Prediction thread

How bad do you honestly think this will get? It's happening slowly but it's not slowing down...

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Other urls found in this thread:,9753,7-406-98163_98173---,00.html

Not bad at all. It's the common flu.

Pretty much a hoax.

I will make it out just fine.

I'm sorry user. I'm terribly sorry.

Look to the left, look to the right, then look above you. The people on the left and the right are dead and batman is about to jump you.

The final brappening.
Take a deep breath user.
Never exhale.
I’m... gonna...


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> Trump gives lowest number possible
> 200,000 dead this month
> this month
> with perfect prevention measures
> 1-2 million dead otherwise
Millions dead.
Martial law.
Breakdown in food supply chain.
Mandated microchips and vaccinations.
Election held "online" so Biden wins.
Final globalist push for complete technocracy
The sheep beg for it.
Anything to end the pain.

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Holy based department speaking true

Pretty bad. They are solving the pension problem and the housing problem with this.

The virus is limp dick tier illness. The ass fucking the economy is taking right now is fucking terrifying. Once the looting starts in earnest there is no stopping it without blood running in the streets.

>Project Veritas exposes Covid19 as something the media hyped up for views / clicks
>media apologizes
>nigger-ball starts up again
>people forget

>implying that's bad

it will probably will end like the spanish flu
everyone that could have died to it did

Please not to post unhelpful remark.
China number are trustworthy, accurate.
Western intelligence agency would publish if they faked the numerology along political reasoning.
Purchasing facial coverings you have not authorized on how to operate is disorderly and foolish.
This virus is no more than normal season flu.
There have not proof China is "been economically shut off" or "cripple" because of quarantine considerations.

And important:

Please stop spreading dangerous conspiracies.
You may cause concern and unrest.
Stop terrorizing your elders, friends and neighbours, factory.
Stop hype pandemic to intimidate your family.
You sound like a lunatic and scare your loved ones. please. Your family is very worried. Please take medicine to calm yourself. If swallow pill, you will not regret it. You have to calm down and not fall into crisis.

Things are under control. We need relaxing and enjoy life, shall we? You worry that the virus is meaningless to your loved ones, they will be as crazy as you. Just like the Ebola virus, nothing happen. For family, please calm down.
You're talking nonsense. We all are safe. Your friends and family are scare. It's time to calm down. do you understand?

You need listen.
You make people worry.
You are intimidating your entire family, friends, neigbour, factory.
You must relax.
China has cure. People recovering.
Calm down now.
Consider your loved ones. You are scaring them, why? Yas Forums rumors?
It's time to calm down. It's be okay.

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We're at the peak right now.
Expect 1-2 more weeks of peak then the numbers will steadily go down.

Things will probably return to normalcy mid may.

Your anus will explode blood and you didn't stock up on toilet paper.

Yeah the disease is a hoax but the government enforce economic collapse will be enough to kill plenty

your time is coming, bugman

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When's the last time you saw congress agree to throw $2T at something in just a few weeks? That alone should tell you how bad it's going to be.

My wife and i stocked up on enough of everything for 6 months

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>it's not slowing down...
you do know the FDA approved HCQ and it's had a 100% success rate in multiple studies, right?

what's your plan for month 7?

No peer reviewed studies. The only one I've seen published was done by chinks.

This is the biggest happening we will ever see, It is becoming more apparent that the ptb and Trump are not getting along. The central banks and the drug/human trafficking/pedo rings are on one side and the military is on the other. Who wins is anybodies guess. I'd just bet on buckling up for a few weeks

You see that's the plan!!! You are the first goy to notice ALL DAY... possibly the first goy on /pol to notice the truth in 2 months that we Jews have been shilling Corona Virus threads.

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this is the biblical plague so pretty bad i'd say

No worry white devil, this big nothing. Listen not to the propaganda. Its just flu. You scaring peephole.

Fuck you asshat

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>a few weeks

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Chimpouts already happening but news suppresses the truth

why do you think they are pulling all this house arrest etc shit?

Because what is to come they are trying to cow the people. It's going to get bad, it has everything to do with total economic chaos and riots, even fucking potential gov overthrow, and nothing to do with the common cold

it's going to get really bad all over the board, how bad? I'm not psychic man

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An international poll of more than 6,000 doctors released Thursday found that the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine was the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus.

I mean, If it's hot, we will know in a few weeks if its just an economic reset or if shit is popping off

De coupling our reliance on Chinese manufacturing and importing user.

Only gets better from here.

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>> 1-2 million dead otherwise

1-2 million boomers could vanish tomorrow and hardly anyone would notice, including their relatives.

The problem isn't the body count. The problem is the draconian 'lockdown' precedent being set.

There needs to be a backlash against this shit. And there will be if they try to keep it up.

They're going to loosen and tighten quarantine several times for at least a year then force vaccinate everyone, vaccine will sterilize whites

also why do you think all the elites have prepared all these bunkers all over the place?

because they are going to flee when it all starts ofc.

Congress pissed away .8 trillion in 2009.
Same people who got the money then will get the money now.

>get a cargo van
>put solar panels on top
>put a 50 gallon tank in it(fill it with water)
>fill it up with food
>flash drives with a bunch of ebooks and movies
>go out in the middle of the desert
>live there for a few months until the corona virus goes away

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100 million dead. World shut down until fall/winter


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duuuuude, you have no idea, it's going to get so bad that it will make your hair go white instantly due to the fuck ton of fear headed our way... if you only knew how bad things really are.

Eat wife

anything from nothingburger to black plague 2: electric boogaloo

>How bad do you honestly think this will get? It's happening slowly but it's not slowing down...

western governments want it to spread

if you haven't figured it out by now

>media apologizes

Normalcy will be returned by July 4th.
After then the next phase is economically and psychologically ruining China.

I'm leaning towards nothingburger, because as we all know, nothing ever happens.

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My opinion?
The final fall of the great American empire. As each day passes, the likelihood of our economy recovering diminishes. This virus is a legitimate threat that many are willing to disregard until its staring them in the face.
Arm yourself. Become familiar and comfortable with a weapon. Gather life sustaining supplies.

You can choose to ready yourself for the impending doom of a nation.
Or deny the legitimacy of what's at hand and be helpless in the chaos.

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It was near the end of March 2021 that people knew it was time to eat the dogs. Crops had failed the last year; Chinese had released a grain plague and by January, reserves were gone. What's worse, it burrowed into the genetics of whatever seeds were grown. It would never be eradicated. Not that the Chinese were pleased with the result. Once it was determined they were responsible, the combined nuclear wrath of France, US, UK and Russia (yes, Russia) fell on any Chinese city with more than 250,000 people. All in one night, almost simultaneously. The US took care of the EMP that neutralized their command and control, but the Chinese elites were already decimated by the virus themselves.

Its gonna be a drawn out, economically exhausting crisis. Its literally the perfect crisis to cripple western countries. It takes patience and strong leadership to conquer. We have neither. We depend entirely on constant movement and spending. We also have tiny war chests in case of things like this. Do the math on that one.

>it's not slowing down
Yes it is.

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Already had it, I'm fine. Besides, age demographics speak volumes. These are the most heavily impacted states in terms of deaths. You'll find that the average age groups inflating death counts are not necessarily the age groups with the most infected.
NY (Fairly even spread from 45+ per 1,000 people, 63% of deaths are age 75+)
Louisiana (59% of deaths belong to 70+ alone, 29% of deaths belong to 50-69)
NJ (There is no demographic option)
Michigan (Average age of deceased is 71)
Washinton (92% of deaths are 60+ while making up only 38% of cases)

>How bad do you honestly think this will get?
The lockdown will intensify. This will continue until Spring of 2021. There will be no election this year.

Its not about the virus, its about the economy and the election.

When the US hits 30m unemployed ya'll better be stocked up on ammo and fuel.

And what happens next?

Hope it accelerates from a nothingburger to a somethingburger. I WANT MORE DEAD BOOMERS

>heading towards economic ruin
>"its all fine guys"
jew detected

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Into the oven you go

Gee, I wonder who could be behind that post?

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World leaders know of a civilization-ending event coming sometime this summer, and the coronavirus fear is their way to get people to prepare without panicking. It only gets worse from here.

By summer more chimpouts will happen (as it always goes in the summer)

>complete technocracy
I hope so

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