This board is just satire, right??

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Your mother fingered your butt before you could remember it.

You can never leave now, I’m sorry user

It can get really bad, most of the stuff on here is true even if it makes me want to kms but you can't let it consume you because this place is a cesspool of hate and degeneracy.

No and yes

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Pentagon and NATO commands / commanders will practice information denial against American civilians and civilians in NATO countries until those civilians demand war with China.
Trump announced this using the anti-Chinese jingoism strategy.
virus=warmonger hoax
it's neocon bullshit
same stuff we got after 9/11 Christian Magic

literally built for bbc

Of course, user. Just the same as everything I’ve ever uttered while here.

it is until it isn't

No it’s really full of neo nazis. Leave before they indoctrinate you

i cant tell half the time

Yas Forums is about disrupting the anti-war movement

Yes 100% of the posts here I have made are all satire

It's not satire, it's where broken sociopaths are kept whipped into dancing for their masters.


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No, your society really is controlled by a transient 5th column of vampiric bankers who killed Jesus and rape kids.

The jingoism isn't satire
The jingoism is real

They used to laugh about it, they thought it was a joke. Now they understand the gravity of the check.

I'm always honest on the internet

>my Yas Forums character arc is coming along quite

I think it's called post-irony desu

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It's all just a big silly joke, friend :)

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We only hate kikes and salute Hitler in minecraft.

Last week anons were saying that we would see several days of internet and utility shut-off off. The window for this to occur has come and gone.

Yas Forums is never right and every single thing posted here is either an intentional lie, or a false prediction designed to get retards worked up.

t. retard who has gotten worked up many a time.

yep it's all just for fun

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Leave while your not a neo nazi

Silly mutt. Of course its satire. No one here really believes that the jew owner of twin towers got terrorism insurance just before the terrorist attacks. Its all just a joke dont you get it?

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the 4th dimension is always ours no worries here

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Concern trolling and shilling is satire.

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This board is now run by the same people that coordinate MSM globaly. We are asset in psychological warfare operation.
Ps. there is no deadly bioweapon. none!

Don't forget. You're here forever.

Without a doubt yes, but mostly no.

We are part of a radical counter culture that believes absurdities such as:
>the strength of a nation is the Family.
>socialism only works with ethnic homogeneity and strong sense of personal responsibility within the framework of shared, unifying purpose.
>jews facilitated and profited from the trans-atlantic slave trade more than any other ethnic group
>notice I didn't say "slave trade" because we know about the Barbary Slave Trade in which Whites were sold - in much larger numbers.
>we generally despite the jews for duplicity, calling on "my fellow white people" to open our borders while reserving that Israel should always be ethnically jewish.
>we believe in things such Freedom of Speech and the Right to Bear Arms.
>we understand that these are not Rights given to us by a Government, but rather we were born with such Rights - and created a Government only to the extent that it services those Rights.
>we would generally rather die than live under tyranny.
>Trannies are mentally ill, hence the 40% suicide rate.
If you can stomach these radical ideas, you might be ready to learn the truth not being told by the jews about the blood in your veins.

Attached: 1509343980348 jews white or not white caught in the act.jpg (974x928, 228.17K)

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You need to learn to pick actual anons from shills & retarded boomers & whatnot.

No state actors, all coordinating together. Localized internet, restricted flow of information. Mods working for EVENT 201 PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT EXERCISE!
Operators shilling all corona related threads. Usually also start them. "Fight" with each other over details. Manufacture consensus.
No deadly virus, none!
New world order, coming!

Of course it is. Everything I have ever posted here is satire. Everyone knows this. Are you just realizing that?

Please, consider suicide more often.


The views expressed in this forum do not necessarily reflect the views of the CIA, FBI, DEA or the United States Government as a whole.

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The people on here are honest to god some of the worst people you will ever meet.
Don't dive in deeper you WILL regret it.


probably, don't worry about it

i just come here to build cults

This but unironically

You're doing good with the gate thread larps.


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>how i feel when i visit reddit

Uhhhh this is all just satire right??? Hello plebitors???

we're just a bunch of stephen colberts user

we're actually all cücks in real life and vote democrat

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> Trolls larping as neon nazis who blame the jews for all their personal failures and disappointments
> Actual white nationalists who blame jews for everything, including their personal failures and disappointments
We can no longer distinguish one from the other. Both exist, and both post here, and they have gradually merged into a kind of colonial organism, like a Portuguese Man o' War.

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Person who made that post comes off as a MAJOR pretentious faggot.
>acting like some shitty forum has this much weight to the point where it completely affects your worldview and makes you "woke"

Sorry, not buying it chief

of course not user

80%. The 20% are faggots that mean what they post here

is you crazy
