Fuck this cunt

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This all feels like a scam to deprive people of their rights, like 9/11

>B-but this is for your own good user. Think of our edelry
>we are getting masks...federal government isnt helping us. Use bandana.
What a fuckin liberal pussy

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nah, i like this. fucking college kids running around in packs and chink families running around together


This is getting a little ridiculous.

>a little

No its great, i got my 350 per week with 600 coming retroactively. Deferring mortgage 6 months no interest. Keep it closed!

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that is what this is, except this time they are also stealing our homes. soon they will be rounding people up.

Nah, he's cool. He said construction work isn't essential. If that spreads here and we get a shutdown, I can get laid off at the lumberyard and make $1k more per month from corona unemployment sitting around playing RDR.

Stay mad niggers. Jay is doing a fantastic job in handling this virus. Expected to peak by the 11th. Stay seething at a wonderful job Jay is doing. Good job Jay


Get ready.

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Also this. Jay is doing wonderful at controlling this. Cases and deaths already going down in Washington

I think if they can get people to wear masks they can open shit up some... In Thailand they wear masks when its 100F outside and have no problems..

Hey, I don't like living under the lisper either, but we are the lowest trajectory arc in the nation by far with this shit.

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Been following thru seattle times for a month now... i agree WA has done a great job. If you delete those nursing home deaths it hasn't been horrible.

Ya think?????!!!!!

Wake the fuck up people.
Go listen to DR Shiva MIT PHD on twitter or just google him. He is one of if not the top person knowing the real science on the immune system and he will tell you the truth of whats going on and how big pharma surrounded trump and feeding him pure disinfo bullshit.

I think Jay should continue what he's doing. Corona chan has no chance. Things are getting better in WA.

Fedway reporting in. How do we get a chink to cough on Inslee?

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Yep. Inslee is a wonderful govenor. Fantastic job

we were one of the last hotspot states to close schools, one of the last to implement a stay at home order
the problem is self solving because it only kills old fucks

Stay mad shill

Virginia Gov Northam said we have to stay at home and cant come outside with our AR15s until June 10th.

Defy orders.
When the 5-0 try to fuck with you, cough at them.

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Imagine unironically posting in this forum complaining of draconian tactics, when most of pol believes in draconian tactics.

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Not mad, just curious.

Total bullshit, buddy. You have any sources to back this up?

Until May when he extends it another two months.

Hello based neighbor


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new here rabbi?

Aren't you more concerned with getting mugged by spics?

Probably last until early may even late this month. Cases and deatgs down alot in WA. Other governors are retards lol.

Didn't the only place it really explode was nursing homes? Probably some chink going from place to place

Nope. Are you a lolbertarian?

Bothell here. Wtf. All this is doing is halting small businesses, punishing the poor who use public services to move out of poverty and force the flow of money into big business.

Know why the cases are dropping? Its still cold out.

Yep. I hope Jay continus to stay governor of WA

the fact that our stay at home order was put into effect 12 days ago and schools were closed a full week after oregon did the same
unless of course you lived in Seattle, the only part of Washington Inslee cares about and he shut that shit down as soon as it started, didn't stop you stupid fucking communiggers from spreading it across the state though

No link.


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Wow you are stupid. See what happens when Jay opens things up again. If we open up too soon this could spring back up. Idiot

>y-you can get a small business loan.
He hates white people, 2a, and small businesses bro. Noticed how he glossed over the shit hes vetoing? What could that be?


ffs end this shit.

Dr shiva? Poo?

Nigger every other fucking county is getting it because they didn't lock the cities down. Shit is just starting because you fucking faggots are constantly being pandered to.

the "loicense" meme never ends

Not spics per se but homeless people and beggars. Their tents tend to blow onto the interstate and beggars will follow you around food courts.
I call them “Inslee’s legacy” since it lasted longer than his presidential bid.

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It was perfect timing. Cases and deaths going down while other states and their retard governors don't know what to do lol. Jay is one of the smartest governors ever

something has to give..

we're only into week 3 and this nigger wants to go even further?

inb4 chimpout

I think the lockdown is too little, too late.

its nice that we are turning from ground zero to very LOW in comparison to other places.

Haha fuck that nigger I just moved out of that shithole state last week.

So whats stopping the infections from spiking back up once the stay at home is lifted? Are we just going to go in and out of our houses for months on end from now on?

Like I said; expected to peak by the 11th. And no one cares about spic counties. Look at Jew York or commiefornia and the east US. Jay is doing a fucking amazing job at containing the spread.

Dude. Its the cold and not being crammed together haulting this. Nearly all cases, inside, close proximity and warm.

You fucking cunt. This liberal faggot blue millions upon millions of tax payer dollars to:
>fly to china when a conference call would have sufficed
>attend the g10 submit- why the FUCK would a state governor spend to attend that shit?
>presidential race. When asked if he was going to reimburse the State of Washington taxpayers, his answer a resounding NO
All of the mismanaged spending by Gov Inslee could have instead been invested into this States medical infrastructure and school system.
So why dont you quit sucking his boomer dick and fucking KYS.
You're generating a fuckin snake.

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You're probably a nigger or spic yourself. Glad you're out buddy

something something 2 more weeks

Loan, from who, you?

nothing, once containment is lifted expect more old people to die
this virus is a culling

Go look at the king county numbers.

Stay mad MIGA kike nigger lol. Also
>no sources
Take your meds dip shit. Inslee is doing an amazing job

The imperial college model predicts exactly that. Boomers are gonna pay now or later.

Yas Forums is a liberterian board, newfig :^)

These faggots are going to need to be killed.


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Your trolling is fucking lame, Washington is nothing but commies, shitskins, kikes, fags, and tent cities. Enjoy dodging piles of human shit and crowds of schizophrenic junkies

not a fucking thing.

the ONLY way, and i mean ONLY way to stop this shit from spreading is to have the lockdowns countdown (24 days) BEGIN only when the LAST person gets sick.

so if the last true infection happens at the end of august, that's when the real countdown SHOULD START.

Until then, expect spanish flu tri wave of death with the second wave to be the MOST DEADLY THING YET.

Culp 2020

You must like to look like a paranoid idiot.

''the homeless be following me around the food court.''

Nothing. Lockdowns are pointless. Unless you legitimately quarentine every human for like 6 months

Fuck, I hope my dad doesn't die from this shit.

Wish all your families health as well.

Every time I see Jay Inslee I think of this guy

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bye bye boomers
best part is that coastal WA is liberal boomer central

Glad your gone. One less shitskin retard then.

hurdur this doesnt make sense to me, my 60k/year job, and history of D's in science. REEEE

sadly this has clamed a couple family members and a few friends from highschool because nobody would listen or heed warnings.

I wish you better luck.