/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2867 Dark hair editions

► Detected: 1,012,887 (+77,691) ► Died: 52,950 (+5,758) ► (Reset: -04:07:35)

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 206 countries and territories infected —
— 2.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,649 different strains have been sequenced —

Under 1 year old in the US dies to coronavirus

US intelligence says China concealed cases and deaths

Jew arrested for hoarding supplies, price gouging, coughing on FBI

Brazil confirms first indigenous COVID case in the Amazon

Israel forces everyone to wear masks in public

Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

17 year old in the US dies after being denied treatment

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

Rapidly mutating

Patients remain on ICU for 20 days on artificial ventilation

Olympics for 2020 cancelled, postponed until 2021

China covering up "second wave" of infections

UK doesn't report deaths outside hospitals

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

H1N1 estimates took confirmed deaths and multiplied by 15


20:19: 254 new cases and 7 new deaths in Poland.
20:17: 128 new cases and 3 new deaths in Pakistan.
20:09: 1,228 new cases and 32 new deaths in Massachusetts.
19:56: 414 new cases and 2 new deaths in Israel.
19:52: 979 new cases and 55 new deaths in Brazil.
19:49: 267 new cases and 27 new deaths in Connecticut.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine the smell.

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Lewd that bitch. Now god damn it. NOW


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Remind me when, exactly, did Bill Mitchell start his coronavirus tirade, and why?

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>/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2867
One job OP, one job

>that moment when you realized you fucked up

Attached: 2020-03-26 15.21.46 www.youtube.com d28823267937.png (833x434, 327.31K)

I'm so fucking tired all the time, fatigue isn't a symptom of Corona is it ??

I always am.

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I want her to sit on my face

Stock market crashing set him off. But now he's on the deep end of insanity

based fascist sweesh swoosh poster

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Imagine actually proving Bill wrong.
You'll only be able to imagine it...cause I know you can't.

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I'm tired of this already, someone please cure this shit so I can leave the fuckin house for Christs sake.

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Pay your rent, back to work wagies, where's my trumpbux? I was laid off, give me $600, just a flu bro, don't be racist, masks don't work, trust the government
Honk honk

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What happend Argiebro?

Literally fucking yes, go to the hospital IMMEDIATELY. You won’t but holy fuck user. Please go to the hospital

Good news bill mitchell:

Miami — Two cruise ships carrying passengers stricken with coronavirus will be allowed to dock in Florida on Thursday. It ends a nightmarish odyssey for some of the passengers, but for others aboard the journey is far from over.

>still believing corona chan is real after the Bill Gates plebbit AMA

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I thought you said you couldn't post anymore so i posted it

He's right. 6 million wasn't enough

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can't you go for a walk?

>Feeling really warm all over my body
>No sore throat
>No cough
>No breathing difficulties
>No loss of taste or smell

Is this the beginning or would I have felt sore throat first? Am I just being paranoia?

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>575,000 dead

I'm getting bored. Guess I'll play some video games

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>Draw wet panties because you can.
>"Ooooh. She's foaming from that hole too. Clever."
>Uh. Yes. That was the idea. Yes.

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You tried :)

Facts don't care about your delusions.

Fever and feeling overheated is the earliest symptom for some people.

Fuck of normalfag

Yes, but its a symptom of chronic masturbation as well.

Nice blog fgt

stress, anxiety or stomach issues like indigestion or gastritis

Guys have you seen what is happening in south america??

I’m worried...

my company just sent us all an email that someone at our office was diagnosed with corona virus.

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It’s beautiful

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Nice work Corona-chan, cheers to another month of record breaking numbers and deaths worldwide!

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Could you link me to a source for lab confirmed h1n1 kills?

You amazing lad

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>He's been working this whole time

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Wats happening

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>tfw most of europe will be relatively safe in a month or 2
>tfw we will see america collapse
>tfw footage from the third world will be horrible

There is no way in hell politicians will lift the lockdown with that footage hitting the internet


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I want 2nd million already. GO GO Corona-chan

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Do you happen to have Mad Cow Disease Chan



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>Covid deaths
99% are with comorbidities with an average age of 79. Any death with covid was ruled as a covid death in Italy, which they only test the sick in hospital.
>Muh death rate
Research, SKorea, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Austria etc show that 80-90% of cases are asymptomatic. This brings total fatality below 1%.
>Case # skyrocketing!
We are testing more, it only makes sense. This also brings the mortality rate lower.
>What about the testing methods?
With a false positive rate of 80% reported by the FDA, it tests for the same genes in the common cold.
>But this country has a high fatality rate!
They only test the people who are hospitalized. When compared to the flu by hospitalized, flu has a mortality rate of 10%.
>Muh stockerinos/get to work goy
The people who are the freest from stocks and Jews are small businesses being destroyed from this while mega corps thrive. 45 million unemployed. You think it'll get better?

You feel cold when you have a fever, not warm.

Peru is actually doing fine. They did a total lockdown. Ecuador, Brazil, Venezuela are beyond fucked.

Germany is going to lead the way into a depression

I wish to have steamy intercourse with Corona chan

4 major hurricanes are predicted as part of an above-normal 2020 Atlantic hurricane season

I'm going to coom on Corona-chan

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numbers keep growing since the olympics got cancelled,abe keeps saying everything is fine

Possibly, holding large gatherings etc. might still be a bad idea...
Let the mutts show what real herd immunity is in the inner city!

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Let the bodies hit the floor

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Just cause they weren't confirmed doesn't mean they didn't happen. They wouldn't make that estimate without reason.

>Oh my god a country where people are murdered regularly are found behaving like spicks
Nothing new

The sheer fact that there's huge differences in mortality rates between countries should be a huge red flag, but instead people became obsessed with talking about how it affects different races differently. It's like they won't just admit the most obvious shit.

No refunds

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post your gear and your food stash bro, we want to see.

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Regulations and Guidelines in affect in Sweden

Actual laws that has been passed:
>Public gatherings of more than 50 people have been banned, this does not cover Schools, Malls, Workplaces, Busses, Private partys, Gym's, Grocerie-stores and Swimmingpools/halls

>Illegal to visit elder-care facilities

>Stopped any traveling outside of EU into Sweden

>Schools are still open, but University's have been forced to only have classes from home by Skype and such

Thats really about it when it comes to laws, there are some more guidelines

>Wash your hands
>If you are sick stay home from work
>If you are over 70 don't go shopping or visit other people, but its still okay for everyone to be outside
>Work from home if you can
>Dont travel outside of Sweden
>Dont travel inside of Sweden unless its absolutely necessary
>There are also some guidelines about to many people in a store and having separation when you are standing in a que

What do you think Yas Forums?

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What is even the plotline to the 5G genocide anime?
What do the elites gain from death towers, how do they profit? How is it covered up?

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Normie taking the quick route

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Every country will eventually get to herd numbers, it's just that the ones that can control it better will take longer.


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Come find out cianigger

Isn't brazil still doing fine? But Venezuela? What's happening in Venezuela?
Seen some videos early on. They used Indian methods to enforce their lockdown.

Yes please Corona chan

Yeah but that makes it a false comparison


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Sweden is already ded

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Why are they sleeping in a black bag?

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Status report?

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Im going to walmart wish me luck

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There is a webm below your post. there is a twitter account full of videos from southamerica @covid19_time. Im not shilling or anything just check it if you want

>day 4 without Chad's dick

Bats are furry.

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Gonna miss you guys


oh user...

doubling yesterday deaths every day

Gr8 b8 I r8 8/8

Was that a shot in the end ?

>where people are murdered regularly
Kettle calls the pot a nigger?

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>tfw you don't even have 4G in this area

Anons in Europe or Australia how are things going over there?

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What is even the plotline to the 5G genocide anime?
What do the elites gain from death towers, how do they profit? How is it covered up?

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we need more chans like this
wanna see how this goes

Based bot post.

make sure you tell the Somalis to always gather in large numbers and not use protective gear, since it's against Islam.

Need to limit it to no more than 2 people together outside

2 meter distance between everyone

DIY masks mandatory (cotton will do)

I want to bang my head to death metal in front of an elderly home

Pentagon and NATO commands / commanders will practice information denial against American civilians and civilians in NATO countries until those civilians demand war with China.
Trump announced this using the anti-Chinese jingoism strategy.
virus=warmonger hoax
it's neocon bullshit
same stuff we got after 9/11

I wish someone made this, but with a happy wojak

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>I'm going to coom on Corona-chan
Oh yeah?
Well guess what edgy faggot she is gonna shit on you

In OP it says it's larger than H1N1 deaths, it just isn't. Even if their estimate isn't right on the money it's still larger than what was confirmed.

I’m concerned the virus isn’t killing enough people to permanently disrupt the global system

Daily reminder if you haven't gone innawoods at least 1 year ago you are never gonna make it

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Jaden mirroring corona-hoax down

somehow the china dress version is more alluring for me wtf

It was the sound of 60-80kg of flesh and bone impacting the ground from a height of >8 metres, user

2 hair colors = 2 strains of corona virus.

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user.... you are Autism-chan...

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When will the cope end, this is the 3rd impact no going back to status quo billy boy...

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stonks made him go into psychosis

Oy vey!

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So, Corona-chan has earned her first MILLION!!!
How did Yas Forums celebrate?

Any new memes?

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When corona insulted his best friends, the stonks.

Abe falling asleep? Overworked or infected?

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OP can't handle blondes....

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