When did having a big ass become celebrated?

It's disgusting and means you are obese.

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>imagine the smell

i would fuck. every. single. one.

You realize men are attracted to asses and tits right ?
Its always like that

it is an acquired taste, Polish bro

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Only black women have that type of ass. It's disgusting.

When niggers hijacked American culture, which was then forced upon the rest of the world.
t. nigger. The White man has historically placed far less reverence on the posterior than mainstream culture does today, so I believe you are probably not white.

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To promote nig and ESPECIALLY trans culture(figure that out for yourself)

nigger spoted

I don't like big asses, it prevents deep penetration.

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can you imagine the smell?

I like little firm butts only niggers like big asses

White men can with implants too,,,men cannot have normal female ass

They are all disgusting

It's yet more degenerate American culture. They puke that shit on the world like there's no tomorrow.

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came with the rise of rap music
further promoted in the 2000s with the rise of Kardashian cancer
reality TV and the birth of social media spread it even more
now we have this stupid mess where all girls think working out only the ass and the thighs are what constitute beauty

But shes not black

you can thank niggers for that

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brap fetishism is also about them soles on which the ass is resting

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Real men like skinny and well sized. Not flat but the right amount with no stretch marks

only low test dicklets don't like fat asses

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Men have liked ass since the beginning, you just didn't realize it because you are a homo

It is like any other societal trait -- takes away from actual usefulness of human, instead contributing to the unconscious power of the masses, and without preventative measures, such as war, you get sun cooked, ass and hook subhumans who look more like ancestors or relatives of humans, even to the computers.

herbs and spices and /thread

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thats only a white boi problem

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it depends, big ass small waist can be achieved with a low body fat % but it comes from defining your ass not by eating. Easy way to build a toned but as a woman is to eat but then they get fatter faces and more belly.

>liking asses is a nonwhite thing
Okay retard.

Since nigger culture

Sorry user no. Jews hijacked America and forced nigger culture on us. Niggers are too stupid to do any such thing

the best part is having their fat ass clap on ur pelvis nerdboy

After their consecration by Saint Mix-A-Lot, big asses became socially acceptable to enjoy.


That dirty tattooed whore needs her crack washed with a fire hose.

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>Polish bro
Damn cucknadians are stupid as fuck.

Men have liked normal sized asses. Not nigger sheboon deformities.

>t. small penis that is intimidated by physical obstacles to being able to insert the tip of his 4-incher into the bored uninterested woman he's somehow tricked into sex

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>The White man has historically placed far less reverence on the posterior than mainstream culture does today

Holy shit do you read what you're typing, do you not recognize how braindead you sound

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lurk more

>When did having a big ass become celebrated?

back when sir-mix-alot had a top hit about liking big butts

poo fuckers with shit dicks

And its an ass. Why would i be intrested in seeing a backside. Stupid satanic bs. If i wanna see a person i talk to their face.

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>my personal taste is everyone's personal taste

I don't understand the mental gymnastics required to delude oneself this profoundly.

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>fat cottage cheese asses
Absolutely disgusting

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White People are the most degenerate people rn.

Dogs you mean

disguisting. Not a single flat chest and sissy dick in sight.


yeah but not fat asses like that, faggot

The whole italiam renissaiance was just an excuse for rich patrons to commission painters to make them porn with chubby asses

May 7, 1992, the release of Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-a-Lot

another bit of cultural enrichment you can thank the jew for

It's a nigger thing. I know because I'm Brazilian.
I would rather have a gf with big tits instead of a big disgusting ass, but those are rare in Brazil. Ass has been the national preference for centuries, and because of natural selection most brazilian women have fat asses.


>If i wanna see a person i talk to their face.

You only have sex with women's faces? You can't be attracted to ass because you look people in the eye when standing facing each other to speak usually?

Nothing about your post is logical. It is emotional. Indicating a triggered response, indicating fear indicating you have a small penis.

It's alright to like the shape of butts but to eat butts is way too far.

I'd smash

look mah I fucking an obese person



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Hard pass

The beginning of human history should not be made a stranger.

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you must have a smol p p

Look what they did in africa or china fucking dumbass. Fucking slave nigger

Cute butts. Tight butts. That's what the white man enjoys. If you think otherwise, you've been consumed by negroid culture

probably when they made all the trannies in hollywood and shit. Women felt like they had to do something that trannies can't do, have real breeding hips.


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