Why are Americans so poor? Requested that money yesterday, received it today. Not only is the German health care system the best by numbers, also German gov was the fastest to give out money.
Just received 14.000 Euros from German Gov
What are you going to do with it?
Have an orgy with prostitutes? Buy a fucking ROLEX? Spend it all on weed and video games?
Not sure yet. But I dont have to pay to back gladly
Guessing you're a nigger. Germany isn't gonna give it to their natural citizens.
But anyhoo, dunno what you're talking about. I'm on a two month paid vacation that doesn't even count towards my normal two months of vacation per year. I could fuck off until 2021 and get paid and just come back on Jan 2 with no consequences.
Why did you get such a large amount of money? Business owner?
You wish. Its a Corona fund. Google Soforthilfe 1/2. Self employed people get it. Don’t be jealous because your great leader Trump only gives you 1000 Dollars faggot. Plus its clear you are lying because Americans dont get 8 weeks of vacation
Only 14 euros? EuroPoor's are pathetic
Not a business owner. But a freelancer
Only stupid American faggs write numbers that way. Its fucking 14.000 not 14,000.00. Typical imperial Ameri fagg
So you’re a self-employed sole proprietor, that would make you a business owner in the US. I’m eligible for $125,000 that I won’t have to pay back, but that’s because I have a few contractors that work for me and I need to pay my own salary.
Lol what a German faggot
Maybe some americans don't. But I do.
Also, self-employed means unemployed. I wouldn't be bragging about living off welfare. Just proved yourself a nigger.
Yeah, it's like $17.
OP can't even pay this month's German toilet bowl tax w/that. Imagine having to pay tax on a low-flow (.05l) crapper with an examination shelf for worms. The state of modern Krauts.
Be happy with your robbed unearned money, obtained by growing debt at negative interest rates, you kraut
>being so much of a mutt that you don't even know what mutt's law is
I fucking hate niggers.
Wouldn’t consider 100.000 Dollars+ per year on welfare. But oh well.
8 weeks in the USA? That’s like 000.1 percent of the people there. While in Germany a lot of people have 4 weeks+ of vacation here. Fuck your working laws
How do you apply for this?
If you're accepting money from the government (and you literally asked for it), that's welfare, regardless of what your other income streams might be.
Dont be jealous the world loves to give us money at negative interest rates. Why they dont give it to France? Maybe you should start to work instead of going to strikes/riots every day you fucking yellow vest
> the (((world)))
You cant, he is lying. No way you will get that amount
And it hasn't even been a year yet since you left Syria
You're doing well, Abóòd.
>swapping the commas with dots
I don't know how the fuck Germany can afford anything.
Because we are an economic powerhouse. Please the German gov and lend money on the world market and pay back less than they lent. Check credit ratings. Maybe you should change your news sources?
I looked into the amount of actual tax payers in Germany, and most of them are a dwindling number of boomers and gen x who've done nothing but work like dogs their entire lives. Looks like Germany's tax base is about to die.
>Americans don't get 8 weeks of vacation
Depends on the job
uhh, they only issue that money if you can prove that you're at the brink of being broke. are you, or did you cheat the system?
This guy gets paid merkelbux to do nothing then comes on Yas Forums to seethe for some reason. What an embarrassment
>implying East Germany wasn't based as fuck
Tax money exploded here in the last couple of years. We actually made more money than we spent. One of the few countries on earth. And that even includes refugees etc.
You seem to be misinformed
Cool, we get $10k zero interest but it has to be paid back. Self employed master race.
This fucking sucks, you should get nothing.
I am a IT freelancer (registered in Austria because dual citizen) earning around 15.000€ a month and I get nothing because my contracts are still all paying and there's enough work.
And you get free money for doing nothing, inflating thereby the currency. Fuck your government! At least Austria will not pay more than 2.000 per month per person.
lern deutsch, du hurensohn
Deine Mutter ist schwanze von Afrikaner
that's Germanic Übermensch notation, Mick
This is why you get 200kmigrants from pakistan and other whatever the fuckistan country you stupid german nigger
Deine mutter verkauft Bilder von ihre vagina
Du lebst in eine hurrenhaus weil deine mutter eine hure ist und ihre vagina verkauft jeden tag
Great for you. Hope you get it soon!
The German gov needs to give us money too! This isn’t fair!
seething poorfag Sean. not every Euro country is a backwater like Ireland
Sorry to hear that. I am not cheating. I am an actor and everything is closed. Also doing 8-10.000 per month. But there is no way to earn money for me money. I am glad that the German gov is standing up for me after I payed them thousands of taxes for the last couple of years
hahahah all this burger salt in this thread. I also got 10.000€ today. I will probably invest the money in gold and silver and cryptocurrencies. Was thinking about buying actual reichsmark on ebay for the lulz since they are cheap and actually 90% silver.
Germany is printing money. Just wait and see what happens after the UK has left. Germany on life-support without UKs economic input. The entire EU is Failing, the Euro is a failure.
After the corona you will see Germany failing big time.
No fuckibg way! How?
t. Student
we got the same here, I'm receiving normal studentbux so I can't apply. but it's nice to see the state softening the hardest economic blow from this and that our state is useful for something for once
Exactly! Thanks Nordic brother
If the next European war is fought with checkbooks, you'll win this time for sure!
Italy has been betrayed by the EU and the economic strong north will push the exit and Hungary is also on the way out. The entire EU will break apart from corona and Germany will be left with all the printed money in useless currency and the economy will tank.
The only way out will be to import more turks and Syrians and subsaharan africans to compensate the low birthrates and bring testosterone into the country.
Wie auch immer, Leute sollen jetzt nicht verhungern aber ich muss schon sagen, ein bisserl was hättest du dir zur Seite legen können, davon wird auch in Österreich ausgegangen.
Leute in unserer Einkommensklasse bekommen daher auch nur weitaus weniger.
Was solls, ich würde im Endeffekt das selbe tun.
based investor
You really are a brainlet. At least you don't try to invest in canned tuna.
We were an industrial powerhouse before, and will be after.
Italy and Spain being able to fix their economies through their own currencies and start legit buying stuff from us. In addition we are on good terms with China, the future economic centre of tge World, and Russia, the resource warehouse of the planet
How about the italian mafia betraying europe by faking the civic engineering and banking industry?
You guys have profited enough already.
was probably going to tell the truth?
How the fuck do you earn 10k by actibg? Theater Star? ÖR? Tatort?
Give me some investing ideas. Close to spend it all on online black jack....
C'mon Greeks start claiming
Some of us richfags don't brag over getting a pittance from the government. You supplicate yourself for scraps like a servant. I'll post a time stamped picture of my bank statement if you post yours. Let's see who's salty!
>InvestitionsBank Berlin
OP is a LAPRing retard
He's an "actor" and claims he's not on welfare, fucking kek he's probably the guy you see shitting on girls in those german scat videos.
We had to spend all our money bailing out a company that was failing before the corona virus ever happened (Boeing). The rest goes to niggers, then small - mid size businesses and independent contractors. whatever gets left over will go to you if you meet a certain criteria. Freedom aint free (unless you cross a border or overstay a visa)