G.A.T.E. General

>Pic Related

ITT: We Seek Anons Who Can Facilitate the Development of Secure and Productive Communication Tools

>Have you created languages?
>Developed or working on encrypted comms?



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What should we learn? What must we do to strengthen the bonds, besides Hemi-Sync & philosophy?

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I have been hearing the 'ring'...All...Day.

Today was... A strange one. I lost my patience, finally..

Minister Gaits dances on, hey. We know your secret, OP.

Everyone says they want the truth until you give it to them.

Every night as you dream you create an entire world within your dream.

You fill your dream with real-seeming people.

You interact with these people as if they were real.

Only after you wake up do you realize you were interacting with illusory people you were creating in an illusory world you were creating.

No one teaches you how to dream, no one teaches you to create real-seeming worlds full of real-seeming people within your dreams, and no one teaches you to keep it a secret from yourself until you wake up. You just do all these things automatically from birth without even trying or knowing how you do it.

What we call "real life" works the same way.

Are you having a nice dream today?

Are you ready to wake up?

Has it been established if there is a predilection for left handedness among us?

What if.. It's not us who controls the dream, entirely at least..
There must be a Creator of ALL Infinite Timelines. This is beyond Abrahamism, mind you.. But..

I have always believed the Universe loves a good story, and has quite a diverse taste.. The Antihero. The Hero. The Relatable-Villain. The Tyrannical Demon..

What if we are but members in the Production Team as it were?

4990 USB
Russian Coms Lots of chatter tonight

I am just a fellow G.A.T.E. user who was in like you.


The only bond we need to strengthen is first with ourselves. Only then can we help each bond with each other enough to help heal the world and achieve balance.

Most people like to congregate at boundary conditions.

Where land meets water.

Where earth meets air.

Where body meets mind.

Where time meets space.

Most like to be on what appears to be one side, and observe what appears to be the other.

in my school, everyone took these hearing tests

literally all the students, even the retards, would be taken to a big room and all of us had the hearing test

Uhh...this is eerily familiar. Want to do some math?

I've been banned for no reason at all. Turned on my VPN to post here.

>1st grade parents told I was advanced
>Completely forgotten about memory game until just saw that
>Never been drunk
>Never touched drugs
>Eaten organic 15 years
>Lots of night terrors growing up. Most afraid were tsunamis or falling off large places, like parents driving off a freeway ramp that was out and not noticing. In one dream I even remember being shot and I could feel the numb sting (13 years old). Every night terrible nightmares. I swore that my stuffed animals moved as a child, I can still remember it.
>I used to be able to see the most complex colorful images as I closed my eyes. I would follow the swirls and they would change. I read other people on other forums had similar experiences and thought they were the only ones.
>Apparently my father was also tested by the government as per grandma and him. They stuck needles into his head when he was 4. No idea what that was about.

I could go on forever. I am here to help in whatever, I can pretty much do anything.

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My ears have been ringing non-stop. Had 2 weirdos approach me while on my balcony from the street yesterday and ask me a very weird question.

"Can I have your black hood?"

I felt threatened and had a bad vibe. I overreacted. I basically told him I'll come down and crack his skull wide open.

Regretful afterward. IDK how to feel about these interactions sometimes. Regardless, it caused me to delve deeper into some stuff and reveal hidden knowledge.

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How do I filter out schizo GATE threads?


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forgot to add that my IQ is someone in the 150s. I literally played Dota in a T50 law school more than I studied. The last 2 weeks I would literally cram 6 legal texts into my head and stay above average in grades.

The fuck I fit a bunch of these. But I remember cutting my forehead open so if you're learning that I got my scar from the government sticking a needle in it to suck out my brains or something you're way off, I just tripped on a chair and stabbed myself in the face with the corner of a desk.

.. I started the first threads on Yas Forums.. I, too, was banned for no reason.

They let the threads carry on to a point Captcha would no longer let me post, at all. Then archived them. Then I got banned for a 4 day period or so.

I immediately started making threads again. I realized you have to wait until at the least 7 PM PST.

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If you were GATE you could figure it out yourself, dumb faggot

You have to also be careful this is not the virus. It's wearing down some part of the senses unless you are very active in preventatives.
>Hearing (tinnitus)
>Smell (loss of)
>Taste (loss of)
>Heart (pain, fluttering)
>Lungs (hard to breathe)
>Brain itself (stuttering, lots of ums/uhs, difficulty being cogent)

You get the point. I would be really careful right now.

>It's not us who controls the dream
No one else exists in your dreams except empty illusions. You can search forever for another creator but will never find one. Is it possible something else is manifesting this dream? Yes, but it's never been discovered. Nothing can be assumed, nothing can be known for an absolute fact. This is why the "wise" say they know nothing. Unfortunately/pol/ is a terrible place for these discussions, and as far as I can tell there's no one to have discussions with anyway. I'm posting this on the off chance you inherently exist beyond my ability to experience it. Because this place is usually extremely demoralizing (in many ways) I don't stay in these threads long, although I'm happy to see them.

I'll leave you today with this:
The 1st step is learning about this stuff, the 2nd is investigating it, the 3rd begins when you return from seeing inside yourself, which is called the first direct experience of emptiness.

To see inside yourself you have to display the ability of a master, because only masters can look inside. So how does a beginner display the ability of a master? That is entirely for you to solve. It is solvable, but only those willing to die will cross that threshold and not all of them will return. For those who do not pass, or who just don't try, the path basically is delayed and they try again in the next life.

Be well user.

Or just get a VPN and google incognito.

Ok, spookoomer.

There are many differences, like the real demiurge, not the New Age retardation, and other people.
At least in "real" realities.

Disgusting Shills. Rats like you will turn to dust. Never remembered. Nor would there be a reason to in the slightest. Just that the death you were bestown was worthy to the greasy ugly rat bastards you are

Nah. I let Destiny take it's course and began lurking. Learning what I could.. Ignoring the Shill disinfo and taunts both literally and figuratively

I'd look into your bloodline. This has been a useful resource. Compilation of info.


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Did anyone dream of some hooded creature? From 2 years on if I slept in a certain direction it would come out from our garage and come up strairs. I could literally make the dream happen 100% of the time if I slept not facing the wall. I mean 40 days in a row. I became so prolific at sleeping towards the wall the habit followed me for like 20 years.

Also, anyone remember seeing strange colors when you close your eyes as a child? Anyone have perfect teeth without braces? Or recall speaking at an early age? Early birth? Memories starting extremely early? Anyone?

Those cards literally just brought something back up to me. My teacher in kindergarten told my parents I was drawing necks on my people and at my age that was very advanced. They actually put me in the dumb kids group because they couldn't control me. I wouldn't listen and was very headstrong. But they started testing me. I remember these cards and remember my teacher Mrs. Wattenberg talking to them about it. Now that I think of it... Mrs. Hunzucker... Mrs. Yuhaz... Mrs. Wattenberg... Mrs. Temple. Uhhhhhhh

Ear ringing is a symptom of schizophrenia, so is paranoia.

>Wakey Wakey, eggs and bakey

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I have nobility in my blood. But my father's father's father's you get the point as a Duke gambled away the fortune as it goes. I traced my heritage back and my great great great (way back) grandfather Baptized King Gustav IV of Sweden.

Sometimes I feel like my bloodline was judged 500 years ago and therefore from thereon forward we are always on the outside looking in.

... I know my bloodline.
It's spooky.
Ontop of my date of birth (09/29/98) I KNOW there is something beyond my current state of comprehension - I know this.. I chose to be born out of will not necessity - & I have lived on Earth before.. I yearn for the days of Eld.

Do we have a discord?

Did they make any sounds?

>Complex colorful images
Follow the tunnel until you move into lights.
Pressing or applying pressure on your temple or eyelids seems to work for me, but my mom seems to be able to just go there with thought. Still learning.

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Fuck Discord. It's gay and for nerds - and not the good kind. What the fuck are we doing playing Roblox or Counter Strike?

Let our conversations billow in the virtual breeze of Yas Forums's Influence. We will hit our mark.

Already reading it. I dig it. Microcosm and Macrocosm is really cool. Just as God spoke into existence creation, we speak into existence creation within our own dreams. Fascinating.

Wisdom and spirit are two things that amount to one, in the same way as sunlight and the sun are two things.

The sunlight results from the heat of the sun, which she herself first has to generate through her processes.

Love this.

33 life path here. I realize my actual ability and am going back to work on remembering who I am.

That Doc relies on KJV biblical text too much.. And a LOT of it is disinfo I've a feeling..still worth reading with a few grains of salt

I am going to share a quote with you all:

>Hell is the knowledge of opportunity lost, when the man I am comes face to face with the man I could have been.

My greatest fear.

Path 11. Likewise user.

But don't forget we live in a physical world. A bullet could take us any point..

Imagine the thoughts and actions a lone Govt. Agent had to act on in order to survive an ordeal such as pic related.

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Fear? That is my greatest depression.

I could have been a Plato. Or a Tesla.. Instead I chose redundancy I suppose

>Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)

I born with white blonde hair and blue eyes. I am not sure what happened but by 4 they were brown and my hair turned brown at 14. I was 6 weeks early, 30 minutes of labor after the water breaking, they had to sew my mother up I just burst out. Even 6 weeks early I was over 6 pounds.

Checked. Numbers of Truth.
I'm sure we can all relate.
Is it by design?
Is it by will?
Are those one in the same?

I can still do this a bit without any stimulus. Yes I know about the eye pressing. As a kid though they were extravagantly colored. Some even seemed to be alive in movement. It was incredible. I might try this... bit worried though maybe it will suck my consciousness into another dimension lol

Go on if you know mods have been banning this why not go on a different board that will accept this?
Everyone that goes on Discord is a genuine retard.

Is this Masonry? What are these paths?

What's the theory on the ringing then?
People get tested young so they know who will be able to hear ring later?
Even if some could hear better than others, isn't the human range of hearing pretty close for all humans, 20-20,000 hz? So most people would hear whatever it was, no?

Assume for a minute that people are hearing a noise and it's not tinnitus or something, and that the electronic hum or ring does have a purpose, what is it?
5G background hum? Other communications of some sorts?

I've felt drained all day and my ears ringing. Other than that, I'm super peaceful and self-assured. The universe has been showing me things that I've been asking questions about but not knowing how to ask.

I actually was on course to shake the foundations of the nation. And then I feel like I was targeted as in a 1.5 years both my parents were dead and I almost died, and I was left that way. Doctors would come in and see what had happened to me from another surgery I don't remember, completely agree with everything, and disappear. 20 minutes tell me it was all in my head. It was incredible. I only know that my spirit is indomitable as I refused to give up and fixed most of it myself over 8 years.

The secret is... you still can be. You could be a Plato or Tesla next week. That is my dilemma as well. My mind and discipline these days wanders. Quite difficult to relearn something.

Another quality or trait if you will I am wondering...

For example, if someone is missing a leg, my leg might start hurting in the same place. There is an extreme empathy response.. it helped me in law, mediation, and other areas because I can practice objectivity on such a level it can lead me down subjectivity of the other person instead of my own bias. I am wondering if anyone else finds objectivity quite easy? As if we are designed to shed our inherent biases and look beyond the self.

Try to find Hans Decoz Numerology software. It's a bit older.

Holy fuck I used to do this as a kid for long periods of time until I was scared I wouldn't come out and forced myself to stop. Also until mid middle school I had all the hearing tests and what I'm now realizing were IQ tests. I took the SAT in 7th grade and was always told I was advanced. I also have a forehead scar, slight occipital bun, and a birth defect. This shits so crazy

Binaural related. Hearing the energy and being in tuned with the Universe. Possibly tuning your own vibrational frequency and sending it out so loudly that you hear it.

It was called the PAGES program where I grew up.
>8/9 in first set
>7/10 second set
Created a dozen or so languages between fellow PAGES kids, and a couple cyphers that I kept to myself and used personally to keep notes on things I didn't trust anyone to know.
Isn't everyone's blood blue when seen through the skin? This doesn't seem to be anything unique beyond having pale/semi-translucent skin. My veins are noticeably blue but so are nearly all white peoples'.

My ears have rung with a constant pitch for nearly as long as I can remember. Had ear surgery for an infection at age 3, but that doesn't account for the even-toned ringing in the opposite ear. Always attributed it to jaw problems or, on occasion, background EM frequencies.

What's the point of this thread, exactly? Most people on Yas Forums - or the chans in general, for that matter - are of above-average intelligence, E/INTPs who had abnormal childhoods, either by virtue of their own minds or due to the cirumstances of their upbringings. Not really sure what we're learning here

This is our birthright. Reincarnation may be aligned with time travel in the future.

It sounds like tinnitus, but a high pitched barely audible ring is angels talking

If you had to ask me... The source of our strength remains, but our people are gone. The evil side or mislead or whatever you want to call them, they won a quite formidable battle. Our people are forgotten. Or perhaps... We are simply too undisciplined or have certain character defects that arose in our ancestors for them to approach us and welcome us into their fold. Or could be like I said before that as there those who are born to believe they must rule the sheep, there are those of that born to feel as shepherds. But the ones who would have tapped us, taken us out of the slave wagie dilemma, to allow us to have a singular focus on the daily, to save as many people as we can, to wake up as many as we can.. well that structure may be gone unfortunately.

For example, I have no problem having a job, making money etc. But I have to say the endeavor feels so fruitless that it almost crushes my soul as my spirits tells me there are things so far beyond the reach of what I am doing instead. But if I perhaps took more efforts to refine myself, would I then reach those places anyway? I am not sure. I find people for the most part to be infuriatingly asleep. I spent much of my life with a song in my heart to bring up the lowly and help those around me in such a state. But as of late, I have found myself frustrated rather than full of peace. This post though is consoling to me. I appreciate everyone here.

I am an empath. This has also led me to a career that helps me so long as it helps others in serendipitous ways.

I just remembered something else.

>Be me, 4 years old in Laguna Beach. First fireworks ever. Standing near street. First firework hits. The noise was so loud and banging for me, I literally ran into the street to get away from it, almost got hit my a car.

A few years later I remember some girls at the playground screamed at the top of their lungs. The pitch was so high my ears kind of inverted inside of themselves and everything was each for hours after that.

And btw, I can't share these things usually. People think I am full of shit or making stuff up. They instantly feel threatened like I am trying to flex on them. Which is usually why I never talk about this stuff, because on the rare occasion I do meet someone like me, they don't feel threatened at all. They completely understand which is always wonderful.

For me it is the latter.

When I am induced in passion. Anger. Excitement of the extreme.. I hear the ring.

Mind you I do not get excited unless something like this Virus is happening.. Excited is the wrong word.


Anxiety and anger. When I declare my will above all. I hear the ring.

Polyglot here, how can I assist?

Christopher Pool may have been in the program. The point of this is to create a dialogue and learn to understand each other so that we can explore this well-documented government program which experimented on American children for possible political, economical and metaphysical gain. This is why it is relevant.


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I found a thread years ago, and we were all talking there. I think we are all part of the same group, and the eye colors is a great litmus test to see if we're lying to ourselves. The pineal gland has photo-receptors in it. It's also where melatonin among other things comes from. My own thoughts so far is dreaming since we can see it, as well as everything else must have something to do with the pineal gland too. We are literally creating things with our mind that are alive. Fascinating.

Meditation seems to calm the anxiety and wash over everything like a calm wave of truth.
I encourage you to google the Hemi-sync binaural training that was used during these programs.

You already know. You tell us.

I can do this. As a kid. Putting pressure on my eyelids was a trippy psychedelic experience. Certain drugs nowadays help bolster it. If I am on opioids my closed eye hallucinations are HD Movie Quality. Also GATE (We called it TAG.)

To this day, I still remember like 100% of my dreams. Like i don't truly ever rest because I'm just transferred to some other world. Usually negative or anxiety inducing dream. Some are badass.

That and most of us have an insatiable hunger to solve the vague mystery that each and every one of us drawn to this thread feels

Wouldn't you like to know about a memory if that memory was stolen from YOU?

The numbers will begin to show what is important in this thread.

>How can I assist?

You tell us.

....this... This looks so goddamn familiar.

>shepherd mentality
So act on that, then.
If you feel a compulsion to lead the wary back to calm waters and green pastures, do so; avoiding doing so is a sin against your nature and the forces of creation which made you. Many people are truly sheep, in that they cannot decide for themselves a correct path and cannot accurately discriminate the shepherds before them. If you're capable, be the shepherd that they need.

As for the "selection" aspect: it works almost directly opposite to the way in which you describe it. The "bad shepherds" at the top of the pyramid in our modern world use programs like GATE and others to determine early on who might be potential challengers to their position, and work to keep those people out of influential positions when possible, or to bring them under their mantle if they are easily controlled. It's a hyper-efficient mechanism of power consolidation and maintenance that has worked throughout the ages of Man, it's just done industrially now.