What does Yas Forums think about BlackRock?

What does Yas Forums think about BlackRock?

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Any relation to BlackCube you memeflaggot bitch?

OP prefers blackcock

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It was the first server i played on. Pretty dope at the time, but the community is dead now. RIP

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Isn't Yas Forums the place where "red pilled" individuals gather?

I do like the skull and crossbones flag. It is of profound significance to me.

Read up boys. It's not looking good.

GreenRock! The future is Fink!

One of the richest fake money making company

They should hang but really are pussies compared to the bank for international settlement

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Oh fugg when banker start to be murdered it means dirty shit are going on

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Probably another bigtime illuminatti company like Blackstone.

It's beyond my comprehension.

It’s one of the largest investments bank

Also yes OP you should re made the thread, if the german finance minister was murdered it must be all over Yas Forums

Fractional reserve banking is the curse that is fucking up everything and is the real reason why both world wars happened


Didn't you see user, they just did away with reserve banking. Check the thread I posted, FED just dropped reserve rates to 0 Gearing up for a global cash reset. This is why all the American politicians and CEOS are divesting from the currency. We are likely going up lose Petro dollar reserve status and will be Zimbabwe tier inflation when all that foreign held US currency comes back.

Sheeeeeeeeeit it will be very bad

But I was speaking about the fact that they print money out of thin air, this is not ended right ?

Also maybe austian economics will come back in force and we will have the occasion purge the banker parasites once and for all

Yes, money out of thin air with no FDIC reserve requirements. It looks like he's trying to collapse confidence, though I'm sure it's more elaborate than that.

Interesting, I wasn't aware of that.

You think Trump is doing that on purpose ?

It would be the best thing to ever happen, the destruction of the debt slavery right in front of our eyes

stop using my flag user I don't want it to reak of the unabashed faggotry that you're giving off

No offense, but I really couldn't care less about your personal preferences.

Ok so you're clearly a newfag, tell me where you heard about this board and why you're here


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former employee here, AMA

What happened?

answer me REEEEE

It is clearly none of your business, or do you recall me inviting you to an AMA?

pirate posters are always leaf tier posts fuck off faggit
show flag gook

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based and onionpilled.

Obama told me it was okay

Obama told me it was quite all right

Trump is an actor. Politics is a Shakespearean play for plebs. It's not real at all. Trump is not a good guy. There are no good guys.

Yes. Everyone start quietly withdrawing your cash or turning it into hard assets. Dollar is about to die. They want a one world Crypto currency beasy system but first America is going to get its shit pushed in hard.

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kys retard
>pirate posters are always leaf tier posts
I know this to be false because I am very smart

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hedgefund parasites

They are the second largest assets under managemnet company in the world, started by 4 or 5 jews in the 80's. I quit because I went to work for another bank for more money

Pol is too obsessed with Black Cock to spare a moment thinking about Black Rock.

Trump amassed a debt of $4 billion in the 90's. The Rothschilds bailed him out. They own him.

no, you are a south korean or german sperg prove me wrong

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I use vanguard like a boomer

well they are the largest money manager in the world that no one has heard of, run a supercomputer that attempts to predict the future by simulating the world based on real time data, and the US Treasury/FED just put them in charge of implementing a multibillion dollar QE stimulus package, purchasing equities and commodities.

How does it feel to be a worthless individual that produce nothing for society appart from more debt ?

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I'm american
>inb4 show flag
lol no

Big time player in the world financial markets. Probably even more systemically powerful than Goldman Sachs. Motives and ideology unknown. Good company to own stock in for the last couple of decades.

Also here are some protestors that attacked blackrock in France


They were protesting the fact that our pensions will be sold to banks like the burgers pensions
People are waking up, if everyone do the same we can have hope for the future

Looks like you made the wrong choice. They are about to become the new FED.

Rock is 47 in purest cipher. Big time important number. 47/74. Pay attention anons, it is everywhere. How old will Microsoft be when Israel is 74 (G-D), 47. Bill gates quit as CEO after 33 years, and quit the board after 45 years (Trump 45). Ivanka will be president 47.

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Checked and kek’d

ok nigger, remain irrelevant as you please

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Same. We got free trades now tho fella.

Oh no, some faggo on Yas Forums thinks I'm not relevant, how will I cope

BlackRock is an investment back not a lender you retarded french faguette

Another video of the occupation of BlackRock last month


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I don’t give a crap actually, they play with money while creating no real value so they deserve pic related

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Excuse me?


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This channel is doing a live stream about BlackRock & Co right now.



This is a message to all the banker probably laughing at us right now

There will be no trials, there will be no mercy for your kind. You only wanted to make big bucks by working for peoples that fucked us since two centuries ? You only did paperwork bullshit and fag meetings ?
It does not matter you will all get the fucking rope, people let you go in 2008 and you didn’t get the memo

No one will help you when the big inflation will hit everyone, we will chase you and exterminate everyone of you cum bags

Maybe it’s a honeypot but really I don’t care. Put me in prison and I will educate those ape to hate you all, I could raise a fucking gang in there I have interacted with all race in this fucking multicultural hellhole that I live in and that bankers funded.
I know how to speak and act with them. Don’t do that mistake.

You are in deep shit we will burn you buildings and make you all suffer.
You have a debt to pay to humanity the day is coming

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You come at the king, you best not miss.

These retards have put themselves in a checkmate, we will not miss

Fool of you to think this isn't all planned.