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on the plus side that means less throats andy has to fill. So more shit for me!!!!

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Send 'em to Andy's place instead.

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got to keep the hospitals empty user.

They really want to take all boomers down!

What does this mean

Start making a lot of ice mate (

If you have a heart attack you aren’t getting helped. If you need help having your heart pump then you shouldn’t show up at the hospital. You can only go to the hospital when the heart issue has subsided unless you have permission.

If someone dies, then the NYPD takes care of it.

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Fuck I don't know how people live in america without owning guns. Shit is going to literally hit the wall.

Pentagon and NATO commands / commanders will practice information denial against American civilians and civilians in NATO countries until those civilians demand war with China.
Trump announced this using the anti-Chinese jingoism strategy.
virus=warmonger hoax
it's neocon bullshit
same stuff we got after 9/11

Paramedic here:
Honestly this isnt a big deal or at all what it sounds like. Many counties all over the US have this as a regular thing. The key work is ***WITHOUT*** ROSC. Ems can do everything a hospital can for cardiac arrest. As of a couple years ago most places only transport if you get ROSC or if it was a witnessed and confirmed conditon that requires a cathlab or a surgeon to fix.

I know it sounds bad, but this is nothing and doesnt really change much. Im honestly surprised that NY was still transporting working codes without ROSC.

Yeah, I have a brainlet-tier understanding of medicine, but cardiac arrest without ROSC basically means your heart stopped and chest compressions aren't bringing it back, right?

I can see why you wouldn't bother bringing those folks back to the hospital in a time of tight resources.

That was my thought - why are we taking hopeless cases to the hospital under regular circumstances?

Uhh heart bypass and transplant!??? Jesus america how third world are you really?

Or are you guys just too fat to save?

No. It means that people who are already dead but still warm enough to maybe warrant receiving chest compressions don't need to be transported to the hospital to be declared dead.

i've been screaming this would happen from the fucking rafterd for the past 6-7 weeks. this shit is just gonna get worse

Cont. The reason for this is that survival rates for a nonwittnessed arrest without rosc in the first 10min are pretty mucj nonexistant. Same for blunt-force trauma (which if i remember right are less than 1%). All youre doing at that point is wasting a doctors time or trauma room in the hospital. Reality or most transported arrests:
Doc ive got a 56yom who was found pulseless and apneic with an unknown downtime. Hes received 8 rounds of cor, 5mg of epi and has been in an unchanging asystole/PEA. Next dose of epi is in 2min.
-Rosc or rhythem change at any point?
-does he have a pulse right now?
-*looks at watch* time of death...

Half the time you dont even make it to the room.

As far as leaving the body, its not abnormal either. In a public place sometimes we'll transport for curtosey, but usually we leave it there as its then a police investigation scene. Depends on how busy the system is at the time.

Also notice the part about exception from medical control. If the medic thinks theres a chance hell call the doc and get permission to transport.

>Tl;dr - wow, its fucking nothing.

I just hope you reactive retards like you don't accidentally start another TP panic.

>Or are you guys just too fat to save?

We're usually too fat to fit in the back of the ambulance

Only works if they have a blocked artery AND the heart has enough living tissue to make it viable. Fun fact, tissue damages and dies every min it doesmt have O2, brain is first to go. Every min without corculation after your O2 reserves die out (a few min at most) is a 10% decrease in survival. Past 10min there is 0% survivability.

Yes let me go to the vendong machine down the hall and grab a new heart, theyre really common. Is the guy a compatable reciver, what will his quality of life be, how old is he, enough to make him more worthy than someone else? Hopefully you can do it in a couple moments because that whole tissue death thing that would make him a brain dead veggie if you manage to make his body survive.

Christ youre retarded as a liberal.

Btw, ROSC = their heart starts beating again on its own.

Complete bypass and ECMO are a thing. Just because it doesn't happen in most cases doesn't mean that it's not real. And according to you nothingburgers people drop dead in america all the time so finding another lardass heart should be no problem.

> If the medic thinks theres a chance hell call the doc and get permission to transport.

So basically code for wear a MAGA hat if you want to be summarily executed by a medic in the upcoming weeks.

Obese fags are gonna drop like fly's

Government bungling the Covid19 response on purpose. The politicians in NYC should all get the rope for treason and criminal negligence.

So basically you still come out to the patient and try to resuscitate, if it doesn’t work you leave instead of going through a technical process?
It does make sense tbf

Thank you for explaining this! Makes sense

>a fucking leaf
Whats your level in healthcare?

>complete bypass
I dint think you know what bypass means. Bypass means it BYPASSES a BLOCKED artery in the heart. The heart still needs to be healthy AND work, which it stastically doesnt once theyre in asystole, have no rhythm change, or dont have ROSC with medication within about 10min. This instantly rules out the vast majority of prehospital arrests.

Short term solution that has a ton of rule out criteria. Saves plenty sure, but those are the ones that are saveable to begin with, like having rosc.

>people dropping dead all the time because lolamerifat.
Heart needs to be healthy AND alive to qualify for transplant, many people also arent donors or even if they are the meds used to try to revive them can fuck things up OR they wernt able to harvest the organs in time. This is common becuse we dont often look at or have access to donor status until after theyre in the hospital and it doesnt change treatment protocols at all.

>maga hat nonsense
No provider worth their licence has ever given a fuck about political affiliation or personal feelings towards their patent. There are people ive fucking hated on a personal level that ive had as patients, some in critical conditions. Didnt change anything i did and 99.9% of the time we dont even have a way of knowing. 100% of the time we dont give a fuck.

Also to clarify, becaise you seem to be missing the core message, this DOES NOT mean no cpr. It just means no TRANSPORT to a hospital if they statistically (by a very VERY large margin) wont survive. This isnt just america. Ive had many foreign students as well to get their ride time (aussies were my favorite and most frequent) and they do the same thing there. Because, you know, it medically makes sense, is backed by studies, and is an international standard.

It's saying: If you can't get a heart beat, leave the corpse for the NYPD.
OP is a massive faggot. Saged.

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>Whats your level in healthcare?
None, they say I'm qualified to give first aid but I'm running in the other direction if some one falls to the ground.

You're telling me that this isn't a thing?

>Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is a technique in which a machine temporarily takes over the function of the heart and lungs during surgery, maintaining the circulation of blood and the oxygen content of the patient's body.

>Thank you for explaining this! Makes sense
They cancelled all cancer surgeries here in canada in response to this as they were deemed 'non essential'. Delaying a surgery by a few weeks can be a death sentence. Pretty soon it will 'make sense' to deny medical care to anyone suffering from life threatening injuries.

Thank paramedic bro

We already wanted war with China. Have you been living under a rock?

Mandatory DNRs for all?

this is how it should be anyway. If it is a dead nigger they should just soak the thing with gasoline and light that fucker on fire in the street. Let the wind blow the ashes away.





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(different ID because switching from phone posting to laptop)
this is why I asked about your cert level. Med classes dont take years for arbitrary reasons. Theres a ton of anatomy/physiology + pharmacology, chemistry, and biology required to understand and perform this stuff. Its easy to read words on a page, but without that foundational knowledge its difficult to correctly interpret.

Ill try breaking this down again in a different way. First off, ECMO and CPD are TEMPORARY measures. Even in a hospital setting it takes several minutes to set those up. Perfusion (the transfer of O2/Co2 from cells to hemoglobin) is not remotely close to efficient or even sustainable levels when doing CPR. As every second passes, cells die, tissues become damaged, and organs fail. There comes a point where things are too far damaged to ever work again without trying to replace most organs in the body - which even attempting that would put the body under so much stress it would fail outright. The brain is the most O2 sensitive/hungry of anything in your body and is the first thing to die. There are plenty of cases where someone is completely braindead but their heart and other organs can function with the help of life support. THIS is where most organs are harvested. The problem is keeping a shell of a person alive serves no purpose to anyone and is depressing as fuck. If there's no brain activity they are DEAD. There is no mental process, no personality, nothing. Just a shell of a human with some gooey bits inside. Too long on ECMO, CPB, or whatever other lifesupport techniques you're going to google all end in the same route. Organs are not readily avialable, hence why there are tons of waiting lists - not to mention many people do not qualify as viable receivers from medical conditions alone. Look dude, i wish it was a perfect world where everyone was happy and everyone got better, but people die and theres nothing that can be done about it (cont).

If your heart stops and doesn't start back after chest compressions, they DOA you and leave your carcass for the cops to pick up. I guess they get to try chest compressions, but sounds up to the ems crews as to how long they bother.

I mean they are already dead

It says do not bring people to the hospital that you cannot resuscitate on scene

No, dipshit.
"DNR" means "do not resuscitate".
This order just requires all resuscitation to be performed in the field.

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For the organs dummy

Please tell me that's not how you intended to spell flies. This isn't even my language and it still hurts my eyes.

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Protocols are the same here in Michigan

kek fren

And let me guess, those deaths will count as corona deaths?

Even in the best conditions (witnessed arrest in the hospital) survival rate isnt spectacular. Add unknown downtimes, bystander call times, 911 response times, and its not a winning formula. Are you starting to understand?

Also most cardiac arrest calls end up being called in the field. Typical protocols are if in the first 20min there is NO:
-electrical therapy (shock)
-positive rhythm change
-response from checking/treating the H's&T's
Then cease resuscitation efforts.

It used to be that EMS would transport EVERYTHING, but many studies came out showing it did not change survival rates, and actually increased danger to the providers and the public during transport.

Everyone who NEEDS a hospital will still get to a hospital, everyone who MAYBE needs a hospital will still get to a hospital. Everyone who is DEAD will be called dead. Once again, IDK why this wasnt already a thing in NY, unless they had a bunch of dumb providers transporting anyways, or as a public release to stop families from freaking the fuck out about it (which happens ALL THE TIME in urban areas particularly).

Okay, but how much do kidneys sell for? I have a guy called Baruch in NYC who offered a great deal. He said his clients pay extra if the person practiced Falun Gong.

Seattle has the highest rosc rates in the world. Because CPR is started immediately after a Witnessed arrest. Unwitnessed arrests almost never come back, and frankly shouldn't.
>Bring a body back isn't the same as bring a person back.

yes, exactly that. we do cpr (with all drugs and cardiac monitor/defib/pacer) for 20-40min and if there are no positive changes () we call it. Corona doesn't change anything for any of this

The hospitals are empty

I've been telling pol there are way less sirens!

What it actually says is don't bring in DOAs.
The persons have to show some response to the EMT efforts to revive.

Info denial? Info of what? This is criminal neglect by healthcare professionals

Take em to the ship. Only 3 people have showed up there so far during a debilitating medical emergency crisis lockdown.

I don't know, this sounds like a roundabout way of rejecting people that could be resuscitated still.

CIA heart attack gun deployed

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I wanna be the first guy to bang on the cruise ship

Wife is ambo fag. Those are basically the normal protocols here anyway

Death panels are here! Yay for Cass Sunstein!

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all this says is don't do chest compressions without proper equipment or a direct order from the doctor while transporting. They don't want to cause covid to become aresol when they're reviving a motherfucker and contaminate the whole ambulance and staff.

You meant to say spontaneous Covid arrest victims.