Who is this kike and why does he keep contradicting President Trump on the corona virus and saying it is a big deal when all relevant science says it is no more dangerous than the common cold?
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This guy has been in the government for 36 years. Clearly deep state. The deep state created this virus. Notice how the only ones panicking about it are long term plants while recent Trump appointees are the only ones saying anything reasonable about it.
>why does he keep contradicting President Trump on the corona virus
Because he knows what he's talking about and Trump doesn't.
Because he's a deep state asset.
Trump put him in charge of the pandemic in America. It’s kinda why trump backs off a lot if you haven’t noticed
Here user, Fauci gushing over Hillary.
dumb deep state goblin lookin fucker
you just KNOW
He is constantly fixated on a vaccine and as such should be moved to only deal with that (AKA replaced).
Checked. I think we all know why he’s doing this
They don't have the proof is their biggest problem. I am expecting to see pics like the one I have here of the 1918 Kansas Flu epidemic and thats how it looked all over the USA. Instead all I see is tumbleweeds in front of the hospital.
Really outted yourself there.
Who do I believe?
>President with no background in medicine whatsoever
>medical doctor
Literal fucking brainlets.
The female doctor seems alright despite her valley girl inflections.
cahoots with bill gates
>when all relevant science says it is no more dangerous than the common cold?
No respectable scientist holds that position. The coronavirus is both far more contagious and deadlier than the common flu. Even with 4 billion people under lockdown the death toll is likely to exceed that of the flu by the end of this year.
He led against the aids epidemic too.
Honestly he should give the trumptards what they want, let them go back to work/zero social distancing in trump strongholds like Alabama, Missouri and Florida. Why save people who don't want to be saved? Just let the stupid obese people die, like nature intended.
Appeal to authority fallacy. Sad.
Trump knows. He lies to keep people calm, but while he was calling it a nothingburger he was having the government scavenge supplies.
He is a zionist shill. Anyone pushing vaccines deserves the rope.
>He led against the aids epidemic
Our response to AIDS was a fucking disaster and spread it everywhere. We could have quarantined the fags and saved millions of lives.
He is a non-retard
Want to read something really sad?
>“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” - Trump
Kid probably smart as fuck tho
Yeh, I think its going to take a little more than a goober looking guy in a white lab coat on videos to convince me hes some kind of genius. I haven't honestly been all the impressed with MOST of your Government types. They are all YES men and second rate in their jobs. They have basically loused up every single thing they have ever touched and the handling of this so-called "pandemic" is a joke.
yes, don't listen to the people who handle this stuff for a living, listen to the retards who are unqualified instead
What kind of a faggot gets brought to tears by Hillary phoning in some shitty speech for a fat paycheck?
Turn off RTÉ user
This fucking loser ran NIAID for 30+ years and left us completely 100% unprepared for a fairly predictable epidemic. The whole country is shut down for 2 months because he’s inept at his job.
Except treating people like adults and telling them the truth keeps them calm.
When the president is constantly downplaying this, making predictions that fail within days, it confirms people's suspicions that there's a moron in the Whitehouse.
I want him just for kicks to go on TV, hey red states, you're free to open businesses again and mingle. And say that with a shit eating grin.
You. Stupid. Fuckers.
Stupid people should die, I never understood why we have warning labels and all that shit, just let them die why waste all the resources.
He is Italian.
> why does he contradict Trump.
Because he is independent and probably right
So the Fauci doesn't know what he's talking about, and Trump does.
Why would Trump appoint him if he's not to be trusted?
>all relevant science says it is no more dangerous than the common cold?
His own article says that. Check this out:
Third paragraph.
No he don't knows and surprisingly Trump didn't fall for this shit. The best virologists in the world, the ones who do the real job, the ones who publish studies, all think it's a nothingburger and Niel Ferguson is a lair. What's Fauci's scientific production ? Oh yes, he ranks around the 35th viologist in the world on the number of publication. Maybe he should do more virology and less politics.
No one handles pandemics for a living
The "Crimson Contagion" exercise last year mirrored this situation, identified the vulnerabilities, and predicted the outcome. Maybe if Trump hadn't dispanded the Pandemic Response Team on the NSC, he would have had people warning him directly about it, and the identified vulnerabilities could have been addressed.
Globalist medical industry-
>fuels opioid epidemic
>supports and condones HRT and SRS for mentally-ill trannies
>cause more deaths in just the USA every year than guns and illegal drugs combined
But trust them this time guys! They have your best interests at heart!
a doctor told me i couldn't pee 12 foot in the air but i can never trust doctors.
This. For some reason everyone ignores his own article
My boss is a die hard trumptard. Fucking quotes him all the time. Reads instapundit and breitbart. Fucker knows shit about IT too, dumb redneck hillbilly tries to cover it wearing a suit everyday to work. All day every day last four weeks it's nothing burger, deep state hoax, democrat plot. etc. etc.
I just found out his cousin and his cousin's wife, who's 54 years old is on ventilator. LOL 70% chance of surviving at this stage get fucked. Only wish he caught it too.
This Deep State operative was deeply involved in Bill Gates' "Event 201" coronavirus simulation ONE MONTH before the Wuhan outbreak. They planned this shit. No more Yellow Vests in France. No more Democracy protesters in Hong Kong. Everyone cowering in their homes while they effect a controlled demolition of the global economy, and it's replacement with a rebooted, digital global money system that is centralized and surveilled. Every purchase monitored. You won't gather to protest it, and by the time your "free money" is sent to your phone you'll be so desperate that you won't care what they do.
Deep state is just nmore easily explained by jewish behavior, this was 100% a chinese biological weapon however. Hell of a coincidence that the virus appeared only 20 miles away from the only level 4 bioweapons lab in the entire country of China
Nize story, brostein.
It's not the point. This is a logical fallacy. Credentials Fauci has don't make his statement more truthful than Trump's. They both could be wrong or Trump could be right and it doesn't depend at all on this argument, thus logical fallacy.
You realize that the biggest reason southern states have lower test scores and are considered "dumber" is because of the large black populations that exist there right?
>open public position
>deep state
kek you fucking retards are unbelievable
you really think the deep state is composed of public figures?
the deep state are people you never see, never will see and you'll never know they even existed
You're right, its the wrongness of Trump's statements that make Trump's statements wrong.
>“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” - Trump
He should stop. Fauci should stop and let the red states do their own thing.
The moment when they realized they were wrong would be so delicious. Last time I had an online meeting with my boss he sounded so sad, regretful and scared. It made me so happy I wanted to rub it into his face you STUPID ignorant idiot.
I want ALL OF THEM to experience the same thing. Don't help people who don't want it Fauci. Same with the homeopathic people and christian scientists just let them take their own medicine.
so he doesn't follow his own advice? what a rat
Guess again his mothers maiden name was abys from swizerland:
a variant of "Abbs", a patronymic form of "Abel", which itself derives from the Hebrew given name "Hevel", from the Hebrew "hevel", breath, vigour, used also in the figurative sense of "vanity".
Mississippi has the highest hospitilizations per capita now.
Terrain Theory > Germ Theory. Public education has most people brain washed into believing Luis Pasture's theory of the "microbe" being the cause of sickness when he in fact renounced this on his deathbed. westonaprice.org
Hes not a kike he's a jesuit.
>so he doesn't follow his own advice?
He exaggerates everything when speaking to the public. For example, he once said the new coronavirus was 10x more lethal than the flu:
Then almost at the same time he publishes that article saying that coronavirus is basicallyt as lethal than the flu.
aH yEs tHaNKs user foR teH W0o bLOgSpaM.
Also I want to say that I know that his 401k is wrecked because he didn't sell in time because he listened to Trump.
Kinda want him to retire so I have a different boss but also seeing him suffer makes my boner hard so meh.
Another Christian distorting science. The article is a lie, science doesnt claim all illnesses are caused by microbes.
Shutting everything down is retarded. The mortality of this is just a bad flu, as long as you've slowed it enough to not overwhelm hospitals then it's fine. Many states already have it proceeding slow enough to keep operating.
>why does he keep contradicting President Trump
It's OK orange man we won't let mean doctor man make you look silly
A gay faggot?
Ummmmmm, yeah, no....... that's gonna be a YIKES freon me sweetie!
Trump always uses deep state actors to over play their hand
I'ts all right user, if it gets too rough for you just remember, it only takes one step. You can do it, i know you can...
>Credentials Fauci has don't make his statement more truthful than Trump's.
>being a doctor doesn't give Fauci more credibility than Trump in the field of MEDICINE
he was a Hillary boot-licker kek
Fucki is a shill
We have the same dynamics here in Brazil with Bolsonaro and our health minister.
Psyop maybe.
Spanish Flu. And this is a weapon so NYC and NO are swamped but other places are fine like how Wuhan was hardest hir but the rest of china was fine. Also the Spanish Flu took a year to get to your pic.
33 all the way
I don't know and you're a dumb faggot. My guess is doctor. Right click and google image search. Wash your room
migatards are the real kikes. kike trump tried to make everyone go back to work to help jewish corporations and the jew stock market.
Because President Trump is a literal idiot who has no idea how to hire or lead. His only gift is an amazing ability to convince people otherwise.
Кaк пoгoдa в Чeлябинcкe ceгoдня, тoвapищ?
>Fauci attended Regis High School in New York City where he graduated in 1958. He then enrolled at the College of the Holy Cross where he received a BS in classics in 1962.
>Regis High School is a private Jesuit university-preparatory school
>The College of the Holy Cross, or better known simply as Holy Cross, is a private Jesuit liberal arts college
Oh yeah, Trump's a genius, which is why he keeps saying dumb shit (realclearpolitics.com