>Trump will pass medicare for all before democrats will
>will probably call it something like Trump Care
>even if DNC win, they will have to keep referring to it as Trump Care because they can't abolish it
>universal healthcare will forever be Trump's achievement and legacy
Trump will pass medicare for all before democrats will
Knowing Trump, he either won't do that, or will do some pussy half measure like Obongo did. Insurance companies and Jewish money is ALWAYS put before Americans' health.
Trump is already the greatest Socialist in the history of the planet. Why stop now?
I'm voting Dem the rest of my fucking life goddamit!
Yeah affordable care
You must buy it
It is more expensive and covers less
So you niggers didn't have any real problem with socialism except that it was the Democrats trying to implement it?
>greatest socialist
Nah, Hitler was better.
I literally want the government to take care of the basic needs of Americans and nobody can stop me
Democrats only want financial support to a poor and stupid voting class
That actually sounds great. Might actually be a silver lining to this garbage fire of a presidency. It probably won't happen, but I like how your petty revenge fantasy actually ends with more people insured against potential medical danger. That's really considerate of you OP. You're a real mensch.
Show flag you fucking retarded faggot.
One of his cocksucker insurance industry buds will probably have briefed him by now that he’s not allowed to do that.
>I want the same things Democrats do, just as long as a Republican's name is on the label
Say it with me folks: “National Socialism”
>Democrat's socialism: give poor people stuff and make white people pay for it
>Trump's socialism: money printer goes brrrrrrr why pay for things?
I don't understand how that works but I'll be damned if everyone is gonna get free shit except me.
if you're white and poor they want you dead.
this except any caste of white
yeah I want socialism with out the 3rd worlders
>even if DNC win, they will have to keep referring to it as Trump Care because they can't abolish it
That will be ironic how the tables will turn against them.
Trump is a populist.
Yes because the government and corporatios should care about the countries they are in. It's called being a Nationalist and a patriot. Also I would like to kick the niggers and Jews out before any of this passes.
Caesar was also a populist.
this is all apart of trumps plan he has my reelection vote
He'll want to do it, but then everyone will block it.
Source on this? I was already thinking I might not vote since it's looking like a choice between two democrats.
trump riding that yang gang train all the way
Socialism without the LGBT, drugs, and diversity pandering is okay.
>Two democrats
They'll parade biden around in hid coffin
This would remove one of the biggest normie mental blocks to voting gop
Leftist Socialism: white bad brown good, white pay for brown
Rightist Socialism: brown work for white
unironically this
>Everyone is getting trump care
>Everyone is getting trump bux
>Election time draws near
>Democrats: "I am sure America will make the right decision and get rid of the racist sexist orange man"
Yes exactly, we want to abuse socialism for the greater good, but always return back to capitalism. Socialism should be our bitch, not our master.
nigga, the shit is already due for collapse. this will simply accelerate it and i welcome it.
Medicaid is Medicare for all, or rather, insurance for the poor.
But he's a bigot! He has small hands! His mouth looks like an anus! He's a proven Russian agent! This is a threat to our democracy! Why do you have to be so antisemitic!?
Trump Yang 2024
Dems arent socialists they are anti-white communists.
There’s a reason basically all white men vote republican and it aint the platform.
no one cares and no one who isn't retarded and/or a pedophile and/or a kike will ever vote for another democrat
kys immediately and livestream it faggot
Not gonna happen. This is the same guy expanding H1B and H2A visa programs.
He's not going to take money out of the pockets of the pharmaceutical and medical insurance industry.
>>Trump will pass medicare for all before democrats will
Trump is a globalist kike loving faggot who does whatever the capitalists want.
>>Trump will pass medicare for all before democrats will
NY dem does dem shit once again
Realistically, I think the only way to get universal healthcare in this country is if someone on the right does it. You’ll get enough people on the left to support it and the other righties will either fall in line or become irrelevant. You’ll also be taking away the main talking point of the populist left and might even get a few of them to form a coalition.
>and nobody can stop me
we can just stop paying taxes
Unironically this.
Im lefty but if Trump passes single payer ill call it Trump care till my dying day.
Ill even go to church once a month.
Stop deep-throating capitalism, it’s an economic system not your boyfriend.
People keep believing anything this lying orange kike says
He does the OPPOSITE of everything he says, all the time
>but if Trump passes single payer
He won't, in fact he's doing the opposite and cutting healthcare.
Are you under the impression that Yas Forums is anti-government and pro-market no matter the cost? If so, lurk more. We vary in politics, but almost all of us are anti-neoliberal.
One hates white people and pushes niggers on us.
Facts don't care about your feelings.
Don’t you have a gay alt-right book club livestream to watch?
Yep, no spinning this one
>Q — for people in this country who are in that donut hole —
>THE PRESIDENT: We’ll look.
>Q — where they don’t have — they don’t have commercial insurance, they don’t qualify for Medicaid.
>Q - What do they do?
>THE PRESIDENT: They’re a certain group. And it’s a pretty big group. We’re looking at it.
>Don’t you have a gay alt-right book club livestream to watch?
Has Trump done ANYTHING he has said he would? Answer NO
He is akin to Obama for Republicans. All hopey changey, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
And no one cares about you.
He ran on it in 2000.
>burgers financially so fucked, might as well get some more debt for medicare stuff the democrats were sperging about
>that will show them
He's going to do it during the Chinese flu crisis. That way he's covered from both. Dems can't call him a hypocrite and reps can't openly criticize him.
I notice you didn’t deny my claim you were going to watch a gay alt-right book club livestream.
And the presumptive democratic nominee, Joe Biden, has been shitting on medicare for all for months now. Trump is going to paint him as the antichrist if he passes trump care.
>strongly monitoring the situation
He won't do a goddamn thing
>Leftist socialism: Someone has to pay for all that medicine, and it sure won't be me nor my buddies. Let's just allow insurance company to define their premium, not because they're our bed buddies, but because they only have the peoples best interest in mind and will figure out an ethical mean to give free healthcare to all, obviously! he he he...
>Rightist socialism: Someone has to pay for all that medicine, so we'll band together and find an ethical way to distribute the weight of this duty among the peoples. Yeah sure, shit suck, but swallow it up and it will help you one day.
What the democrat provided was an absolute fucking farce of a system, it was evident before they even put it into bill that it would result the way it did and no one prevented anything, as it was nothing more than a huge cashgrab and opportunity to fleece more out of the same quantity of provided insurances.
and the republicans wont be able to bash socialism
>reps can't openly criticize him.
but many are, even in the media. I guess it's true he just gargles jew balls and doesn't give a shit about his promises
Facts say capitalism sucks