Not paying your rent is anti-semitic
Not paying your rent is anti-semitic
Other urls found in this thread:
>Have an iPhone.
>Have a Switch.
>Have a scooter.
>Have tattoos.
>Have a $10/day coffee habit.
>Have no money for rent.
Only in liberal America.
75% of your income went to rent
you have no savings
you die
Many folks are bad with money. I admit that. But rent is out of hand. You can now spend 3000 a month in some cities on rent. And all the landlords are Jews. They keep driving the prices up and you have no choice but to pay more or live in the black part of town.
He's right.
Based quads of truth
In major cities, rent can be half a person's ordinary paycheck
What are they supposed to do if their paycheck just shrunk or disappeared entirely due to layoffs?
>Bad goy! You should have six months worth of savings to give to me!
If a tenant has to have absurd savings, it's only fair that the (((landlord))) does too.
How about people stay the fuck in Indiana and don't move into cities where rent is "3000 a month"?
75% of your income goes to rent? Then you're probably living in a place that is above your means.
1/3 rent/mortgage is what sensible people are okay with.
I haven't paid for anything for some three months, exept food and shit. Not gonna star now when the hoax got "revealed" to me. I just don't fucking pay. Even if they beat me.
All of the high end white collar jobs are in cities
Move back in with mommy. Free tendies and hot pockets.
I hope we introduce federal rent regulations.
How would we do this?
Didn’t you mutts sign a licensing agreement with your flat owners akin to a contractural usury agreement?
You got on this quick.
Getting a little nervous, Shlomo?
Pay your rent. My tenants were informed by letter that they are legally bound to fulfill their financial obligations. Don't risk losing your home in these trying times. Pay your rent, pay it on time.
Only a true faggot can go around and put those up. Haha I know him personally and he is a faggot bitch
>i deserve to live in some strangers house for free
Makes perfect sense.
>paper says this
>paper says that
>all hail paper
>you have no say
>about anything
>paper says so
Writing code and network maintenance are not "high end".
Rent is 550 here user and 450 for a studio apartment. Living wage is much lower away from shitlib hives.
>Living in Indiana
Enjoy your heroin and rustbelt economy.
>75% of your monthly income
these people need to be gassed
Rent can be no more than 40% of your monthly net income.
Minimum monthly income for 2 bedroom: $1600.
Problem solved. Vote Republican 2024
I assume most of those rent increases is due to some housing laws that make building diffiucult or overly risky, so demand and supply are out of whack
Might not have an option over here. I live paycheck to paycheck and lost my job indefinitely because I manage a movie theater. (managers don't get paid what you think cashiers at target literally make more than me) I filed for unemployment 3 weeks ago but they still haven't gotten to it because so many people are applying. I'm down to $20 in my bank account. If it doesn't go through I literally won't be able to pay them anyway, or electric, or phone, or any bill at all.
>not paying rent
How about the stranger gets one house for himself, and houses get distributed for need instead of letting that stranger sit around all day and get other people's money for nothing?
>Working class
Communists really believe that they are the working class do they?
It’s better than he said this, she said that, we were told this, they were told that.
Yeah, let's all move to Sin Francisco, learn to code, and write gay hookup apps for GloboHomoCorp. God forbid anyone learn a trade and raise a family. GOTTA GET THAT WHITE COLLAR JEWGOLD.
rent here costs like 1300 almost minimum for a single bedroom apartment, hydro costs like 100 fucking dollars even though our electricity bill is called hydro because our energy mainly comes from Niagara falls. food costs 60 a week (240 a month)
internet + phone another 100$
rent 1300
food 240
electricity 100
phone/internet 100
bus pass 100 (optional???)
minimum wage 14$ x40h = $560/w or $2240/month - taxes
= $1904
you've put this surprisingly well, good sir
>The biggest triumphs for Trump were record low unemployment and record high Stock Market
>Now unemployment is record high and stock market is record low
Are ((((((((((they)))))))))) responsible for this?
Sadly rustbelt fast food workers have better lives than you
Okay you retard. Good luck paying for maintenance, repairs, mortgage and property taxes. And do tell why you think someone who put a down payment on a house and is paying down the mortgage should just give it to you?
who's behind this post?
I just paid my rent today and even had a chat w/ my landlord while he was renovating the apartment next to mine.
It was a nasty Jewish trick that made things turn out like this. Israel lobbied for everyone to have their own house/apartment as a single, leading to mountains of debt and inability to move to find better jobs.
I lived in a house with 8 other people until I was 28 years old. I left with zero debt and $440k in the bank to start a family. Never made more than $60k per year in my entire life.
But yes good goyim you're a failure unless you live in the city alone paying a Jewish landlord $2k per month for a one bedroom apartment. Women won't date you unless you live by yourself you know *rubs hands*.
Why are you on a computer on /Pol and not outside whittling a stick?
It honestly doesn't exist for many professions and areas. Still, I find it fascinating how much of /pol defends landlords in this situation.
>Pretty much the end of the world as we know it and no one has any idea what is going to happen.
>Tons of people are suddenly unemployed and being ordered to essentially stay at home through no fault of their own.
>Considering rent an actual priority
Seriously, I don't get it.
Why would you spend your savings on this?
Where are his savings?
Oh no.
The worst part is that landlords probably will get a write off for this period because of massive amounts of late payments/non payments and the poor suckers that paid will have given them more or less free money.
Going to be funny for everyone involved when reality sets in at the end of the month that people dont actually have any money to pay, and that means no new renters after they kick out the people that didnt pay march and aprils rent. Tough shit looks like landlords arent a protected class after all. The only solution would be a bailout but I doubt that will happen.
As someone from the rustbelt who grew in the exciting world of Valparaiso Indiana, no. They do not.
Faggot, please. I don't even have a computer.
At this rate, I'm sure it will happen.
>Fannie and Freddie are still under federal stewardship
>They have no actual incentive to make profit besides the fact that the government uses their profit to pad its own budget
>Government risks huge amounts of defaults in the mortgage market
>Tells Fannie and Freddie to shut the fuck up and keep the show running like they did in 2008.
For more minor players, e.g., direct holders, I'm sure they'll just give something like a different payment or an interest freeze because otherwise they'll risk the government fucking with them.
Landlords don't do any of that faggot, you fell for the meme
Did your LL mention anything about the other tenants or lack of payments?
So move out of those cities? Supply and demand are a thing. Thats why it costs 3k to rent in San Fran but less than $700 to rent in the middle of nowhere in montana.
So rent is 999,999$ and you earn 110,000$. Itd take 20 years to save up a 6 month reserve fund. Meanwhile, you can buy an Iphone switch and the scooter and that 3 wheeled car for all I care.
use ratios or else you wont know how to solve equations.
>You should not have any luxuries at all if you're poor. You should just wallow in literal slavery until you kill yourself!
Though frankly I agree on the phone. I rock a 20 dollar dollar-store phone
If you follow the Dave Ramsey plan, then you shouldn't be spending more than 25% of your monthly take-home pay on rent/mortgage (not including utilities).
So are commies who want to eat the rich. What's your point?
>Shelves not full of Funko Pop! figures
Funny shit. Random faggot dispenses justice. Fear him.
What are you going to do when no one actually has any money to pay because they cant work? Get new tenants? Well that would be fine and dandy, if anyone could afford first and last months rent and a security deposit at the very least, but they cant because they dont have jobs. Do you see how that works? Then the landlords might actually have to get a job too- but wait! They can't! Because no one is hiring! Holy shit its almost like we're all in the same boat until the government bails out the jews, at which time antisemitism will unavoidably ramp up as everyone else realizes the government sees this 2.5% of the population as a protected class. How dumb can you be? Apparently this dumb, this dumb exactly.
Calm down super Satan. No need to drop redpills in a place like Yas Forums
Dude, how the fuck is it so hard for you guys to live? I work at Walmart. My apartment is like $900 a month after utilities and I've literally never had a single problem paying for it. Just balance your fucking money.
If you get paid every two weeks, save half of it for the next pay period. Pay your rent by the end of the month. It's easy. Fucking retards. And yes, I live alone.
Has anyone talked about how this is a drain on our economy because all it does is concentrate wealth to those who already had it in the first place? And its not like they put it back into the economy. This is in literally no ones interest except landlords to let rent be whatever they decide. It only makes the situation worse for the vast majority of us. But its okay when jews do it because theyre a protected class.
>in some cities
Let's see, NYC... LA and San Fran... Seattle... Denver... and DC. Nowhere else does rent reach 3k in the states. There are 138 million houses in the US. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE
Then suffer faggot.
>my voluntary agreement is someone else's fault!
Yeah hey dipshit what if youre one of the hundreds of thousands who is indefinitely not getting paid? Should they work at fucking Wal-Mart like you? Its almost like you cant see outside of your own simple little walmart life.
fucking hell you commies are desperate
you live in someone elses house, you pay them
simple as
>75% of income to rent
How fucking dumb can people get?