No Americans allowed thread

When will the world get sick of them? When will we sanction them?

America is currently bombing Somalia for some reason.

Has anyone else ever marveled at the cut-throat nature of American society? Is it the most degenerate and self-hating society on earth?

How can any America claim to love their country when it obviously forces them into wage slave labor?

Will America ever find their way out of Libertarianism and into Social Democracy?

Will America ever be civilized?

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Other urls found in this thread:


America first!


>took France's masks
I'm not ashamed

America needs to be balkanized after this disaster.

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Lol seethe harder loser

fucking BASTE
amerijewmongrelmcmurkyMUTTS irrevocably BLOWN the absolute fuck OUT

Guarantee you the Somali shitskins we bomb deserve it 100 percent

Nobel prize winning economist Amartaya Sen has claimed that no functioning democracy has ever had a famine. It’s the militants and terrorists that cause it by disrupting food supply systems.

America has done wonders for technological advancement. That applies, literally, to every field you can think of.

We're using American tech to use this board.

My country invented pens.

Nah dude, democrats downplayed covid hard for supertuesday. They all got it

Americans in this thread: Are you EVER ashamed of how your country acts internationally? Or how hyper capitalism makes your fellow Americans act towards each other?

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>no New England

Who the fuck cares about tech? We could live in a sci-fi utopia and it wouldn't matter if we are all replaced by niggers, spics, Arabs, etc. as the American government is trying to achieve throughout the western world. See pic related - this is what America is trying to achieve throughout any country that has the audacity to work for its people.

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haha flag go weeee

fuck no

>Are you EVER ashamed of how your country acts internationally?

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Here’s for all those years we kept the costal waters clear and facilitated trade. Suck it faggots.

I'll put all your masks to good use. My dog needs a mask for his walks. Change it every 10 minutes. My dogs life matters more than your, sorry sweety.

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I had nothing to do with any of that. Believe it or not, but the federal government doesn't call me before it makes decisions.

If we didn't protect you it would take 6 months before you became a part of Saudi Arabia

>that file name
No honey pot for me Moshe, has yourself kike

>When will we sanction them?

Attached: hatchet-face.jpg (600x290, 43.36K)

>No American allowed
>So far more than 70% in this thread are amerimutts

Get fucked.

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>Are you EVER ashamed of how your country acts internationally?
Only during the Obama years.

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it aint rape if you consent now blink for anal

go coof on a bong faggot

i'd shake your hand irl

its a chink obviously

Socialist shitholes are poor and weak.
Who would have thought...

>When will the world get sick of them? When will we sanction them?

All the west bows down to (((USA))).

Whole world has problems. Making America the scapegoat is denying your own faults.

You should make this thread on an Australian image board then. That is if your government allows them.

Ban me you faggot

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>more than 90% now
mutts just cannot leave other countries alone.

Only niggers and spics live a bad life in the US. I literally live a better life than 90% of the white people on this planet. The only problem is the occasional rampaging coon, but I'm not dumb enough to live on the coast so I can just shoot them. Livens things up, liking living in bear country. Enjoy your shitty lives.

Behold the power of the burger dollar plebs

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We didn't care about your opinion in the Boxer Rebellion, you expect us to start now?

>No Deseret
>No Appalachia

This country sucks

How's MT fren

>it’s not the jews goyium
Hello plebbit, kys faggot shill. You’re not an Aussie.

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>When will we sanction them?
that's like asking when 9-year-olds will start grounding their parents. try being less pathetic

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Yes. It's bad enough that I have to deal with our shitty soulless culture, but the fact that the government tries to force liberalism and its fucking awful culture on once proud and ancient peoples across the world is sickening.

>You should make this thread on an Australian image board then. That is if your government allows them.

Did you know freedom and poverty aren't the same thing?

Australia has plenty of freedom, and not a lot of poverty. America has plenty of poverty, and is under constant surveillance so their data can be sold to the nearest corporation.

Do you guys have a long term welfare system? Do you guys have universal healthcare? Do you guys have an education system anyone can access?

Let's asses:

Landlords, lawyers, large corporations, and banks are not your friends. Maintenance staff, renters, public servants are your friends. Know the difference between blue collar and white.

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>Posting this faggotry during real America hours

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So much for "best friend" Chang. Maybe we should have just let MacArthur kill everyone else like he wanted us to do.


>No Americans
This is OUR HOUSE kangaroo fucker. Sit down before a crock eats your baby.

>for some reason

It’s between 8 and 11pm in Burgerland, this is prime time

This is why you make shit yourself instead of importing it. Have cuntries not learnt anything in the last 2 months?

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Why do you keep trying to pretend like race doesn't matter? This country is 56% non-white. Of course the statistics are fucked because of the fucking niggers and spics. White people live just fine though.

Lee how are you here? I thought your entire nation was range banned.

Hahahahhahahahah get fucked 3rd worders ahahhahahah

As if an American would ever say they're ashamed online/in the safety of their own country. I mean, get them outside of their country and they're literally french tier weak.

CheckedCheckedKys retard

Kys newfag shill!

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Those digits hurt

This fucking faggot with that pic

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You should be ashamed. You come from a family of criminals. Tee Hee

Seriously why hasn't anyone nuked us yet? Who cares if you'd get nuked back, take one for the fucking team already.

>long term welfare system
You say this as if it’s a good thing. Why do I have to pay gibs to an unproductive member of society?
>universal healthcare
Again, this isn’t a good thing. Why do I have to pay for a nigger’s insulin when they can’t stop stuffing their fat ass?
>education system anyone can access
Yes we do, and plenty of grants for underprivileged people to go to college for free.

>178 checked

Yeah, thieves and drunks. Not terrorists like your founding fathers.

>American government is trying to achieve throughout the western world
That's because the American government employs too many niggers.

>Will America ever find their way out of Libertarianism and into Social Democracy?
We aren't Libertarian. You have zero idea what you're talking about. Government assistance is widespread. That's the problem. They made a the whole population of niggers, redneck and spics dependent on government for more power. They created a central banking system while most of Congress was on Christmas vacation. They flock to the most powerful current civilization and destroy it from within because they can't help themselves from their lust for power and money.

What you are referring to as America is Jews.

>reddit spacing
>reddit post

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Don't we own that upside down country?

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t. ass-blasted descendant of Britain's criminal class. fuck off.

Satan, you're a braindead incel who's never left the house to meet an American. Every Basketball-American and half the retarded white leftists are ready to talk shit about the US literally all the time.

By the way, one nigger is too many.
Never mind the absurd enforced diversity to hire niggers and such.

Yes. I feel like dismantling hypercapitalism and liberalism would do wonders for our nation and our outlook. The biggest problem the US is dealing with is that every fucktard from New York to Seattle thinks his personal political position is not only the best, but one that should be pushed out internationally, and some of them have a lot of clout. If we just secured our own asses we wouldn't have this fucking problem, but China and Russia aren't gonna let us do that either. Can't quit, otherwise one of those two snaps it up.

i do what i want

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lmao get yoinked fucking nerds

OP has sucked so many nigger dicks his brain has blown out his ass and he only has 10% functional brave waves that he uses to search for little black babies to eat.

Digits witnessed! Fuck You Aussie cunt!

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No, China does.

Who is we? You mean your jewish slave masters?

Nobody likes a thief, especially a drunk one. Get fucked, Donk.

How about the shias and corona chinks in somalia are overdue to have their shit pushed in eh?
We are well into our kinder, gentler World War 4 already, and you still waaaaa why why waaaa shill shill goncerrn waaaaaa