By George Soros

Europe must recognize China for what it is.

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Translated: We no longer control Xi and the rest of the world will soon know

This China is the biggest threat to Jew supremacy

When God speaks, I listen.

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they still have a Rothschild central bank

So get Chinese tentacles out of the West and then smother them to death you evil old bastard.

American colonialist vs Chinese colonialists.

>Don't stand up for yourselves, Europeans.

he's both hungarian-jew and both Hungary and Israel hates the guy
Soros desn't care for jews ever since he sold his kind in WW2

You can hate your brother but at the end of the day blood is blood

We are watching the global destruction of that system bud

You think the Chinese don't want out from under the control of the same fucking central banks? It's the only thing that the entire world can get behind. So really, the thing they were trying to use to control the globe will inevitably undo them.




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soros plays both sides. he has ties with china and their biology labs so better start putting out little puff pieces like this

>communist china
>central bank


Yes, he plays all sides.

I truly know now that you have no clue what the fuck you speak of. Literal fucking retard.

wtf kind of jew jitsu is this


S*ros may be doing a slight backtrack from total globalism but don't trust him for a second, he's still one of the big name globohomo elitists financing open borders.

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If you retards don't understand that the same commie jews that built USSR are the same commie jews that built CCP and it was all for a central bank. Then, you are hopelessly fucking retarded

Chinese are not your Friends

Soros and globohomo bankers are not your friends

Your politicians are not your friends

Do a revolution or just be a debt slave

Based and correct

No mention of the virus. Corona is going to be the number one issue of any meeting between China and the EU. This is going to wake people up quicker than any human rights issues within China's borders. This is when people realise they need production to move back from China to secure supply chains and the manufacture of critical products. No longer will people accept reliance on China for anything and you can expect the calls to isolate them to get louder and louder as the death toll rises.

oh it's not communism that's evil, it's not china that's evil, it's dictator Xi who is evil

He's not based, he just belongs to a different faction interested in global control. Just a jew writing jewish critique.

>No mention of the virus.
Article was published in February

wtf i love china now

Covid 19 as in 2019. The virus has been around months before February.

An open-air sewer with connections to Hell?

I know, but back in February it wasn't clear it would be a pandemic. Soros probably wrote the article in January. These things sometimes take time to get published.

Ethnic-nationalists that will resist and survive Zionism.

>do a revolution
You first frog, or do we need to show you how it’s done again

He's not wrong, China is a dicktators.

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oh god i hope you're right

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Maybe so, but everything he said in that article has now become irrelevant. Everything moving forward will be interlinked with the virus.

Look I am on the fence on the Q shit. But, Xi talking about the sun shining after the storm. Playing that song all over Europe at the same time talking about the storm and shit. Ships in NY and LA. I mean fuck man. If you were really gonna hit these motherfuckers now is the time. Not to mention the Fed and the Treasury merging shit. This may really be a happening. But I am holding back my excitement because i know the eternal jew knows no bounds on pain and suffering for a shekel

more true words have never been spoken on Yas Forums

i know nothing about Q, but followed the Fed for twelve years now

watching reverse repo today to the tune of $182 billion
pic related

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$24.8 billion purchased in QE of worthless MBS today alone
pic related

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If you were gonna kill the fed, you would have to do what is happening now. They are printing themselves into insolvency. It seems someone or something is forcing their hand in exposing the fiat nature of our system to normies.

$58.5 billion purchased in worthless treasuries using QE
pic related

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>a jew demands war with china
it isn't news
it isn't politics
take it to /jew/ a.k.a. /his/

China is an authoritarian nation where the state is above market capital in importance. This is the opposite of the west where market capital is the true power and is over the state.

I don't really like China. I don't particularly care for Chinese culture or people. Soros is right to be worried though. When events like this pandemic happen people all watch and see the difference in their governments abilities and capacities to act for the benefit of the people. They begin to see where the priorities of their nations rulers really are. And they begin to wonder if the status quo is really worth preserving.

Pentagon and NATO commands / commanders will practice information denial against American civilians and civilians in NATO countries until those civilians demand war with China.
Trump announced this using the anti-Chinese jingoism strategy.
virus=warmonger hoax
it's neocon bullshit
same stuff we got after 9/11 Christian Magic

If I'm understanding the play right. The fed is gonna print so much fucking paper money and computer money its going to devalue the fed note. But also get liquidity in markets to keep them afloat then, crawfish their ass and issue treasury notes against said debt/fed currency after its inflated

Our economic system is based on non-stop all the time consumerism and debt. If that pauses it tests the foundations of the "system". This is def a happening, but for whos gain I'm not sur yet. IT would seem that pausing all global monetary circulation and consumerism is bad for the people that are owed money (central banks) but thats just me.

>issue treasury notes against said debt/fed currency after its inflated
i agree, we need to issue our own currency, it's already fiat
pic related SOMA better known as the asset side of the Feds balance sheet (is in millions) $4.7 trillion of now worthless junk bought from banks

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I honestly don't care if the Jews want war with China, for once I would truly agree with them. I've always hated Chinks, they truly repulse me. What passes for a Chink these days is cut from the same cloth as Lao Tzu and the ancient Chinese, there's no way they're the same species.

>(is in millions)
this was wrong
it is in thousands
im tired, have to go to sleep
stay safe everyone and pray for our country

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>worships master race (han)
>90+% han
>puts undesirables in camps
>no democracy
>no human rights
> no liberalism
>no shame in heritage
>no interracial marriage promoted
You NAZIS should LIKE china

I thought that the Liberals were Socialists and that Jews and Commies allied?

Do we like China or not, since they're anti-zionist and ethnonationalist?

are not cut from the same cloth*

wtf i love George Soros now.

>Hey goyim I heard you dont like Jews
>heres a BASTE alternative for you
>I know I know Jews are bad but those other...

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i'm not a nazi and i still don't like live puppy cooking in oil in a giant wok or live baby turtles in keychains
do some research, the chinese are brutally indifferent.
perhaps you need to see the 'fun with chinese' series of webm's that plays on here from time to time
you will NEVER be able to unsee it

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Would you rather live in an Judeo-African prison planet or a Chinese vassal state anons? If I was pushed, I would the latter tbqh.

>yellow man bad because he doesn't engage in ethnic replacement

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"China is the only safe place to put my money, I will kiss their asses"