It's over for Los Angeles
It's over for Los Angeles
Bump. Calitards BTFO.
>5000 homeless in L.A.
It’s likely a lot higher than that
this isnt good, this place wants those people gone and now everyone is gonna say based department ring accept accept
Where the folks all coof.
You go Downtown
Where you've got no roof.
You go Downtown
When you finish poopin',
you go
Home to Skid Row!
Well its time to do live bum cremations.
You know its necessary.
>it's in brazil now
>it's in mexico 2.0 now
the third world is fucked
the ride is starting
Oh no not the homeless
>5000 homeless in LA
I think we will need to add one or two zeros.
Not the homeless people!
5,000? More like 75,000. Ive known the homeless problem would cause a disaster for La for sometime. Serves guys like Garcetti right for ignoring it for so long.
If this wipes out the homeless I’m actually a fan of the coronavirus.
Street cleaner, featuring CoronaChan
*was* likely higher
My little sis is leaving LA Sunday to come back home. We built her an apt in the grandparents basement. She's escaping just in time. She plans to self isolate for 14 days upon arrival to ensure the families safety at the farm.
Don't worry - it's run by Democrats. And we all know how much they care for the poor.
shockingly a democratic run state abandons it's most vulnerable and downtrodden
Nothing of value
I will purchase her provided she is covid free for 100lbs of dried beans and 100 rolls of triple ply tp
wait a few months and ill buy her from you for 2 eggs and 5 marlboro cigarettes
I live in Vancouver, which has a few thousand crackheads openly shitting in the street and stealing all day just like Seattle/Portland/LA because of extreme left wing city hall. There quite literally is an ambulance every 20 minutes in the area to scrape a junky up and treat them for OD, every single day of the year, for the last 3+ years that all taxpayers pay for.
There already is confirmed cases there, but nobody is dying yet likely their high fentanyl and crack diet, plus multiple overdoses per week prevents death by Coronachan sadly.
I don't smoke, can you convert to cambell's chunky?
If a based ambulance crew started throwing them into a lake, how long would it take for the city to notice (...or stop them)?
If coronachan wipes out 99% of the USA, the junkies and homeless will survive. They're like roaches.
don't coof in the subway, darlin'
Based. Once the faggots get it, they'll spread it at their next orgy, too.
I'll give you 200 rounds of 5.56 for the girl.
>only 5k in a city of 5 million
We all know that isn't true
does that mean i can kill the homeless ruining my property value now?
Skid-row is some sort of nasty place exclusive to homeless people, very nasty place.
Kill them in an alley and the police likely won't bother to investigate.
I live in LA, I've been alone in my apartment for nearly 14 days. Can I got back to my parents house in the suburbs without risking asymptomatic spread once i hit the 2 week mark? I fucking want to die here
It was a Republican state, it was just subject to the same problems of open borders that Texas is now being exposed to. Risk-takers make a nice place, mouthbreathers move in and vote for socialism, risk-takers move elsewhere (like Montana), mouthbreathers run the whole thing into the ground. Rinse and repeat indefinitely (unless you elect a fash government, expel the non-Texans and close borders).
> homeless population
Lol try 100,000
What seems to be the problem?
Corona Chan is ending homeless people and drug addicts . That’s good for society.
They already live in abject filth and sleep with bubonic rats. I’ll bet this doesn’t put a dent in them
They hang out on the stoop of my building and hang out in an empty house right next to my building. The irony being I live in a nice neighborhood.
>mfw kung flu mixes with junkie aids for maximum effect
Uh, can I get a fucking based?
>has ching chong xi the pooh lung aids
Dont you mean subtract a zero or two?
why don't they just send them out to the desserts with all the drugs they could want. Most of them would OD and a lot of them would die of other natural causes.
Tell me more about Montana and why i should turn it into the next texas
they're mostly dumbasses who come her thinking it's fucking American Idol or some shit. Hollywood is to blame more than anything. If you don't have a footing in California stay the fuck away, you'll never catch a big break.
Proof of virginity upon request?
I've been saying for awhile all downtown cores should have vending machines loaded with lethal doses of illicit druggie favourites on sale for a quarter
a virgin goes for way more than 100lbs of beans and 100 rolls of tp user
Time to fill 5000 hospital beds with boozy bums who won't pay a cent for the heroic health care they receive. When 3500 eventually return to the streets I'm sure they'll turn their lives around and become productive members of society.
But this is excellent news! Let it spread. So many problems will solve themselves.
What are these places doing? can't live in these now, I bet they all had to go back living with mommy.
oh no... that sucks
LAfag here if I see a dead body in the streets I'll let you guys know
I think they meant 50,000
Does she shave her pussy? Is her BMI in a reasonable range?
Plenty of rooms in those mansions of the rich.
What do you do if someone snores really badly? How does anyone fuck, let alone jerk off?
based hoboslayer
Santa Monica would have at least another 5k.
5000 just in Skid Row. 60,000 in the county.
Now that’s some good tv
It's a no sex community
Around back next to the dumpster. Might have to kick the vagrant off the mattress of flattened, soiled cardboard, though.