What happens in here?

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A lot of natural gas extraction.

where your mom goes to get gangbanged by natives

bulldozer coofers kill everything


Butch and Sundance get their shit pushed in.

Cocaine surely.

Those tribes will die to coronavirus

Incest. Dirty hot incest.

a lot of hidden cocaine manufacturing

Shit you wouldn't believe.

are you indio like they are

Big giant women that will fuck you until you bleed out your eyes

yes, and dinosaurs.


No, I'm white as fuck, european phenotype and all, and I don't live anywhere near there. But I've heard things through the years, including pedo stuff. Don't know what the current situation is.

as if drug, child traficking and satanic shit was schocking in the current year

I'm actually more interested in what happens in all those guianas.

does your country have "uncontacted" "indios"

>ywn have a big titty amazoness capture you and force you to become her husband

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a lot of trees.

the roosevelt river is near the southern edge of the circle teddy roosevelt went there and explored nearly died with his son overall though got out

>I'm white as fuck, european phenotype and all.
lmao, then go live in europe with the scandinavians, pardo nigger.


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They have an entire state full of “uncontacted” injuns

Fuck pinko boot lickers

I'm in here right now desu

Literally nothing, you can be a Serbian war criminal and hide in Amazônia and nobody will ever find you.

Rumor has it that an alien killed a bunch of commandos there in the late 80s.

Nothing major, it take elites too long to get to and building and maintaining anything there would be difficult and costly. Also they already have South America under control.

Post this again but with a pic of Kazakstan, thats the real hidden gem.

Does she have big areolas and a thick bushy pussy?

Dimitri... is that you?

What the .000001% do is fascinating and all, but still feels pretty distant. This is a lot closer to home in more ways than one for me.

Your nigger blood is causing you to become aggressive for no reason again, João.

tree monkey spics

contacted and uncontacted tribes

also people, but they are mostly horrible beings and not worth your time, you will know once you see

Thousands of miles of lush densely wooded rain forest where the law and military aren’t coming to help. Drug cartels, drug production, and murder. A Wild West area with native locals and some seriously dangerous wildlife running amuck. Everything you hear of city Brazilians is true in the Amazon, executions, rape, tranny, murder the difference is you are complete isolated. Don’t go here anons, if so have a small army.

It's like a giant native american reservation where the indigenous people refuse to assimilate to western culture. Bolsonaro is called racist because he keeps pushing for legislation to allow companies to use the land for it's natural resources. Natives don't want to assimilate into western culture so they attack any white person on their land unless it's a Catholic priest.

Cannibalism and brown people.

>uncontacted tribes
do you guys think of them as your fellow countrymen

I seriously fucking hate snakes.
I’d gladly napalm the entire Amazon into the ground if it kills the snakes

It's where Coca cola gets it's flavor extract from

why are you glowing in the dark so much


Aliens, indio, florests and lot's of sopa

why would we want 80 iq jungle spics to “””assimilate””” into our society? leave them in the jungle

they want land resources

they are uncontacted

>live in reservation, probably without knwoing that
>pay no taxes
>government watches you from afar periodically, to make sure you are alive
>make people that want to exploit the forest mad by just existing

we really don't care if they are or aren't countrymen, we got bigger issues

Lead redditard, if your gonna be here dont comment unless your contributing something useful. We dont have orange arrows for your SNAKE BAD

From Rio Grande do Sul. Why don't you hobble over to europe then you twatbag lol

>april 2 2020, user accidentally solves the fermi paradox

Drug trafficking (Arms too), jungle tourism, white hipsters doing Ayahuasca, indios in poverty.

logging and animal stuff

Have you seen the movie The Green Inferno? Basically that.

>companies to use the land for it's natural resources

it's actually the natives to do that, they ain't allowed to profit from their land per se

also to regulate the extraction of resouces to the same level as companies SHOULD be doing here

Went fishing for piranhas and stayed in the jungle a few nights, cool people. Didn't go do ayahuasca but many tourists there for it. Bit tourist trap like. Got a boat into Colombia, people living in villages on the river, had to get my passport stamped at one. Simple life it seemed.

quite a lot of army burgers getting jungle warfare training with our military

Illegal gold extraction so cartels can laundry drug money selling that gold to enterprises in Miami. Has been discovered ta the US Mint has gold from my land. But as Spain, you soon are gonna lost all that shit because a chink ate a bat.

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hope you kept the jaws from the piranhas
natives use them as primitive scissors, it can cut a lot before losing it's sharpness

murder but it's in the jungle

The imaginary successful woman only civilization on the planet.

I didn't prepare them a local did, so he probably did. Some kids took me into the jungle and I paid them, played soccer with them. Was a good time when out of the 1km central town areas. People were very open and friendly there. Although a criminal element seemed present and the spiritual dudes untrustworthy.

> The Brazilian Braap Reserve

Extreme humidity.
Bacterial infections.

Amazonia related stuff