A challenger approaches

What happens when normies that have already been driven into a panic start to see a comet in the night sky? It will be like a full moon x 1000.

Attached: VP-GRAPHIC-COMET-ATLAS.jpg (1500x1678, 599.86K)

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Despair is making me so hard I could use my dick as a jackhammer. Fucking bring it. Let's nuke a city or two while we're at it.

wtf is cappella?

Biblical levels of violence.

Attached: Halleys-comet-1456.jpg (636x502, 85.52K)

I photographed the comet on the 30th of March and made a time lapse out of the images.
>wtf is cappella?
A star.

Attached: atlas.gif (453x341, 2.7M)

Attached: the-great-march-comet-of-1843-james-hervat.jpg (900x675, 119.95K)


It's 1 hour and 40 minutes between the first and the last frame. I wanted the to photograph it for 3 hours but the battery that powers both my telescope mount and camera started to lose its charge towards the end of the session so the last images came out like this. Damn shame.

Attached: ATLAS21.png (1391x1039, 275.73K)



there is a 4 million mile near miss of a 1200ft asteroid on the 12th btw guys, as well as this comet starting to brighten too.

so can i see this every night? i have a telescope but i havent really tried to look at any interesting shit besides venus and the moon.
i observed some cool globular cluster (i think) too

Based, I'll be looking with my binoculars.
And most people have only seen the moon like twice in their lives ffs, most won't notice and only see things on twitter.

Good job Mohammed.

how do we account for the flat earth and the suns disappearance and our dumb idea that stars in the sky are somehow doing trippy maneuvers to follow this comet?

Attached: 1575983129578.png (728x724, 535.39K)

Did they pull the Greenland trailer for some reason? Can't find it on YouTube anymore.

Attached: IMG_20200402_164834.jpg (599x337, 70.73K)

>so can i see this every night?
If you're above 22° north latitude it will never set below the horizon. It's near the constellation of Ursa major (Big Dipper) at the moment and will be for some time. You can probably see it in your telescope but it will be really hard since it's not that bright and plus the Moon is in the sky at the moment so that will add a bunch of light pollution making it even harder to spot.

Attached: atlas_location.png (1063x786, 216.64K)

Normies don't look up.

i keep hearing that it's bigger than jewpiter. is that true?

Thank you.


Attached: 911-money.jpg (720x960, 65.69K)

Is that the only time it will be visible or the brightest time? The Moon will be moving around night to night. And don't forget, it will be visible on the opposite side of the earth when it is heading back out.

The ATMOSPHERE of it is bigger than jupiter, not the actual comet itself.

It will be bigger than Andromeda.

Attached: 3o7ffi.gif (320x240, 2.11M)

>most people have only seen the moon like twice in their lives

Attached: 3453453.jpg (313x340, 28.52K)

Wtf is this

isn't that fucking huge though?

I'm pretty sure you will be able to see it but it will be just a fuzzy smudge in the corner of your eye so don't expect anything spectacular. The hard part is to find it in your field of view.
I had a really hard time finding comet Catalina back in 2016 when I started with astronomy and I even had Venus as a reference point. With this comet there are no bright stars that can help you find it so that will be the trickiest part.

Unironically cool

My sister's first sentence was (according to our mother): "See the Moon."

Since OP is a faggot who didn't offer a source, here's a pretty good one:


A recurring theme in history.

Attached: Great Comet of 1680.jpg (681x543, 68.58K)

Supposedly it'll be brighter than Venus for a little while, but will peak at a certain point.
>If predictions are correct, Comet ATLAS might reach a visual magnitude of +5 around May 1, 2020. That is theoretically bright enough to be see with the unaided eye, but the fuzziness of faint comets can make them harder to spot than comparably bright stars. When looking for fuzzy objects, it’s best to use averted vision: explanation here.
>Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) will come closest to Earth on May 23, 2020. Its perihelion or closest approach to the sun will occur on May 31, 2020.
Yea it's huge. Plus we can only see this every 6000 years so it's really cool.
All the braindead NPCs don't give a shit about the night sky unless it's trending.

The fires from all the cremations will block it out.

Attached: beaker-mars-fire_1024.gif (1024x415, 2.87M)

>Unironically cool
Cheers! Here's my picture of the galaxy M51, my proudest picture.

Attached: m51_colour.png (1201x921, 2.42M)

I vote for Dresden and London.

wtf that's amazing with what?

+5 is nearly invisible. -5 (which is at least one prediction) is brighter than Venus (-4.48).

Great shot user! Im impressed!

>The Moon will be moving around night to night
True, but right now the Moon is in the same area of the sky as the comet so it's not really a good time to visually observe it. I would wait a few days.

Attached: atlas_moon.png (675x905, 285.24K)

Nice work, user!

With this!

Attached: setup.jpg (555x480, 41.84K)

>How bright will the comet get after that? Estimates of Comet ATLAS’s peak brightness range from magnitude +2 to -6 during perihelion or closest approach to the sun, but please know that many comets fizzle and never reach their expected brightnesses. We will have to wait and see.
Right, that's when it'll start to be barely visible with just the eye. It should get a little brighter than Venus so it'll be noticeable. I can walk about my front door as see venus easily.

thanks for this, I'm putting it in my astronomy folder

normies don’t look towards heaven

I keep looking at your picture here and seeing more and more galaxies each time I look in a different area. Fantastic photo, m8.

how much did that cost

Attached: done.jpg (640x960, 127.65K)

>normies don’t look towards heaven
And when they do they misinterpret either satellites or Venus for UFO's.

based applewhite poster

Fucking based.
I'm trying to get something like that eventually.
You can see Andromeda with that too right?
Also are you in the field of astronomy/physic/astrophysics or just like to do it?
That's what I'm saying.

It's like in Warhammer where they thought the return of the twin tailed comet heralded the return of Sigmar, but it actually meant the end of their world.


>how much did that cost
20000 dollars. Makes me nauseous everytime I think about how much money I've spent on this god forsaken hobby.

That's some solid astrophotography you're doing.

comets bring plagues.

Elon Musk and other internet in the sky people are going to ruin astronomy for a generation.

atlas is a fucking nigger and niggers are cowards, so it's harmless and will cower when you look at it mean

and i cant even scrounge up $500 for a new cpu and shit
and now i cant go to work, or get another job
all i feel is rage

Attached: done.png (508x527, 297.19K)

>Boy that comet sure is bright.
>Really bright!
>Its hurting my eyes!

Attached: Giant Meteor 2016.jpg (630x630, 36.19K)

>Brighter than a full moon
Fucking kek, I hate you idiota


People spend that much on snowmobiles only to die in an avalanche.

great job, user
you Muslims are amazing
never forget that
I'm sorry for all the racism, micro and macro-aggressions that you have to endure on this fucking site daily

Attached: 1584464662882.jpg (2220x1080, 732.78K)

A cappella is where you sing without music.

>20000 dollars
You sure you don't mean $2,000?
If it's really $20,000 you have an amazingly legit set up holy shit.

Passive agressive af, low energy leaf

>that rig
I want us to be best friends.

>You can see Andromeda with that too right?
Yup! And here's a picture of it, but it's not one of my best. Took it when I still was in the learning phase. This picture was taken with a smaller telescope though with a smaller focal length in order to most of the galaxy in frame.
>Also are you in the field of astronomy/physic/astrophysics or just like to do it?
It's just my hobby.

Attached: andromeda.png (1391x1039, 1.23M)

do you ever see ufo's in the sky?

I made a typo. It's 2000 dollars. If I spent 20000 on this shit I would have killed myself.

Probably nothing. At least right away.
Unless it's pretty bright, in which case, mass panic may ensue.
Historically though, bad things tend to happen following big comets.

Here are some native Cappellans.

Attached: CapellanWarriors.jpg (700x583, 92.91K)


Attached: Untitled-69.png (853x319, 207.14K)

Cool asf. Got any pics of satellites or space stations?

Yas Forums goodposting


>do you ever see ufo's in the sky?
Never but I would love to. I know people who have seen strange stuff so I am a believer. Something I hate though is when people see Venus for example and without thinking or doing any research they directly jump to the conclusion that it's a flying saucer. Really grinds my gears.

great job, Sven!

>factor 10 conversion rate from SEK to USD
$2k is nothing. People spend far more than that on hobbies.

Very nice Sven, allahu akbar.

I suggest not trying to look at it, even with glasses made for eclipses, you are going to get blind, + the possibility of insane amount of radiations, i would stay in my house, more precisely, i would stay in the fucking cellar, the brightness itself could be a cause for serious burns.

excellent pic user

Big clearly visible comets in the sky are almost universally throughout human history recognized as symbols of a coming plague/war/famine/general bad luck

fuckin a'!
what's a good telescope that won't really break the bank? i've moved out of the city and am a proud hillbilly now. sky is great where i'm at now.


>can't tell if trolling or retarded

Based. Blow yellowstone, crack the san andreas, and impact the planet. Fuck this faggot clown world.


>humans excel at pattern recognition
Nah I'm sure the association of comets with disaster* is just superstition.
*disaster = dis+aster, lit. "ill-starred"

>Got any pics of satellites
They photobomb my pictures all the time.
>or space stations?
I really want to capture the ISS when it passes infront of the Moon or the Sun but it never gets high enough above the horizon at my latitude and I can't be arsed to drive south with all of my gear.

Attached: satellites.jpg (1392x692, 271.07K)