Are Mexicans the new jews?
Are Mexicans the new jews?
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Ay Ay Ay
i don't know about that, but we do get a lot of unnecessary hate here. the funny thing is that we aren't even a real minority group like jews are. we are like 30% of the population now so, yeah, good luck with that
wow what a fresh take. she certainly sounds like she has a solid understanding of the current political situation and early 20th century geopolitical history
A smelly, brown, low IQ version
Yeah remember when the Jews were sneaking into Germany so they could get into concentration camps?
dude thats racist!
Spics are not anywhere close to how bad Jews are
You won't get any unnecessary hate in Mexico, why don't you go back?
>You won't get any unnecessary hate in Mexico
lol bullshit. i have family in colima and my cousins give me shit all the time for speaking spanish with a gringo accent. like it or not, i am american just like you.
I'm not a filthy jew
>speaking spanish
>unironically using the term "gringo"
>american just like you
[x] doubt
Jews earned their hatred by being cunning motherfuckers who were able to take over all industries that gave them an enormous amount of power.
Mexicans earned their hatred by taking minimum wage jobs, refusing to learn English, and being gang bangers.
I wish. Fuck latinos. Lowest form of life ever created. Worse than Jews, blacks, and Muslims combined.
>like it or not, i am american just like you.
You aren’t. My ancestors marched to Concord as minutemen to create this white ethnic-state. Disgusting latinos will never be Americans.
I'll accept that
Watch her get gang tackled by blue check marks for minimizing the suffering of the jews.
You are something worse
Every spic that browses Yas Forums looks like George Lopez
this but unironically
but I am white, amigo. My ancestors are white.
I'd love to tell her in disturbing detail how Mexicans are nothing like Jews.
lmao stfu, pussy. I look like pic related
>le Yas Forums face
w/e man. we are here to stay and there is nothing you can do about it. don't like it? fuck off back to europe.
very true.
they are taking over SF
you fags went on about how completely bullshit this documentary was but this nigger is the quintessential Yas Forums user
>massively autistic
>still lives with parents
>as minutemen
t. conogolombiano
so, is mexico like a concentration camp??
The bill in the 60's that brought you people into the country en masse didn't pass and we can easily retroactively revoke citizenship.
At least mexicans are funny.
>fuck off back to europe.
Based, fuck this uppity pinko fucks, land was loaned and now they think they own it, times up gringo either shut the fuck up or go back to Poland or whatever aids infested European shit hole pluck your ugly ass from
The Jews are the new Jews.
right now the Chinese are who need killing
fuck off jew chink
Why so much self-hate, Pedro?
He's moving the Mexicans to Madagascar??
We're taking over everything, Alabama's proud heritage will be the Hernandez in a 10 year period.
You pinko fucks don't know how you reproduce and are scared of the nigger pets that escaped your zoo, it's time for the real man to reclaim its rightful clay and send you all faggots back to fuck boys in Rome.
Those who remain better align cus we don't take too kind of snitches and faggots on our culture
Hmmm only if ur willing to denounce them. And appreciate American Culture.
my fucking sides
a lot of Hispanics have jewish blood. All Castro, Suarez, Soares, Perez, Pereira. There are others but those for sure.
You again? LMAO
>muh ancestors marched to concord
Couldn't care less bro
I dare you to say that again man
Not all mexicans are bad but the good ones are mostly castizos. Castizos already have an ethnostate its called Mexico. If they could pass some eugenics programs, it wouldnt be so bad.
>December 31, 2019
I'm white
Pic related
Jews are the new spics.
Pic related.
Salma Hayek is not jewish
>Are Mexicans the new jews?
NO, they'll actually do physical work, unlike kikes, who are the most vile form of parasites and live off the sweat of others.
This is literally Anti semitic
Jews are the real jews we need to finish that job first.
Actually, they always have been. Same with all spics, they're a mongrelized product of iberians, moors, ((conversos,)) Africans, and amerindian. Hence, the duplicitous, greedy, thieving nature, but also the highly impulsive, low iq, and violent behavior. They simply have the worst of the worst. And even then, check the media and government in Latin America, and you'll still find some very kosher individuals.
mexicans play victemhood, they're fucking dirtbags, i hate their spiclets
breathe deep the winds of change faggot this bio weapon has your name "taco bender" printed on it large, just beneath the word "nigger".
We can’t just cross the boarder and steal jobs. We’re basically in a concentration camp.
No, Mexicans have way better food.