TN thread?

Governor just announced everyones required to stay home. What happens if you out anyways?

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How based is Tennessee? It's my favourite American State

If the order was anything like the NH stay at home order then it is meaningless and the Governor is politely asking you to stay home. If TN is anything like NH then 95% of businesses will be considered essential and life will mostly carry on until everyone coofs.

Outside of the meth villages and black communities, it's a really nice state. Very welcoming people, lots of wildlife and nature, and good food.

Probably this. I saw a ton of people out today, nobody here seems to be too concerned.

>I saw a ton of people out today, nobody here seems to be too concerned.
the concerned people are at home.

Imagine caring about Tennessee

u r gay
only ten I see

I'm in Nashville but I take my boys fishing regularly in the country. I don't think this will affect my fishing trips but hard to tell.

I literally got curbside champagne this evening from the liquor store in my neighborhood. Comfy.

Ex-Pat in Michigan. I'll return for you, user.

This is correct. Executive order 22 outlines what essential businesses are, and also what essential activities are. It explicitly names just about fucking everything, including just going for a drive or going golfing or kayaking. Basically hair/nail salons and sit down restaurants are banned. However the (((media))) is acting like you're only allowed to leave for groceries.

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TN the dragonball state

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Pretty much this. The directive doesn't have any real teeth. Certain cities and counties are enacting stricter measures on their own though, pretty sure Chattanooga announced a lockdown today. Will be interesting to see how the next couple of weeks goes. I work at a powerplant in the Eastern part of the state and there are plans in place to keep us at the plant 24/7 for two weeks at a time if things keep ramping up. We would rotate out with another group and go home for two weeks then repeat.

Well in Virginia we have the same order but we still have to go to work so nothing.

Game wardens tried to hastle me for being out fishing. Like fuck off people are packing walmarts and you come at some lone guy social distancing on the lake?

pleasant view fag reporting in, nobody is taking it seriously. All businesses somehow fall into the essential category.

there’s no way they would be able to keep us from going out even if they tried

(((Cell phone mobility)))

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I guess we’ll find out ain’t going to let this thing keep me inside. Somethings not right about it.

Do they have a list saying who is considered essential?

I worked on the garden a bit today. I'm practicing a little caution but nothing too drastic but I do that every time winter illnesses are around.

>meth villages and black communities
fuck off, Meth is not bad here and Memphis is the only nigger shit-hole.

>curbside champagne
ok I'm beaner and what is this??
I'd like one day to go trapping and coonhunting with some fat redneck and have a beer party and bbq

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I imagine Memphis, Nashville, Boro, Cookeville, Chattanooga, and Knox will be hit hardest. The site is making it look as though Tri-cities and Pigeon Forge are taking a hit.

SC did the same thing yesterday, or day before, can't remember since nobody is listening. In fact I have seen more people out now that it was issued.

This is why I only use my ham radio, patched through to my land line.

Nashvilleanon here, barely anything has changed the times I’ve gone out besides Karens wearing masks at the gricery stores, but my gym is closed and I need to be free.

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Buddy of mine at Watts Bar said the same

>he doesn't know about Nashville or Knoxville.

It is hard to decide which one is the bigger nigger hole

You'll get ass raped in your sleep by a succubus. Don't do it. Stay home, stay healthy and together we can heal our land America.

I do that with beaners now. Beaners like to drink and fish with us Tennessee rednecks.

executive order 22 lists essential businesses (attachment A) and essential activities (section 8 of the order)

tldr everything is essential, nothing is banned

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memphis dummy

can you actually do that? I have a baofeng that I have no idea how to use.

I'm from Memphis so I have to deal with nigger substantially more than the rest of the state. UT is trying to important a bunch of them into Knoxville too, but it aint bad (yet). They're hard to get rid of once they start reproducing somewhere.

Nashville is getting tons from Detroit and Chicago. Our niggers were cool until the Yankee niggers started coming down here.

what part of nashville you in?

I wished TN and our governor were more like KY.

They at least appear to have a better handle on the situation.

Chattanooga is doing fine right now, only 50 cases, i see us getting out of this fine

>memphis dummy
That Mephfrica to you

cool, I'd also like to smell the disgusting fish tea the trappers make to lure I think coyotes or something, seems like it would smell like some chinese sauce.
I like this channel in yt
dude seems like such a bro
I don't know where he is though

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If you get stopped for being out just say you’re going to the store. Carry on

Thanks user. Don't want any manchild with a badge harassing me for trying to get to work.

Stay out of Kentucky.

Tri-cities here. Shit doesn't seem to much different right now but alotta restaurants are closing.

Yeah, check with your local ham radio club. They might have an auto patch machine. If not, you'll have to buy your own or use echolink.

I love in Nashville and have a couple large coyotes living right behind my house and there is one that looks like a wolf near my fishing hole. We’ve got the big yotes here for some reason.

>this image
>lack of orange everywhere
ask me how i know you're a fraud

I have lived in nashville my whole life any its only just started getting bad. Still not terrible, go visit Atlanta for some reference.

it doesnt even include the nuclear bomb or a raccoon

Big ass fine really

are you allowed to catch them or do you have to let them be?
I've caught some armadillos here, they're tasty as fuck. The seven meat animal we call them, because every piece tastes different.

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What's the worst thing about mexico that you can tell me?

we don't eat them here because they carry leprosy. at least that is what anyone local you ask about it will say.

this. oak ridge gang or die. no black bears, no tva, no hickock45, no jack danies, no moonshine, just pitiful frankly. need i go on?

I just seriously wonder what the fuck is going on. Swine flu, zika, H1N1, SARS, MERS, and Ebola never got this type of response. Is it worse than they lead on or is this just another attack on the president orchestrated by democrats and their media resource? They seem very upset that his approval ratings are untouched.

make sense uragay is the tennesee of the europe

narcos are real, and the police don't have your back, but staying away from narcos isn't too difficult
gubmint beaurocracy is hell too
anything above paying them is a hassle although the new peje president is starting to simplify things
yeah supposedly but I've never heard about any case of leprosy outside of chiapas, not even in tabasco, and they do taste great, I guess you could just use good rubber gloves to handle them before the first parboiling

we use "nejayote" to take the stink away, it's the water left over from corn nixtamalization, it has some lime and corn juice in it and it takes the stink off badly butchered animals (like poking the spleen in a goat ) and wild meats
here armadillo is endangered and a delicacy, I think somebody could make a killing importing american ones and selling them as exotic but legal meat

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If this shit wasnt all over the news, I literally would see no difference in life. I have met no one with this virus. A guy I work with has a friend who has an uncle who is married to a lady who tested positive. In knoxville, it's literally nonexistent. Few people at work had a cough but none of then got tested and they are already back at work.

Nothing. Go to your local grocery store and coof on the produce.

I see it as something to be concerned about, but this blind ass panic is too fucking much

Uruguay is now my most favorite SA country

Chattanooga as well

I asked this guy who grew up there as until about the age of 14 before legally immigrating with his parents about it. He said that as long as you don't go looking for them/trouble they leave you alone. He did creepily add at some point "they say, we don't want to see you on the street at 2 in the morning ... but nobody out walking in groups at that time is up to much good really ... so just don't go out at after 12 and don't get involved in their businesses and it's like they're not even there."
Or that's like 80% accurate to what he said. Is that true? Why don't the police care? Your country might be the only one I think would actually need an authoritarian/totalitarian ruler to fix that problem, because it is so wide spread and so influential

Hola in the 423. At least gas is cheap.

Also probably one of the worst videos I've seen on here is this one where this guys hands are cut off, his face is cut off, I mean there's blood like everywhere, and they keep cutting his face while he feels around with his blood stumps squiring blood all over his naked body. You guys scare the shit out of me so I'm always super nice to every single one of you I meet.
