This single quote destroys 90% of people on here

This single quote destroys 90% of people on here

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really don't have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 2 rolls per day. If you have a family of 17, that's 637 rolls a week. Over 8459 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

if nationalism is pathetic then what is even more pathetic is globalism. this notion that somehow you should be proud of your economic hemisphere or even the globe itself. you should know that you're a slave, born to toil and die.

Built for BBC 1908. colorized

what the fuck is up with Germans, why can't they take it down a notch, Jesus Christ

the average person uses 420 rolls per day

That nigger stole my bike!

Read Arthur Schopenhaur's books. They are full of clownish nonsense. He took pessimism to hyberbolic levels.

I have racial pride btw not national pride. Fuck Canada.

>Read Arthur Schopenhaur's books. They are full of clownish nonsense. He took pessimism to hyberbolic levels.
I read his essay on women. I liked it. This quote above, I do not like, though.

Some people know that a successful businessman is a better choice than a lying old hag...

I don't have any pride in my nation, it's not me who've built any of it. I just want it to improve and not fall into total degeneracy.

shutup npc

What is a strawman fallacy for $200 Alex.

Having no pride in your nation is to apathetic to its future and its people.

Oh wow it's a good thing the type of nationalism "90% of people on here" desire looks nothing like the country we have now. That's the whole point of discussing our country and discussing our values - not to jerk eachother off about 'MURICA, but to discuss the image and community we wish to build for our nation.

But I could have just blown your dumb fucking quote out of the water by letting you know that the leading assumption of this dribble "It argues that he has no qualities of his own" is in fact, not an argument.

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The extent of a strong man is his strong family, his strong family his strong nation, his strong nation his strong folk. National and racial pride are among the healthy virtues all men aught to have, we just have to get back to being something to be proud of.


in your case he might have a point

Nice American Proxy Z

He's right tho.

>I have racial pride btw not national pride. Fuck Canada.
Me, too. Canada doesn't exist for me anymore. It's dead to me. Lucky for me, I was able to get a European passport and citizenship through a grandparent. All of my grandparents were from Europe. I now believe that my identity is tied to those European peoples, instead of Canada. Fuck Canada.

>German homosexual midwit quote
Time to rethink everything, boys.

This quote is really shit tier. A man can be proud of something he built no? A man can be proud for his family no? A man can be proud for his community no? Those all intertwined with society brought of course by a nation. Therefore I will be proud of my nation. I will be proud of my nation kin even if we argue or dont get along. I'll be proud until my dying breath, laid in smoke of fire.

>still being globohomo in the post-AIRBORNE AIDS PANDEMIC world

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Ever meet a coked up German in a business meeting? Dudes are intense

Not really. He's talking about national pride by way of 'my country is already perfect', which is a folly. Real nationalism is knowing what needs fixing.

This. Globalism is even fucking worse. You're proud of whatever shit company you work for. That is your identity. Working for Facebook, Google, Amazon. At least pride in your nation can help others, give back to the community.

retarded argument, a nation is a cooperative effort, but beyond that its a necesity. so oyu can be proud or not of a group effort but if you think youre better off without a society having your back as an individual, and if you think youre not better off having stuff in common with this community, well youre a stupid fucking fucktard.

No. Because what he is referring to is retard patriotism, which was the nationalism of his time.

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It really doesn't, individualist garbage, humans are tribal creatures and need a cohesive community to take pride in, to exist in this individualist consumer nightmare of a society is worse than most alternatives

>the average person uses 420 rolls per day

I use that many on my ass plus another 69 to clean up coom every single day.

What a sad, pessimistic man. You can find pride in things that have fault, like your lover. Don't be so base, OP.

Schopenhauer was talking about european/american nationalism in an wra where those nations had largely homogenous ethnic groups. Having pride in the governmental system of the time was rightfully weak because austria-hungary and other nations could easily become germany and other nations without changing the substructure of the people within it. It would be like having pride in the tudors or the winchesters. Or nowadays having party or football team pride.

It's funny but it is hyperbole.

Source of quote, please. Name the essay or book and page number where it can be found, also name the translator.

into the trash it goes.

not only are you a nigger and a faggot for mouthpiecing a time old quote, you are a classless kike for scaming a whole thread. eat shit and die in a hole.

I think being patriotic is good, but standing on your ancestor's shoulders and being proud of their achievements when you contribute nothing to your country is hypocrisy.

>People here are patriotic

Hardly. Nationalism is not patriotism, and nationalism as an ideological framework for the proper source and purpose of power has little to do with national pride. Fostering national pride among young children growing up may be a good way to counter neoliberal indoctrination and lead them to supporting nationalism, but adults refusing to see the weaknesses and faults of their nation would just be poor strategy.

the two are not mutually exclusive.
One can take pride in their nation while also seeing its short-comings.
But everyone knows Schopenhauer was a brainlet already

>I think being patriotic is good, but standing on your ancestor's shoulders and being proud of their achievements when you contribute nothing to your country is hypocrisy.
Why is anyone questioning this? Why can't we have love, respect and appreciation for what our ancestors created? This is the second time I've come across this today - "Don't have pride in your race" or "Don't have pride in what your ancestors achieved." It's all fuckin' gas lighting. I have pride, respect, love, and a deep appreciation for what those who came before us created.

>don't find solidarity in your blood
>be proud of being a wagie

he is just saying your pride must stand on solid foundations and that emphasis should be on pointing out whats wrong and how to fix it, not what makes it better or great, because if you think your country is already great then you wont see its faults and wont work to fix them. makes sense but maybe thats not what he's really saying

Well said.

You can come over and poo in my loo anytime

>Those who die for their fatherland have been freed from the delusion that limits their existence to their own person: they extend their being to their compatriots in whom they live, even to the coming decendants of them for whom they are fighting - considering death as the waving of the eyes, which does not interrupt the seeing.
Well guess who this quote is from, faggot.

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>lol you must be an idiot to have pride in your ancestry and trying to keep the legacy going!
>btw i'm so proud of being a jewish black faggot

Schopenhauer is a one trick pony, make a outrageous claim then proceed to define the terms so broadly as to make the initial claim true.

for example:

"Life is meaningless without suffering"
then proceed to define suffering so broadly that
needing to take a shit fits in Schopenhauer's definition of suffering.

essays on pessimism is full of this shit.

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The only thing Schopenhauer ever destroyed was his own happiness.

>This single quote destroys 90% of people on here
That's why ethnic and genetic foundations are more important.

Sounds like he is confusing a nation with a country.

I don't see anything about race or ingroup preference which is what actually matters.
Nations have been drifting away from the idea of blood and soil for awhile now. They actually don't represent anything to be proud of anymore because they're just fake economic units divorced from the blood of the people.

Everyone below 120 IQ should be culled
No was will ever happen again

Nationalism is not the zealous love of the unrelated past. it is also about the present and future state of your people. I am a nationalist because I want to envisage a future for our people that is better than this shithole

he wrote this with Germans in mind

That's not what I meant. What I'm saying is, it's perfectly okay to do what you said, but looking down upon other countries and comparing innovations done by your countrymen with other, not so developed countries is hypocrisy unless you've contributed too.

Thanks. Just asking, if I had to move, why would I move to Belize?

This. Society is broken and very few people identify with each other as a part of a group today.

Sounds like we got a white supremacist here. You will accept all of Brazil's diversity to enter your country. The blackest of the black only though.

>The average person uses 2 rolls per day.
What kind of whale hog pig is an average burger these days?

except for on women. straight fire.


In that case I'd be a nationalist too. I just don't see any nation today that has present or future interests of our people in mind at all, so a nationalist without a nation i guess.

The things he had to say about women make him seem like an average Yas Forums poster.

This guy uses alot of words to say something wrong which is "these 2 things are mutually exclusive". They arent.

national pride is cheap but i still have it, along with individual pride. That's it. That's the whole counter argument. Now fuck off.