Childfree Life

God it feels god to be without any hassle in life you know. I wake up happy, get ready, get some work done, and continue the rest of the day getting fit, hanging with friends or just playan vidya. And when i get more free time i just take a nice trip to another country and enjoy life as it's meant to be. Living alone i got a nice savings amount in case something awful happens. I am free and i have no restrictions in life. And yet Yas Forums and breeders think "Nooo you cant have funerino, you must pump kids for muh white race"
Lmaoing at you idiots with kids, enjoy slavery and torture while i sipp martini

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>not even american
Opinion disregarded

When a nigress is slapping you in the face cause you won't eat the meds and mush at your govt home at least you have those empty and meaningless years to look back on and admire a legacy of nothing


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>1 post by this ID
>anti-natalist thread
friendly reminder that sage goes in the options field

Absolutely, fuck having and rising leeches. We are all gonna die and be forgotten anyways.

I wont be a slave to society. I am free. There is no afterlife so you wont see your family on the other side. You are being lied to to make children and be a slave.

Oh all those years of new people, places, all those experiences and memories, all the money i made and all the goods i have oh how sad.
>Admire a legacy.
You fucking dumbass, you cant admire your legacy, you die, you can't watch over anything, you don't turn into some ghost or shit. We'll all die, and i'll make sure to enjoy every little bit of this easy going hedonistic life

My hue and spainbros

seething breeder scum

its ok to admit youre too weak to handle any real responsibility
but please dont try to make a virtue out of it

Don't ever change OP

Cool story bro

>hurr durr you can't be responsible if you're not a parent.
Oh fuck off boomer

Good on you op. Society is to fucked to have children at the moment. Hopefully Q is right and things go down and we have a better world then people can have their kids.

Only exception are people who have children and actually parent them. And no I don’t mean just provide I mean parent them. So many shit parents it’s unbelievable.


I'm glad your tax dollars go to my earned family income with my four white kids. You're not really childless, you just support other people's kids.

And there we go someone bragging about their “free money” generator showing the shit parent mentality.


>Legacy of nothing
You think having kids that will be as worthless as you who will have more worthless kids is a legacy of something?

Anyone having kids right now is retarded. The world is about to collapse and having kids just means you will have to sacrifice your last protein bar to your son and starve to death a couple days before he does.

God it feels god to be livin easy. I wake up happy, get ready, get some work done, and continue the rest of the day eating good, hanging out with friends or just doing whatever. And when I feel like it I just take off to another country and enjoy life. My girlfriend and I both work so we have a nice savings. I am do what I want and I have the money to do it, and yet Yas Forums and breeders think "Nooo you cant have funerino, you must pump kids for muh white race"
Lmaoing at you idiots with kids, enjoy slavery and torture while I smoke a blunt, rip a dab then eat a steak while sipping fine American bourbon.

Jesus Christ that was just terribly written so I had to do what I could

>too much of a scared little bitch to have children
>hides cowardice by attacking "breeders"
checks out

You don’t have to call someone a coward just because they didn’t make the same mistakes as you.

>why have kids? we're on the brink of nuclear war
>why have kids? the economy has collapsed
>why have kids? we're going through a plague

There are a thousand reasons to not have kids, you're right they're loud obnoxious expensive and stupid. But what are you doing with your life thats so important? I like taking care of things so it seems like it'd be nice raising someone to be better than me

>if you don't have kids you're a scared little bitch
Sure thing buddy, so having a successful career, a house, a car, good health and friends is considered being a scared cowardly bitch because i didnt have kids.
ok retard

kek why do you make this thread every week
you should be doing something better with your awesome life right?

>implying I won't kill myself when I become unable to care for myself

I know. Life is so easy when you remove the source of your problems.

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Me, my wife and 5 children will survive the collapse, I stocked and ready to go, I have a bug out location that is self sustaining, I have medical supplies that rival an urgent care, I have protection, and if it comes to it I will take everything you have without hesitation, fuck the shills trying to bring us down, the world will need to be rebuilt, and we will be the ones to do it

The day you die is the day your pathetic legacy ends...

I mean, I guess so long as you change up your girl every few years. Every 40/50+ women who never had kids I've ever met are a weepy eyed mess.

Babies suck, they are hard work - as your kids get older they get a lot more fun. Still work - but sometimes work is gratifying.

you are a scared little bitch, scared of giving up your precious lifestyle of sucking your own cock for the rest of your life without any inconveniences.
Youre happy to receive the sacrifice of your parents but dont want to give which makes you a selfish egotistical cunt

Theres also child support/divorce/alimony.

Cant be bothered with family life till thats gone.

What if I told you that being 3DPDfree means you can have it all without any kids and avoid roastie problems too?

>Theres also child support/divorce/alimony
Or you could just knock a bitch up and just pay child support. Or you could knock that bitch up, set her up and get custody and have her paying you child support. Lots of ways to win this game buddy.

Holy crap you're seething so much kek
Yea dumbass, why the hell should i give up on my lifestyle that suites me and i clearly enjoy having.
What makes you so bitter and angry? Did your kids draw with crayons on the wall or destroy something in your house?
Also why should i give anything back to my parents, i gave them back way more by turning out to be a sucessful non degenerate man unlike you

I desire a family more than anything else.
I’m probably too fucked up to be a good husband though. I’ve no doubt I’ll be a good father. However, dealing with a woman... not too easy after your mother is incredibly abusive and you were raped as a 6yo boy by your female and male cousins.

Most likely will end up an eternal bachelor. Farming my small plot of land and trying to be content with life.

>I am free and i have no restrictions in life.
Until you hit 50, have no one in your life that loves you and put a gun to your head. Because that's how this ends buddy.

Sure taught me.

Still not jumping in nigga. Enjoy the courts.

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And when you die, your legacy dies with you.

But that’s okay. I tend to think people who don’t want kids would make shitty parents anyway.

>I desire a family more than anything else.
>I’m probably too fucked up to be a good husband though
So why do you need to be a husband to have a family? Fuck women. Kids are cool but the only reason you need a bitch is her uterus, and science is about to make that obsolete. Set her up. Fuck her over. Get custody. Have that cunt pay you child support. They deserve it.

Have kids, or become a priest and support those that have kids, encouraging them to have as many as possible. Those are the only acceptable options.

Enjoy that moment of realization you will receive right before death

>Still not jumping in nigga. Enjoy the courts.
Forgot I was talking to a leaf there for a while. Sorry. Please continue to blow your dog and swallow his load and forget about kids.

I think a child should have both a mother and a father that have a good relationship with one another and can give a good example of how a husband and wife should behave towards one another.

you know in the gospel of thomas Jesus literally says not to have intercourse because it traps souls (your seed) into this 3rd dimension hell, but white retards will still say MUUHHH DICK while saying blacks need to go, how unironic!

>Enjoy that moment of realization you will receive right before death
The moment of death that will come when OP holds a gun to his own head when he is 45 and lonely and realizes there is no purpose or reason for him to continue to live.

>I think a child should have both a mother and a father that have a good relationship with one another and can give a good example of how a husband and wife should behave towards one another.
Agreed ... but not how the world works anymore. You can have your genes live on or you can die chasing an ideal.

Thanks for making me feel better about you cockroaches going bye-bye.

Not a degenerate? Kek. You are literally going against nature by not reproducing. You are too weak to be responsible and too selfish to put anyone before yourself. People with no children shouldn't be able to vote or have a say in anything. But your "voice" is equal to the people who actually have children... you put debt on my kids with your bullshit liberal policies. You make the country they will inherit a shit hole by supporting immigration. You vote to ruin their education. Fuck you.

It’s okay OP...not everyone is cut out for the rigors of parenthood.

Enjoy your life.

Why do i need to marry a woman for kids. How about artificial womb

I am not jealous of your child free life.
Having lived both, I wish I had kids sooner.
Enjoys your life of childhood, boy.

Seething as fuck in here lmao.
>Liberal policies, migration
What the fuck i hate liberals just as much as everyone here, and will be the first to go the border to shoot those immigrants.
But you're just too dumfounded by ""nature"" to understand the greatness of life. Life is here to be enjoyed, not spent at home changing diapers

no silly, you dont want to sacrifice for your own children like your parents sacrificed for you, so you could, you know, exist.
dont you like being alive? you seem to be enjoying it. yet you dont want to provide that opportunity for someone else.

and just think of the lineage. all those generations of families going back thousands of years. raising children in abject poverty, passing on the torch of life until its passed to you, and you end it all.

I honestly have no problem with this. If you're the kind of person that genuinely doesn't see the value of raising children you'd obviously be a shitty parents, and the world will unironically be better off with your defective bloodline ending.

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This. Who the fuck wants to bring more slaves to this godforsaken world. Fuck breeders and their sub 70 IQ


You are living a lie, you are a hedonist. True joy is found in raising a family, and loving a woman. Part of me is sad that you are too stupid to see that and are going to miss out. Part of me is sad that one day when you are old and you look back on your life you will realize you have no legacy and there is nobody in your life who will love you. But at least you got a few more orgasms from fucking total strangers than the rest of us. I hope you believe that is worth the trade off of experiencing unconditional love, pride, joy, and fulfillment.

I couldn't give less of damn about my ancestors or all that crap, i enjoy being alive. but i'm not gonna sacrifice my own life to allow a child to have this. This life is mine and i'll enjoy untill i die one day, alone or surrounded by golden tigers i don't care. I'm not obliged to do anything that doesn't benefit me, and i'd much rather cut my arms of then have kids. You're starting to sound just like my parents, they think i owe them for giving me a car and a house to live in. Well fuck you dumbasses, thanks for making my life even more easy, you want granchildren? Lmao nope

Based I'm on my 50th abortion

You go girl!

>Why do i need to marry a woman for kids. How about artificial womb
As soon as those become readily available, sure. I actually think that will be an awesome option. Humanity will have literally evolved beyond the need for women. Until then, you can find a roastie, take a bunch of pictures of her smoking weed or something, kick her out and win custody. Pretty much the same thing. They do this shit all the time to men. Not sure why men hesitate to do it to them.