Shills bombard Yas Forums everyday to discredit Covid-19

>CDC: We estimate that influenza resulted in between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010
>Shills & glowie threads: BuT ThE CoMmOn FlU KiLlS 11 TrIllioN PePlE EVErY HOuR, CoVID-19 iS a NothINg BuRgUeR

btw if you didn't know: influenza is the common flu

>But why do the jews would want me to believe the Corona Virus is fake?

Social darwinism: eliminating the ones that are least favorable to live like retards, handicapped, low IQ individuals

Deaths need to happen so it can be relevant.

With this battle of Stay At Home and It's Fake/Nothing But A Common Flu narratives, you can maintain this as relevant as possible without causing too much damage to society, too much deaths.
Having the deaths of the people who were unfortunate to get it and the ones who believed it to be fake/underestimated it, can be an extremely effective tool to scare society and control the people.

PM of Hungary declared himself the god emperor for life, the Fed issued a 2 trillion dollar IOU to the american people, the UN/WHO has the spotlight it never had before in all of its existance.

You need deaths to happen, but not like the Spanish Flu, so, why not kill the stupid people?

Attached: 381.png (851x721, 230.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>i want this to be a happening
>also pointing out why its not a happening
Youre just whining. Stop whining.

>>also pointing out why its not a happening

This is how you spot a shill, dishonest to the fucking core

I did not write anything closely that on the post, if you think so, prove it

>You need deaths to happen, but not like the Spanish Flu
Lemme know when the spanish flu comes back and we will talk

So you need a outbreak at the level of the spanish flu for it to be a happening? Anything less than 50M deaths is NOT something to be considered?

It's all a lie, you shill.
They were using refrigerated trucks in NY for "coronavirus casualties" when the death rate was still less than normal for the entire place because of the stay-at-home orders preventing people from getting stabbed/shot or doing something stupid.
You read that right: for DAYS casualties were actually LOWER than normal - by magnitudes - and they were using refrigerated vans claiming their morgues couldn't keep up.
Now they set up a tent city in central park for mt sinai hospital to use for "coronavirus patients."
Why not an empty warehouse?
Because it's fucking theater: they need people to see shit to believe shit.

Isso é uma GRIPEZINHA, um RESFRIADINHO, talkei?

Forte abraço aí!

Imagine being the sort of faggot that takes Yas Forums this seriously

And why would they fake all of this? Of all the millions of politicians, medics, scientists, across the whole world, all of them seem to agree with eachother and no one has shown concrete proof that it is a hoax.

Of course, some americans hillbillies/basement dwellers came with some amazing photograph evidence, but apart from that, yeah, nothing else.

Ps: this isn't about america and the lives of you burgers, if you ever believed that, you are so over your head lmao

> But why do the jews would want me to believe the Corona Virus is fake
> Social darwinism: eliminating the ones that are least favorable to live like retards, handicapped, low IQ individuals

You do realize thats the exact opposite of the kike agenda right? They want a world of easily controlled retards that will wage slave for their masters while they control from their high tower with zero threat of being dethroned by a smart adversary. Thats why they push open borders on white nations, in hopes they all become mutted 85 iq cesspools that are primed for near slave labor and control, like Brazil (you being a shining example).

>photograph evidence

Meant photoshop.




Attached: it's gonna be fine.gif (500x280, 497.44K)

Some do, don't they?

This is an english website


>Some do, don't they?
Yes and it's sort of sad

The shills are pushing it as a killer disease all over the media, government, and TV. Even the Chinese follow suit. You are telling me they are the truthers?

The only problem is that your retards will contaminate others who aren't. Preachers are healing people through the TV screen anyway, nothing to worry about.

Qanon is real.

This is essentially a test, we're currently in their usual "crisis drill". It's pretty amazing to see how obedient and servile everyone is. This displays the absolute power of media/government working hand in hand.

Global media
Global government

I dunno leaf, everyone with a 3 digit IQ should see that most of it is bullshit without the need for conspiracies. Nothing adds up. There are so many reflags that everyone should be on high alert about this bullshit. Nothing about the numbers is scientific. Even top experts are bewildered about what the governments and the media do. It's such a laughable overreaction and media fear-mongering that even normies start to call bullshit on it.

The true shills want you to see it as dangerous killer disease. They want you to do all the things the government wants you to do. Go figure

This has to be dumbest thread I've read so far about this whole thing. Please hang yourself you fucking idiot.

2 million people die of diarrhea every year that’s a bigger happening than this weak shit

B-but politicians AND DOCTORS claim its all real!!!

What makes you think they're not being played as well you dumb fucking favela dweller

>Stay At Home
>But A Common
These are titles and titles don't have their articles capitalised (a, the, an), conjunctions aren't capitalised either unless these are at the start or the end of the title. (to, at, ect)
Everything at the end or the start is capitalised.
>Stay at home
>But a Common
is correct.

>Even the Chinese follow suit.

I'm pretty sure they lied alot about it, their first ""studies"" even claimed the corona virus doesn't spread from person to person.

Now we are here, 1 million cases.

Riddle me this one monkey. Inside a hospital where more military should be around than doctors, people just shoot videos of bodybags without fear of being found out?

Or this one monkey,
you drive with a van to a building. You bag up 3 corpses. You drive away and leave the corpses on the street. People stumble upon it and make videos? No official around?

All of it seems fabricated.

>you dumb fucking favela dweller

First of all, you and your people are beneath me, cartel thug, your economy, the demographics your people, you have nothing on us.

>What makes you think they're not being played as well

So everysingle one of them, all of them, is being manipulated and nobody, nobody that is a trustful source is raising a flag? Only some basement dwellers with fake shit about the common flu killing 600k people yearly, which only kills 60k?

Yeah, fuck you

Shut the fuck up shill. My rights are not negotiable. Your tyranny is not acceptable.

Because politicians are easily bought and China was looking at a decision: 4 more years of tariffs resulting in losing their place on the world stage entirely, or removing those tariffs and having a shot at being #1.
You're an absolute fool if you don't think China is throwing every resource they have, calling in every favor, using every piece of blackmail, and was willing to sacrifice one of their cities full of plebs to take that #1 spot.
When there's that much MSM and shill propaganda backing it Trump had no choice but to play along to avoid looking incompetent, it's still very obviously a fucking hoax to anyone with more than a single brain cell.

>Corona Virus whistleblower punished by the Communist Party of China

That doesnt add up if your FACTS, kraut

Did your people get dumber after the soviets?

>But why do the jews would want me to believe the Corona Virus is fake?
Are you serious? the answer is:

I"m sure that 1,000 people a day across the USA not getting killed in car accidents helped

Yes monkey, all the facts from china with reliable sources should be trusted. That is my whole point. We have no reliable information from china. Everything could be government shills putting that shit up on the net. We just don't know what is going on there really.

You must take it seriously since you hide your real location

>Something that is currently affecting 3 billion people worldwide is actually a HOAX
>B-b-but they wan hurt Trump!1!11

Once again: this isn't about America, burger

>Because politicians are easily bought
>Politicians of 204 countries were bought by the Communist Party of China

You do know that if someone had conclusive evidence of this being fake, he/she would be hailed as a messiah, right? Why would politicians accept some chinese money, instead of blowing the whistle, and gain immense traction? Makes no sense

post-humously, one might say?

Found a shill.

Also, bump

Attached: 04.01.20.png (1359x1295, 55.22K)

They fucking killed the corona virus whistleblower, the narrative of "China wants world believe virus bad because is good for them" is nullified.
They caused this outbreak, they are going to be called out after this is all over, they are going to be held responsible, people are rioting in China because of this, are you seriously telling me Xi Jinping wants all of this?

Go to sleep Kraut, your people are already awkward, don't also need to be annoying.

New strain of COVID-19 found to be OLDER with fewer mutations that the original in China. Seeding the population?
Genome – The Universidad de San Francisco de Quito has sequenced a strain of COVID-19 which was taken from a Dutch tourist, the first patient in Quito. Researchers can learn about the aggressiveness of this strain which is circulating in Ecuador, is older than, and with fewer mutations than the original in China. It is also different from the strains in Italy and Spain. The strain has been named “hCoV19/Ecuador/HEE_01/2020.” The research will be useful when a vaccine is developed.

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You COMPLETELY missed the point:
>morgues have less people
>they are claiming to need the refrigerated trucks for corpses
>and are USING those trucks
It's theater.

Politicians are sell-outs, and not suicidal enough to piss off a country that uses it's own citizens for spare body parts.

They didn't kill him and if they did they didn't admit it. Archive your links, I'm ain't clicking that shit. I bet the article states its source as "their ass".

How do you know that millions are rioting? I'm seriously asking where you all got your shit from. You can't trust the Chinese government or their people. It's simple as that. They all have no reason to tell the undeniable truth.

For the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Imagine if every news discussion on the Internet was done with your godforsaken retarded fucking attempt at reasoning. Imagine if this was how all knowledge-seeking was done.
Is 9/11 now a nothingburger because only 3,000 died? Are the Paris attacks now a nothingburger because only 138 died? Oh, surely the Charlie Hebdo shooting was completely fucking irrelevant because only 12 people died, right?
If you don't live behind a rock, you know that the interesting stuff is in how states react, and to terrorism they reacted with quite a lot of restrictions, now zoomers in Europe can't go to pop concert brainwash without heavily armed police escorts.
I don't know about you, but the state reactions towards this virus tell me something is wrong. Most business in most Western country have now closed, no trade besides groceries and medicine, tutto finito. The stock market faggots are going mad. Folks have no idea how to pay their next rent, landlords look forward with dismay on how to pay their taxes, the state has to see what they'll do about the interest&debt to private banks that they now CANNOT pay, as the growth they thought would be there has turned into a small recession.

You absolute fucking retard.

fuck off chang


IDK what you're saying but Q is real and shills are absolutely seething rn.

>How do you know that millions are rioting? I'm seriously asking where you all got your shit from.

It was posted several times here and some on some news websites.

>Archive your links, I'm ain't clicking that shit. I bet the article states its source as "their ass".

I'm not posting shit anymore, you're in a state that even if I filmed Xi Jinping himself saying China fucked up, hid the Corona Virus for much longer and lied about it, you wouldn't believe it.

You are in extreme denial mode, you will only believe in what you want to believe.

>Politicians are sell-outs, and not suicidal enough to piss off a country that uses it's own citizens for spare body parts.

Not really, Trump talked a lot of shit about China during his caimpaign, and yeah, he is the sole reason for the trade war. If they are so all mighty like you claim, how is he president?

Yeah, I don't really care about American politics, famalam.

>It was posted several times here and some on some news websites.
A few thousand rioters, which had a different reason for protesting than you proclaim they had.

I don't believe some random unidentifiable chink that he is just a poor farmer who stumbled upon a few bodies in front of his house. What great revelation did they bring you? That people die? That a few thousand want to get back to work? There is nothing reliable about it. It could come from fuck-whom working for fuck-whom who wants to achieve fuck-what.

>fuck off chang

I've stated countless times here that I'm anti-China.

This is only a big deal because of pussies like you

Based german poster

Abomination of a Kraut

Q is American politics influencing the entire world.

You know the globalist cunt assholes?

Q is Americas global coup against them and we will win. And your country too will be freed of the globalist cabal assholes.

You'll still have to do something about the flood problem.... However with no real evil opposition, it should be easier.

Shills like you take this sight this seriously otherwise you wouldn't be here trying to shit up the place.

What about the millions of doctors and nurses that would have to be co-opted into the scheme. A single RT-PCR machine would expose the entire thing.

>What about the millions of doctors and nurses that would have to be co-opted into the scheme. A single RT-PCR machine would expose the entire thing.


Btw monkey 6000 people die in wuhan a month. People die during quarantine too.

How can I filter threads that mention "nothingburger" in the OP?

Attached: 1584482153850.jpg (556x960, 88.59K)

Damn, you would think that would warrant more than a breif statement buried amongst other articles.

The HOSPITALS are over capacity despite there being less deaths overall. Not every hospital treats Chinese Virus patients and the ones that do are mostly used for covid patients only to avoid cross infection.

Catalog > Top right corner you click on Filters


Im no shill, i live in queens ny and the covid19 shit is overblown nothing. The ONLY reason its being made a big deal is because if it spreads around nyc and other karge cities it very well could kill old rich kikes. They dont want that so they shut it down.

This will blow over soon and it will be business as usual.

>And why would they fake all of this?
Its called consolidation of wealth. Heres how its gonna go you retarded ape

When the middle class and small businesses have been sufficiently squeezed, this thing will end almost overnight. The fear mongering media will start telling you everything is over, almost as if a switch had been flipped.

For the next few years you will hear about how bad things are economically, how people are struggling. Corporations and the stock market will be back to record profits in no time. Youll be left scratching your asshole wondering wtf happened, except now everywhere you go you will be scanned and monitored, and you will gladly accept it. Youll forget about the virus eventually, perhaps take out a "cheap loan" and things will return to normal, until you are squeezed again in another 10 years.

Fucking stupid cunt