How did America fuck this up so badly?

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Massive country with an extremely large amount of people who feel like they're invincible and defy lockdown orders.

Unironically Trump and his administration is useless.

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Have you seen who leads this country ?

The WHO has the US with 996 deaths over the past 24 hours.

>How did a country bigger than the size of all 5 countries below it combined have such numbers?!
It's all some tiresome

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People aren't adhering to the voluntary lockdown. Especially in cities.


New York is 1/4 th of that

they didnt you commie

This. We're 370 million "FUCK YOU MOM & DAD YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" people.

>I hope you don't know what per capita numbers are

Heh, at least we're not #1 in deaths

Add all their populations together and you're still not even close to our's.

>haha there will be 2 million deaths!!!!!!!!
>haha well it's more like 200,000!!
>um, there will probably only be 20,000 deaths?
Fuck off faggot.

Pay your rent, back to work for the economy, trumpbux coming, file your taxes, just a flu bro, trust the WHO, look at that economy, flatten the curve, MAGA, 6.6m new unemployment filed, open by may, hoax, china is our ally, not infectious while asymptomatic, masks don't work, summer heat kills it, immunity after infection, BRRRRR, don't be racist, everything is under control, vaccine is coming, trust the government

20k is gonna be beaten pretty early on
100k is a more likely number

Also, nice way to not show China by doing new cases since they don't test anymore and don't report deaths because SHINA NAMBA WAN!!!!!!!

America is not larger than those five countries combined

By per capita infected and death rate Spain is doing far far worse

It's a nothingburger. Time to take down the quarantine, no more curfews.

>why wont these Europoors understand that more SPACE means MORE infections!!!!

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Springbreakers are self centred faggots?

Inferiority of white genetics.

> Unironically Trump and his administration is useless.

Fine leaf education there.

I've deciphered your comment however. If you look at that list further, Europe has accounted for 70% of the deaths. No leaders were prepared for this. The early models were wrong, guidance by WHO/CDC has changed multiple times, and it's been a clusterfuck. Trump sucks but let's be real, any action he could've taken (completely shutdown international and domestic air travel day one for example) would've been criticized and been called unconstitutional.

is dat real?

46.66 million + 82.79 million + 60.48 million + 81.16 million + 66.44 million = 337.53 million
USA = ~330 million

You know we have states here right?
There are better sources user.

And millions more have died of the flu since this nothingburger started

Americans aren't great at math, or reading, or science, or... Anything

I'm really tired of chinks and jews

Trump has this shit controlled for weeks, somehow his advisors told them to stop caring about it, how did that happen? is it Trump's fault or his advisors?

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We didn’t ban international travel on January 1st. Would have been “xenophobic”

Italian population: 60.48 million
Spain: 46.66 million
German: 82.79 million
UK: 66.44 million
Iran: 81.16 million

Add together you get 337.53

US Population is 327.2 million. We're ALMOST as big as all of them combined. Yet our death count is lower than Spain and Italy's alone, and our total count and total death count is waaaaaaaay less than all of them combined.

Obviously you’re not... see

They should have closed all borders and stopped all flights when it was first detected in China.

Your chart proves the opposite. America has the highest testing capacity in the world

Give it time, your death toll will be Trumpsize.

And seized all American factories to produce required medical equipment.

Hopefully. Fuck boomers. Fuck people who are already medical risks because they guzzle too much cola. Fuck niggers and spics who can't afford treatment.

The guy was just going through an impeachment trial. How do you think that would've went?

In reality, all domestic flights should be shut down and you should be arrested for interstate travel.

Those are 2018 numbers for the countries and 2017 for Iran for the record.
OUr population is so spread out it's going to be nothing like the European countries' death toll. Italy is still so fucked. Most of our cases and deaths are from NY state and NYC.

Yeah that's a fuckin lie. Look I love trump but the fact of the matter is we just were not doing any significant amount of testing. trump didn't have shit under control whatsoever.

Now, credit where credit is due, trump really lit a fire under things and now we are number 1 in testing. Combine the increased testing with the natural progression of this virus, and that's why you're seeing such an explosion.

In body mass we are boyo it’s all about the GAINS

Sounds like socialism

lewl @ Spain and Italy current death toll though compared to supposed American infected-death rate

Joe Biden called it racism against China though :^(

I used most recents numbers I could find with a single google search.

Oh forgot to say. Fuck liberal cities where everyone is closely populated together and going to get hit the hardest.

Total cases vs total population. That is an interesting graph but it wouldn't suit your agenda.

this. Obama or Hillary would've had billions of ventilators and masks appear at the snap of a finger

A population of infantile "adults" who are so impressionable and delusional. Most Americans are also incredibly dumb,
some of the most brainwashed stupid people on earth. Americans are subhuman, it's by design though.

If you can still breather in a couple weeks I hope it then occurs to you how stupid this post was.

it’s just one of those days

>Who cares that 3 Million Americans died. The Vatikan lost 3 people before it contained the virus, so we did pretty well.

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If places like the fhilthapines testing anywhere near the amount of people Americans were it wouldn't look so bad.


More Leaf U graduates

Orange is the new black.

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Rookie numbers. Wait until America has millions of infections then the party will start.

If America economy collapses other countries will fall like domino's. End of the petro dollar is coming. Fuck the FED they can only print numbers on paper for so long until it becomes essential toilet paper.

It's the opposite. Known infected are relative to the amount of tests being done, and they're doing much more testing than any other country.

about a quarter of the world's cases are from america.
truly the land of the FREE!

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Leftist faggots roaming the streets, calming trump was exaggerating and being a xenophobe.

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some people wanted gooks to die and tried to force god to kill them with a plague... but god likes trolling people and placed a modifier on the chinese death toll for a base line minimum death toll per nation that participated in the blasphemy (thinking you know better than god) and heresy (witch craft)

if it makes you feel any better a couple killed themselves to avoid being beat up by god after they realized they were the bad guys and not champions of righteousness even if they attended church on sundays

>Yet our death count is lower than Spain and Italy's alone
give it a couple of weeks