Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?
Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?
i don't care burn them all
built for BBC
Why not both?
all of the above
The world is not black and white, this kind if thinking is a clear sign of mental illness. It can be one, the other and a mix of both sometimes
also this you faggot.
Post the webm of this girl (male) kissing their boyfriend
It depends on if coffee is good for you or not.
the vast majority or homosexuals where molested as children
Mental illness
It's a sin, that's what matters.
>gay gene does not exist
gay gene cannot exist
>gay gene does not exist
gay gene cannot exist
>gay gene does not exist
gay gene cannot exist
>gay gene does not exist
gay gene cannot exist
>gay gene does not exist
gay gene cannot exist
Mental illness and an abomination.
C). Both A and B.
If you choose to be homosex, then you have a mental illness.
Does it matter? They still get the rope.
Nature's way of slowing down overpopulation. If everyone was made to breed, we'd be far past 10B people.
Even taking the nature argument , homosexuality bares no fruit and provides no succinct way of sustaining life.
Homosexuals would argue that that it has always existed but mental illness has always existed as well , mental illness and various other problems with humans will always exist much like homosexuality , but homosexuals are incapable of having children without adoption so by the laws of nature alone it is impossible for homosexuals to argue that their existence isn't a mental illness since it's a complete INVERSION of Homo Sapiens.
I'd love to see her get railed by one, hard
Plagues stop overpopulation and we're potentially in the making of a deadly one right now.
The gay virus is a parasite like corona. Homovirus spreads by anal assault. It's genetic
An error, it could be linked to hormon level influencing the early stages of brain development.
Too much female hormones in a baby boy and the brain develops more in a certain fag way.
Too much male hormones in a baby girl and the brain develops in a dyke way.
You do not hear about this because researchs like this are publicly suppressed.
Like the rate of transgender that have even more issues afterwards.
Just admit you love nigger dick and the "girl" is just there so you can pretend you're not a faggot.
War also stems overpopulation. There's more than one way to skin a cat, just ask Chang.
Faulty premise. These are not mutually exclusive.
Plague wont put a dent in it. Male Based Sterilization would be the most humane way to deal with it but good luck with that.
I cant blame other men for turning gay. Women are the scourge of humanity. They are all the same. At least with a guy you know what you are getting to, with women it's fuck all and pointless.
What about coffee?
Their effects on the global birthrate aren't even statistically relevant enough for that hypothesis to be true
Well yeah these peer reviewed wack jobs are the people now arguing that men are capable of being women and vice versa.
>"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."
mental illness and choice.
any time you are presented with something in life, you have three "choices". Choose what moves you toward life enhancement, what moves you toward life degeneration, or letting things merely happen which ALWAYS leads to life degeneration.
Vile affections are a mental illness, sodomy is a choice.
Both. They choose to defile themselves and in doing so acquire mental illness.
Do you have a mental illness or does he choose to be a faggot?
90% shill induced mental illness
100% kys
The real reason Gays exist is the gay uncle theory. Having a sibling that is gay is an extra pair of hands and income to help raise your child. That's why siblings pass down the gay genes and why nature hasn't gotten rid of gays.
Mental illness leads to the choice.
Who cares. I don't have time to patrol who other people fuck and marry.
A range of behaviours that people choose to engage in due to underlying mental illness
it's a choice stemming from mental illness, like drug addiction or suicide.
Not saying it's an ultimately effective way of slowing it down, but if every human procreated in another timeline where in this one those same humans turned out gay or had a similar disorder, there would be more people today.
Kind of a mental illness but can’t cure it. Can choose not to be a degenerate though
Why is homosexuality more common in Children's media today?
There aren't enough resources to sustain the sort of population you're talking about as well , that's if a plague or some sort of catastrophe doesn't wipe out 2/3 of people before that would happen.
shes cute
Sources ?
>unironically doesn't understand the principles of causality
Tolerance agenda, baby-proofing the world one lesbian dance theory degree at a time.
Are you jealous or something?
It is over.
Because normalisation is the name of the game and people hate religion and this is there way in their own words of "breaking from the shackles" of religion.
Whatever destroys norms and brings the planet together to bind as one is their ideology , anything goes.
Worst degenerate ever, LGBT nigga furry boomer. AMA
They exist cos uncles occasionally get away with raping kids who then become gay uncles themselves
It is both in the same way schizophrenia is both. Society allowed the mentally ill to choose not to be treated
>...if every human procreated in another timeline where in this one those same humans turned out gay or had a similar disorder, there would be more people today.
Assuming the world has unlimited resources, those people from timeline A would have children and those children would breed and have children that would never happen in timeline B.
>unironically didn't google the principles of causality
Ok to be real gay and bi is all over the animal kingdom. Male and female population almost never match and shit gets violent is you can't fuck something.
You don't have time for your duty of helping guide and defend your culture. Ever wonder why it's dying and being replaced?
Comparing yourself to animals is retarded, some animals eat their own shit and vomit yet you wouldn't do that or at least i hope you wouldn't.
Don't underestimate the chinese.