Why does nobody discuss the current 5G rollout happening all across the globe? The dangers of them seem apparent and it seems like there’s been a lot of suppression on this topic. Thoughts?
Why does nobody discuss the current 5G rollout happening all across the globe...
If it was so dangerous wouldn’t it be affecting the people hired to set it up?
because it's retarded.
they wear hazmat suits
Have you heard from those installers since theyve installed 5G? No? That’s what I thought
5G is a meme
People who attempt to slide and discredit calls for further research into 5G are actually nervous too.
They don’t know what to do, they have frozen up so they just want to deny it’s happening and hope it’ll go away.
Well guess what? Hope is not a strategy.
Keep your head in the sand.
another thread where retards who know nothing about wireless technology trade conspiracy theories about how non ionizing radiation is making their dicks shrink
People who actually think this probably believe in climate change too.
cause the threads get slided and you get called a schizo.
5G is being slid too hard. It's really fucking bad and we need to stop it, NOW
(((they))) don't want you to know
Name one side affect that isn’t worth the fast internet speeds i’ll get.
non-ionizing radiation increases the risk of cancer, stupid.
Take your pills, schizo
Never heard about birds dropping dead out of the sky in test runs of 5G towers? Never looked into the dramatic difference in radiation output between 4G and 5G towers?
Google is a thing
then no one would install them, could you imagine for a second, oh hey im working on the new 5g installation, I don't know if they are dangerous but I know how to build them and who know how it works drr, no they are not committing suicide to set up your fucking wifi you idiot
are these broken links? They are about concrete evidence linking electromagnetic waves able to alter your emotional state. Also bringing the possibility of broadcasting thoughts into people's minds.
voice to skull? yeah you can make these
5G actually is between 4.5GHZ and 6GHZ.
modern Wifi now runs at 5-5.8GHZ.
Everyone here is a dumb nigger.
>voice to skull
This user gets it. Directly into your head straight from transmiter.
Are there any photos of them being installed?
take your meds schizo
>Why does nobody discuss the current 5G rollout happening all across the globe?
we discuss it literally every day.
5G installer here, i work for telecon in quebec.
yes we wear hazmat / weird suits while installing as protocol.
They don't give us details why we wear it besides muh safety against electrocution, but what my boss said basicly "it microwaves you slowly if your too close when it turns on". everyone knows that shit is dangerous up close. we signed a contract not to talk about 5g too much.
When i get calls for 5g repairs, there is noticeable dead plants and once found dead pigeons on sight around it.
Definitely not safe up close, i don't know what the long term effects are, most likely cancers. A guy i know who swapped jobs and ended up getting tested positive for cancer, early though so he's got treatment
It's because when they install the 5g towers, they aren't operational.
The towers are installed turned OFF. Once the installation is finished, they turn it on. That's the key here. Nobody installs 5g Towers when they are ON.
Telecon is an Engineering business they don't install 5g
osti de larper sale
The headaches people get are towers being switched on?
It's not the frequency band, smoothbrain, it's the intensity of the waves
Keep believing every retarded inaccurate infographic you see on Facebook.
you are the dumbest faggot I've ever seen.
5G runs in the 50 ghz to 60 ghz spectrum....
YES! Headaches, fatigue, lack of sleep, lack of concentration, etc.
This is caused by 5g!
Install 5g to kill everyone, so there's nobody left to buy your 5G data plan. Makes perfect sense.
pic related it's you
I'm pretty sure they installed little 5G boxes on the lamp posts across the street from where I live. I looked on the 5G T-Mobile map and sure as hell it's in the same spots as those boxes.
I was wondering why I was vomiting last weekend which I haven't in about 9 or 10 years. Head aches almost daily, fatigue, restlessness, random aches and pressure all over my body. Feels like my heart is out of rhthm, it feels fucking awful.
dangers are only to those who aren't compatible and for those there are vaccines with heavy metals in them to tune your body properly. It's all good and expectation of portion of population dying should be expected and welcomed
>5G runs in the 50 ghz to 60 ghz spectrum....
Not shilling, could you just share a nice source for that one?
Depends who is doing it. For example Verizon's was going to be in the 35ish GHz. Don't have the pic but it's on their website.
And you don’t seem to understand
stfu fagget theres a fucking FLU going around killing fucking geriatric patients you fucking anti semetic sperg piece of shit
lol the non-ionizing argument is retarded
is non-ionizing relevant when you have scientific studies cited by the US military acknowledging 35 ghz cooks until circulatory failure?
5G is safe
the real question is why is everyone shilling this as being dangerous when literally EVERY independent scientist who knows anything says it's safe? It's non-ionizing you fags.
that is 5g+ or whatever gay shit. it isnt 5g, 5g is a specific standard
It’s old people who wouldn’t buy the plan anyway who are dying from the radiation
it vibrates the bones in your ear to make it sound like you're talking to a ghost or god or w/e, it'snot fucking with your brain though
What is truely pissing me off is the fact that they are installing this (non essential) in the midst of this pandemic and activating it in the midst of all this shit.
It's when you realize that, if it went out mostly unoticed, it might be more nefarious than a congress bill being drafted at midnight a sunday when no one is paying attention, if you catch my drift.
Burn them down, just fucking lit them on fire or go steal a fucking car and launch it against them, this is pure terminator bullshit right there.
I have faith that when side effects hot hard, the American people will gather and destroy all 5G towers.
I actually work up close with these 4g/5g antennas and we never go near them while they're on. You have to take outages on any 3g/4g/5g antennas.
so apparent you cant describe them and no one else can either.
>hazmat suits that protect against radio waves?
Further proof (you) have no clue
most carriers won't be higher than 30GHz mm wave.
Nuh uh for real user? That's fucking sketchy.
Serious question. Don't they have to be close to one another?
Iirc they have to be within 200 yards of each other
They have to have clear line of sight, so if there are big buildings taller than telephone poles/5g tower, they have to be on every corner. They are going to be everywhere. 100x more microwaves
Fuck reminds me of some user who said he was I'm China and heard like a full commercial in his head.
I wish retarded conspiracy theory cunts weren't involved in this. The increased number of towers and electromagnetic radiation is something that should raise concerns. But, because you have idiots talking about shit they don't understand i.e. speaking about frequencies that aren't even used in 5G and trying to link virus symptoms to 5G deployments, these concerns are likely going to be thrown in with the "rest of the crazies".
So then if they wanted to nanodust this of us that don't take their vaccines, the towers could talk to the little machines inside everyone? Yeah that sounds awesome.
I heard a funny story about China intentionally spreading rumors about 5g on the internet to stall its progress in the west because they are planning on using it themselves and want a head start...know anything about that?
lots of them get cancer, lose their hair, organ failure, etc and are paid fat hush money
Those of us
What if we don’t use 5G. Stay on 2G/3G lads!
Jesus fucking christ you retards are the dumbest people alive. You got one of my coworkers spouting this nonsense
because it bullshit!!