering students Of CIT

Attached: g wants to deport this.webm (640x640, 2.11M)

I've never thought the immigrants who come here are somehow less capable. But I do think it's bullshit that kikes imperil the life prospects of a mediocre american by forcing him into competition with 7 billion niggers.