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I'm GONNA POOM!!!!!!!!!

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But... but i thought everyone was a nigger unable to put a mask correctly on his face so it's inneffective senpai :(

I'm glad they repaired the masks tho.

dem lips be gettin in da way n shit

too bad all the panic buyers dont have any and us prepchads have plenty

do governments lie a lot like this?
the fuck is this shit for? people are fucking dying and all they do is lie

If you calm down and stop being a spaz like 99% of Yas Forums, you will find the answer:

They don't want to create mass panic so suddenly, now that the disease is here, let us be more strict. That's it.

based retard

Don't you know masks give you a false sense of security? You know I went to the grocery store today and saw a group of masked people hugging and purposely coughing all over each other...

Woah cute grill

I’m not wearing a mask for this fake virus.

It's because the gov didn't have a secure supply. They're trying to get in before the civilian market buys them all. So yes, they lie to survive. They would pretend to be alive and well even if DC got stormed and occupied.
I'm too lazy to find the source but there ya go.

After condoms were invented everyone started to assfuck pozzed faggots. Same with seat belts, everyone started doing barrel rolls on the highway like they were dukes of hazard.

Add zero fit testing and people putting condoms on backwards. Protective equipment is just too dangerous to recommend

>Don't you know masks give you a false sense of security?
yup and the false sense of security is way more dangerous than the virus

>masks 'work'
only now am I seeing spergs wearing masks with gloves, but they're still wearing them wrong, touching their faces
i don't even want to think of how these idiots are taking off their PPE and disposing of it

gee user what an interesting cohencidence you seem to have stumbled upon... puzzling... please keep me posted

Attached: jewjewcum.jpg (202x249, 14.45K)

>masks dont work because there's a possibility that they could be used wrong

>false sense
lmao look at the brainlet stumbling over his own meaningless cliche

Wearing a mask (like my n100 respirator) gives you an ACTUAL sense of security because the mask SECURES YOUR AIRWAYS. Likewise, when you repeat your meaningless cliche you receive a false sense of sentience, you are fooled into believing you even have an opinion rather than just a crater where someone's else's words have gathered like a hip deep pond of piss.

You preppers should wear a cloth mask over your N95 to avoid hassle. Poor us in Canada, our governments are still in muh racist mode.

2bh i thought that guy was being sarcastic. maybe i was wrong though.

gloves are cope for retards
gloves get dirty and you have to keep washing and sanitizing them anyway
they have literally zero value compared to masks

This needs a proper explanation. It does make some sense that a mask would work better to stop the coof particles that you produce than to stop coof particles in the air from reaching you. However this "better" should be quantified. If it reduces your chance to catch the chink aids even a bit it may be worth it.

the poster on the left of your picture is from the UN, not the white house.

Attached: UN lies.jpg (1834x534, 220.75K)

because masks don't protect you if you're healthy. The idea of the mask is to protect others when you're sick- thus we should now all assume everyone is sick.

Get your messaging right yo

Now normies need masks there are none.
>WHO on China's on forced mask wearing policy
>Awesome, strong, powerful move by China, well done
>WHO to the west
>Don't wear maks you look stupid and wearing a mask that may only work 70% of the time is more dangerous than not wearing a mask.

Attached: 2hOXo3dMSM3k3Kgi.webm (640x360, 376.65K)

The virus is airborne. It floats on dust as well as in moisture droplets. It is released through mucus but also through SWEAT. Sweat evaporates in the air.
You breathe air.
If you wear the right mask you will not breathe the junk in the air. How can there still be living humans who do not understand this?

"Mask on, fuck it mask off"

its so you can pick your nose later on with out stopping to wash your hands first

Tedros was trying to maximize white deaths and he and his death cult compadres have succeeded.

Can I go for a walk? Big city user here.

>inb4 “you’re already dead”

I've heard a new bill will be passed making it mandatory to wear masks in public

Umm, that shut on the left is from Britian

>conveniently as soon as every state hoards them
>buy em now or get fucked

I ain't wearing no faggot mask

dust masks do not need to be fit tested. actual respirators need to be fit tested so the 99.97% filtration mark is met, otherwise, a normal bad seal might only filter out 98% of particulates. unless somehow you think a tiny gap means 100% of particulates are subsequently inhaled. i think even having a beard and wearing a half face still gets you something like 80% filtration if i recall

I rage.

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So you took the first sentence seriously but not the part where I said a group of masked men were hugging and coughing all over each other

Wtf! Sweat! Is this shit normal with seasonal flu or is this really some super virus

I don't want to be an asshole but if it's a valved mask it literally does work in only one direction.

covering their asses + scientific illiteracy


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Masks work but regular cloth masks like ones e boys and e girls wear do not filter viruses and bacteria

Yes, but first, surgical masks that most people wear don't isolate your nose and mouth completely from the air. Second, the coof particles will deposit on the outside of the mask and the force of your breath may still suck them in. This is why I'm saying we need to see concrete experiments instead of just claims.

so if you walk into a sneeze cloud, the resulting infections are the same with and without sealing off your nose and mouth? these masks aren't being used for asbestos abatement, nigga. these masks essentially operate as an additional article of clothing. 100% guaranteed that a bunch of naked people will get more sick than a bunch of clothed and masked people.

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It's not airborne retard. It spreads through droplets which don't stay in the air very long and there's no evidence it spreads through sweat

goddamn nigger I don't know, remember when the world's only superpower had to dock its prized and vital nuclear carriers because of an outbreak of the flu? happens all the time

If you were wondering what "social distancing" is or why it was just invented, it is a "strong female hashtag" version of "airborne pathogen that you can contract just breathing in someone's exhaled air or evaporating sweat".

Me too.

Attached: faceoffdieqlyfi.gif (540x231, 3.7M)

People who wear the disposable masks are retards anyway. Coof particles are no match for the face sealed n100.

No I didn't imply any of that.
The type of mask is important some are designed more to protect other people from you and others are designed to protect you from other people. I have a valved respirator, wearing it will keep me safe but won't stop me from spreading the infection to anyone else as there is no filter on the valve.

>remember when the world's only >“superpower had to dock its prized and vital nuclear carriers because of an outbreak of the flu?”

No. But I remember when India forgot to shut the latch on their brand new submarine and shit for water logged with billions in damage.

Good! Thin the herd and take some of your family members with you.

Can I go for a walk or no? For fucks sake.

I would say you rage a lot more than me my good user.

There absolutely has been evidence of sweat transmissions. Asymptomatic spreaders have all reported getting a bizarre feeling in the body and feeling their pores open up. It is in ALL excretions. Farts. Semen. Breath. Those burps you try to hide. It's a damn shame you are so out of date with your misinformation that you think you can spread your noise here as if nobody knows what is going on.

im pretty sure having something on your face prevents a decent percentage of virus shed, same as sneezing into your arm or an irishman

>Can I go for a walk or no? For fucks sake.
yep, the virus is only really airborne in stale air/no airflow. outdoors has plenty of airflow so you're fine

it's not a possibility many people are using masks wrong
i saw one clever woman bluetoothed up so she wouldn't have to touch her phone, but since the microphone was over her mask, she kept having to repeat herself and eventually lifted up the mask so the mike could pick up her voice

Provide a source then. Point to a study that proves it shill

I got tired of trying to tell normies about the mask lie. Bbut people will touch their face, because they're dumb. NO YOU'RE DUMB. Put one on , try to touch nose, report your findings to me dumbfuck. I gave up. "you're probably right user" kek

Thanks brudda. Chicago user here so lots of ppl but Windy City so I’ll probably be fine.

normalton hordes cannot even conceive of limiting their creature comforts or their precious "socialization"

Yeah I'm not denying that, obviously if everyone wore valved masks there would be far less transmission.

look back at the CVG archives faggot
I don't give a fuck whether you live or die

Don't spit on the street apparently, as this Chinese doctor explains all about civic duty

When we follow these four rules there is nothing to be worried about aerosol transmission

1. Wear masks in any public area, no matter if anyone is around don't let your guard down
2. Open windows and let air flow
3. Turn off the central AC, don't turn it on
4. Don't spit

i wear a fucking gas mask with ffp3 rechargeable filters, a pair of full covering goggles and ear plugs, chirurgical gloves with a layer of kitchen gloves on top of it, shoes and a plastic kind of suit and a jacket i use only to go outside.

And yet i still keep my distance with everything and everyone to minimize the risk of getting any virus particle on myself.

People doing what you are describing are retards and will be punished for their lack of awareness.

In 1812 they said they were in control. look how that turned out. bring our boys home.

>NOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't wear a mask it will cause panic!!
Do people panic when they see seat belts or bike helmets? "Experts" have told us to wash our hands constantly, why doesn't that message cause panic? %1$s&share=

The original messaging was a ploy to program female response. If people wear masks then women will spend considerably less. Entire industries would fold overnight. They had to cave so the original gamble is either a historic failure or a tremendous win for whichever ethnic group comes out on top.

No source then? Didn't think so shill. CVG isn't a good source.. I looked just now and couldn't find a single study proving your claims. It's a respiratory disease that mainly resides in lungs and upper respiratory tract and is mainly found in droplets. It's not airborne as it doesn't linger in the air but falls on the ground and other surfaces

The surgical masks are needed just because they avoid spreading the virus, they don't actively protect you from getting it, the thing is, that even if you have no symptoms and aren't coughing or sneezing you may still spit out a little by just talking, those masks prevent that.

People keep saying the N95 masks are for the medical professionals. Fuck those niggers. I have a family. They need me. I will wear my N95 and everyone else can eat shit and die for all I care.