Good news. Friend is scheduled 7 day work week next week to make ventilators.
They didn't even get the bail-out. Good Ford is in Heven approving.
Good news. Friend is scheduled 7 day work week next week to make ventilators.
They didn't even get the bail-out. Good Ford is in Heven approving.
Absolutely not discrediting Ford. They did good and are still doing good. But, if they are part of the DPA, they are getting government perks. That isnt a slight, that was part of the deal to get the private sector buy in. I hope they knock it out of the park with the ventilators and put china and weasel share holders on notice that we indeed can still manufacture.
We don't need ventilators
>Ford makes ventilator
>Their ventilator breaks down just like their vehicles because it's a Ford
>Workers die
Yeah no.
Ford's new ventilators
Jesus Christ. You must be the most negative person in the world. Ford stepped up to the plate and hit it out of the ballpark. Whether you think it's all a big conspiracy or not, they are showing how they do so much for you.
Ok. I apologize. It's good that Ford is doing something like this.
That's badass.
We'll get their ventilators in 2 months when this shit has disappeared already.
Sounds like great government spending.
This. They should've asked Japan to make them for us.
You obviously don't know anyone who drives a Ford. They're honestly the worst. Why doesn't Toyota step up, that would be more reasonable.
Buddy they haven't even done anything yet. Believe me, I felt a pull in my heartstrings when a company that's as American as Ford said they were going to try to do this, but as of right now the only thing they've produced as marketing.
Ford - Fix It Again Tony
When this is over what the fuck is the US going to do with 50 million ventilators?
I bought F at 5.15 when the news first broke. Still hurting badly after they dropped, but I have hope they can recover even after being confirmed junk status.
sell them to the third world that is still dying en masse.
You know what Ford stands for? Fix it again, Tony.
do you know what he's not approving of it heaven?
Since when did the Ford logo have that swiggley thing?
Stop buying ford focuses user. Even ford knows they are trash.
Most of the japanese vehicles over the last 20 years are made in the U.S. except for a couple of sports cars. If you drive a truck, especially. It was made here.
>orange retard activates wpa
>factory go brrrrrr
>taps automotive companies 'cause if we can beat the Nazis we can beat sideways pussy syndrome, rosie the riveter right guise!?
>completely ignores Phillips, you know the GIGANTIC medical device company that actually makes fucking ventilators with factories doing fuckall
this whole shitshow deserves to crash and burn, beaners can have it I'm done
>Buy Ford ventilator
>on the way home
>check breathing light comes on
>go back to dealer
>didn't get extended warranty
> trade in ventilator for 10% of cost of new one
> buy extended filter to filter warranty this time just in case
>on my way home
>check filter light comes on
> take it back to dealer
>"okay user, the new filter will cost about 30% of value of ventilator, and we'll need two weeks for parts to ship"
>Get ventilator back 3 weeks later
>actually cost 45% of total value of ventilator due to labor
>on my way home
>check seal light comes on
Save them for the fucking next time so we don't have to panic build them?
Phillips is a French company.
Holden fags btfo
Only Ford I had was a Ranger.
Fucked Over Respirator Deaths
Ok retard
It's Dutch, but it's subject to US law just like any other jew multinational megacorp. Phillips healthcare currently has manufacturing facilities in the following US locations: Andover, Massachusetts, Bothell, Washington, Baltimore, Maryland, Cleveland, Ohio, Foster City, California, Gainesville, Florida, Milpitas, California, and Reedsville, Pennsylvania.
Honestly given their car sales, they'll probably be more profitable making ventilators
>Respirators break shortly after 60 second powersuck warranty
I drive a mercury and it's lasted my family 20 years
>You must be the most negative person in the world.
Positivity and muh feels dont get things done you insufferable faggot.
The objective is to make them cost $5 so people won't have to pay out of the arse through health insurance companies which intend to extort people with them throughout the world.
Only way to do that is hyperscale mass production and deliberate oversaturation of the market.
It's just like pushing hydrochloroquine as a medicine so nobody has to get the multibillion dollar profit-making vaccine.
The deep state and global elite want to construct a position of totalitarian authority through the virus.
Disabling the volatile perception of the virus's danger is key to preventing that.
When the gouvernment of say the UK tells every citizen they are forced to get vaccinated under threat of a monthly $4000 fine for refusal to cooperate, they can point at the work being done by Trump's administration to provide a cheap and far more effective alternative.
Concernshilling is the name of the globalist's game. Calm, soothing confidence and faith are the antidote to that.
This guy gets it.
Flood the market so every person in the West can buy one on the trot
In the same way Philadelphia is Mexican
Since they were established.
You are 100 % correct. Also, why are the Japanese factories here not making vents ? They are just as capable as ford is at tooling up and producing. But its Ford and Chevy and that's it. Because Japs are bug and don't do shit without a profit. One more reason that if you drive a foreign car you are a piece of shit.
Not all Fords are equal.
European models are much more reliable, which is fair considering they're made in the UK just like shitloads of Toyotas and Datsuns.
based do they get double time on Sundays
I had an old GM Opel, what a piece of shit car. I finally gave up when one day I pushed the clutch down and the cable connected to the pedal broke.
My F-150 is 22. Fuck all these fags
Ventilators are a meme, sadly.
Almost no one survives once tubed. Young might have a better chance, but it's still grim.
Oxygen tanks and hoods are what you want, and early administration of effective antivirals.
HURRRRRRRRRRR you must be one of those faggots that run around wanting to LS swap everything
ford the only US automaker to not require bailout ever in its history, not during great depression, not during 08 recession, not now
jew manufacturers btfo
Wont stop us from making bank as the number one ventilator supplier in the west.
t. Dodge Ram owner
my 250 is 14 years old, regularly tows three times its weight
idc about all the non drivers opinions itt
You too. Lighten the fuck up. You want to depend on Chinks for life-saving equipment.
Apology accepted. 220,000 miles on my Focus and 8 years in. Not a speck of rust. One repair at 80,000.
They did this. Quite possibly saving either you or a loved-ones life.
Ford stands for "First On Race Day". I want you to know that.
At least an LS engine would outlast a Ford engine.
>owning fiat italian garbage
no, never ever
Dude, that logo is over 100 years old. Cursive writing was High Tech in logos back in like 1901 or so. So it had time to come in and out of fashion and then transcend fashion and be like so pervasive it is a part of our daily lives.
5 dollar days were revolutionary at the time. Like a ditch digger getting a lawyer's pay today.
I own 3 vehicles and they are all Fords. I made no reference to their reliability or quality.
You are an asshole. Insufferable asshole. If I gave you $5 right now I bet you'wonder why it wasn't 10.
Lighten up and quit letting the pervasive green cloud of negativity that permeates this forum get to you. I swear. My mom would say you have a bad aura.
Have you driven a Ford lately? It would cheer you up.
Waiting for the Ghost of the Great Ford to rise again, double workers wages, denounce the jews and renew heroic capitalism
Yes. They never took the government teat into their mouth like GM and Chrysler.
Also, the real reason that Henry Ford was pissed at Jews was because they tried to steal his company from him. Just like Papa Johns got his company stolen from him, the former owner of the NYT, and Ted Turner who founded CNN.
They do it in a variety of ways. For Papa Johns it was to get him to say the world "nigger" on tape. For Ted Turner it was to give him a ton of AOL stock and then devalue it to zero, for the founder of NYT it was to have Jewish business owners conspire to boycott him secretly and then buy it for pennies when it went bankrupt. Then all the Jewish advertisers returned once it was Jewish owned.
the new ford electric mustang truck SUV thing is built in MEXICO. ford mo co is kike and indian controlled garbage
Well OK. The meme touched me in my nerves. Thank you for keeping American industry alive. Thank you for being polite on a forum like this which rewards negative behavior through (You)s. Most of all, thank you for just being you.
Side note: I'm only sharing this info because I want to scoop the MSM.
>I will never be paid to post about Ford in a Mongolian basketweaving forum