Chinese hate thread

The Chinese are absolute filth. One can barely even class them as "human", and to class them as animals would be an insult. To animals. They're amoeba, primordial leeches, bottom-feeding slime that have never evolved to have anything at all resembling "empathy". They almost literally are ant-people, working only for the colony, not stopping to help their fellow chinaman or even spare so much as a thought for another in that person's time of need.

Would it be cruel to simply wipe them as a species, from the planet? Would it be "de-evolution" to erase them? No. The world would take a giant step towards utopia with these parasitic, clicking things gone.


>there's a fucking BILLION of them
>won't even rise up against the latest in a long chain of governments cucking them for thousands of years
>implying I'll give you fucking chinks a chance to reply

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Built for BBC

Nice generalizations, I'm sure you know lots of Asian people, and Asian culture/history.

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态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门.




Fuck China

Japan Number Won
China Number Four

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ITT: Insecure white boys

why do asians have no trigger discipline? every single time

China rocks, you suck. Do you want something?

Japan is definitely better than China, culturally that's not even up for debate. Taiwan is a pretty decent place, and a model for what China could be.

>won't even rise up against the latest in a long chain of governments cucking them for thousands of years
litteraly living in a state of of revolution.

you are nigger, and u are not allowed to judge them, stay in ur low iq zone.

ok glownigger

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she's japanese, right?

the Chinese are the niggers of east asia… but you are a br get real

He’s not talking about all “Asians” he’s talking about China. Only chinks think they’re the only asians that matter

Nice countersignal. I live in a neighborhood jam packed with chinks. They're legitimately not human. Yes, every single one.

you're proving his point. the fact that no one gives a shit about asian history or culture is proof of its irrelevance.

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the enemy of my enemy
is my enemy's enemy

People are strange, when you're a stranger

Lol most other Asians (not chinese) hate the Chinese. you clearly don't know many asians off the boat who aren't chinese.

It's not relevant in the west because it's a world away lol

yet the west is relevant in the east

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Even many Chinese hate China's government, I'm not defending China I'm just poking at the ignorance and racism directed as all Asians

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Asian history of authoritarian rule and slavery.
Asian culture of 19 pandemics.

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>authoritarian rule and slavery

That's not unique to Asia by any stretch of the imagination

Mao completely purged all elements of chinese history before the communist revolution during the cultural revolution. The chicoms hate chinas ancient history.

>mentally ill lady touching display laptops

I guess all chinks are CCP agents

no but they and some other places are holding on to it the best they can.

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True, which is why communism is evil

Mutt's law
>made in Israel

spotted the whiteboi redditor

Look, democrats run the printers and if you have a ballot that says Republican they are going to sneeze and spit on the the ballot. They want you to get sick as you vote to reelect dolfin drunk. Absentee voting is going to give you covid 19 if you haven't died from it already . China backs demoshits and they both want you dead so they can bring in a one world totalitarian government that will rape you and your family of property liberty and happiness


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Why even go onto a thread explicitly for Chinese hate

Did someone say China hate thread?

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You are right, I do not care about their history, culture or people. If they all died off tomorrow the world would be a better place.

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Nuke China

Your missing a country..

The only asians I hate are chinks, I’ve had positive experiences with Koreans and other asians

why do american weebs always rank asian countries and girls, when they could get neither? and why is japan always number 1? personally I'd fuck all 3 of these countries girls, but I ain't touching the south east asian monkey faced troglodytes.

nice memeflag burger.

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chinks and niggers are farm animals

of course, you fucking kikes know that already, you bastards imported them to the US because you're too fucking lazy to farm things yourselves.

I hope we fucking nuke the fuck out of the fucking chinks for what they have done to our economy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>One can barely even class them as "human"
How ironic for a brazilian macacao to be saying this.

What's her nose called?
Eggplant? Cauliflower? Potato?

Looks white to me.

Chiggy piggy

Hello Chang get the fuck out of Australia.

I'll have a grudge against chinks forever now. I'll fuck them over whenever I can, and the beauty is, I'll never get caught.

well the pic makes it hard to agree

i can't wait until we get to nuke the chinese again

Japan sucks and stole their writing their martial arts and all the other good shit from China.
Taiwan IS China.
The US is a lying, terrorist entity ruled over by criminal cabals. They've been fucking up the state of affairs for years. The flood of brown people into Europe was courtesy of Uncle Sam and his counter-productive meddling. On the other hand they have super good propaganda. The difference between the Communist and Western nations is that Communists know they being propagandized at.

China must be destroyed.

t. chang

Pig nose balding chick

imagine the main course not being eaten, and it ends up living with you until it finally dies of either getting hit by a rickshaw, hit by one of the thousands of chinese bricks randomly falling out of old buildings ching ching chong. aaaanyway, where was I?
I remember now.. and the lunch ends up spending the rest of its wreched life in your tiny-assed condo.

>bereeve me, is how it really haoppeneded.

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i want to shit on girl in picture face, while her father is watch me shit diahrrea on pretty girl face.
that better than dog.