Describe the coronavirus

using only 5 words or less

Attached: Coronavirus_CNNPH.jpg (750x450, 41.74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

niggers tongue my anus

a burger with nothing

fake and gay

tiananmen massacre but for roundeyes

Attached: 1583271684523.webm (480x480, 2.87M)

the jews did nine eleven

Fuck niggers kikes and jannies

chink lung herpes

chink creates air-born aids

China's escaped SARS "vaccine" experiment

Dead burgers fuel my erection

Laboratory commie chink airborne aids

Wuhan china bat chink aids

There it is

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x512, 40.3K)

an apex cleanser

Attached: fuckinggoddamit.jpg (551x559, 206.39K)

digits confirm

Globalist takeover depopulation virus


if it was "accidentally released" by any nation it would be russia

>t. seething chink infiltrator

My my my my-y WOOOOO

Trump lied people died.

China lied. People died.
You reminded me of the obvious choice.

buy mask from us, gweilo

Fake and gay

my time has come farewell


coof coof coof die

Chinese biowarfare campaign, nuke them

are you ok user?

bad flu unless fat/boomer

where did my liberty go?

The zog wants your death

Oh shit. We're all fucked.

Kikes did it

please mutate I like isolation

NEETs shall inherit the earth

It makes boomers fear death.

Shame on a nigga

Attached: 1585254749016.jpg (750x1003, 72.86K)

Satan would know.


Explains the global lockdown.

built for big black cock


Attached: SlantEyeSick.jpg (955x598, 67.91K)

6 million going to die

oh hey there you dumb russian nigger

Attached: 1585091330253.jpg (571x572, 46.13K)


Made in China.

China, Israel, Democrat plan backfires.

Clearly Russia hacked the Wuhan lab.

Attached: BB10Xmmu.jpg (474x474, 40.14K)


coof da whoop nigger aids
sage and /thread

Attached: 1529527746758.jpg (600x673, 57.67K)

event 201 plandemic scamdemic coup

either china fucked up and released their virus into their own country accidentally
some chink country rube was fucking a bat (don't believe me go to /b and see the glory of human behavior)
russian niggers released a novel virus into china and then exploited the returns

the answer will come when we get the russian death toll - if its low then we know

Kek so was the first SARS outbreak. Fucking chinks wont get away with it this time.

Worldwide psychological experiment

Very fake and very gay

Engineered crisis to steal trillions

Absolutely based and redpilled

Chinese liberty killer

fake and gay

Hey CNN faggot.

The greatest happening of our time

Wuhan Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Serious, but not THAT serious

>when we get the russian death toll
You'll never get it.

Chinks bioweaponed themselves oops lol

cover for NWO global reset

Black vaginas always smell awful.

nothing but something