Do you agree with the Georgia Guidestones that we should “balance personal rights with social duties”?

Do you agree with the Georgia Guidestones that we should “balance personal rights with social duties”?

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If so, do white people have the duty to live with niggers?

replace social with racial

And do healthy people have to develop antibodies to Corona and get an Antibodies Certificate to re-enter society?


also how are these things still standing?

>Do you agree with the Georgia Guidestones that we should “balance personal rights with social duties”?
of course not.
GG are communist manifesto.

This can mean anything due to pilpul. Usually it means crushing you with oversocialization, parasitism and empathy fatigue.

There are no human rights, only privileges portioned out by those who hold local violence monopolies.

Can your self-evident, God-given, carefully reasoned right to life and liberty stop a bullet? Thought not.

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We have a social duty to eradicate them

should be a point-buy system, want a right? pay for it with accepted duties.

Us 4channers would all have harems of lolis I know how aliens think and they like what we do

sure but we need to do the 500000000 thing first.

my only disputes with the 'stones is that the people who execute the depopulation of humanity should be willing to die for it. the 500 million should be survivors, and not the inept sons of rich and powerful men.



This is the definition of freedom. The sensibility to make the right choices while balancing the consequences of them, something modern society seems to have forgotten in all its self-righteous and aggrandizing gluttony.

I don't agree with anything on that stupid rock.

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No this is America. Guide stoners didn't create this country. Deport the stone owner's back to the ocean with their stones.

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lol If I was living here you bet these stones wouldnt be sitting up anymore

completely meaningless phrase
name a single society in history that didn't to some extent balance rights and obligations

Make them walk the plank?

Yes, there is literally nothing wrong with the guidstones

>“balance personal rights with social duties”
This is common sense that even the founders would agree with. Only the most hardcore an-cap would have a problem with this.

And we should limit the human population. This one really gets peoples panties in a twist. But you can do it without having to kill anybody. There are humane ways to practice eugenics. Just limit the number of children nondesirables can have. That easy.


Depends on the social duties, for instance
>My personal right to own firearms is tied to the social duty of maintaining order and safety in my community
>my personal right to free speech is tied to the social duty of reporting issues and problems
Overall I think the GGs are nothing more that statist drivel but we'll never know because the patron is unknown

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>Just limit the number of children undesirables can have.
Here's a dilemma, who is desirable and undesirable? and who gets to decide?

>(((Georgia Guidestones)))

if by balance you mean hang, and if by personal rights and social duties you mean bankers, then I agree in minecraft

Yes, which is why we should have way more personal rights than we currently do because the “imbalance” is not in the direction that statist bootlickers think it is.

I believe the guidestones should be mowed down and destroyed.

Where does murdering 7 billion people fall?
Fuck the guidestones, they are a literal monument to the stupidity of ideas like peak oil. Take the current capacity, for no good reason claim that is now the max capacity. Make predictions of doom based on the idea that we are at out peak in terms of energy production and use resource exploitation and human innovation. Demand 7 billion (and counting) people be killed off to be sustainable.

me, let me decide if you can't.

This "who should be the judge" argument is bullshit, as most of those question can easily be solved. Put any normal sane person in that job to decide and we're done.

Remember we're not trying to make the perfect cut, but weed out the absolute crap.
We don't need to decide where the border between "what's art and what isn't" lies when we all can easily agree that a shit-stain on toiletpaper isn't.

Nobody has a problem with an open, honest and transparent debate and agreement about population levels.
The problem is that the eugenics elites are waging incremental stealth warfare by deception.

I'm amazed those have not been obliterated by a based hillbilly with semtex.

If you look around you'll easily notice that we have way more people than required.
people doing useless jobs to keep them working, wasting away resources for no good reason. The guidestones don't instruct you go kill 7 billion people. Birthrates are a thing.

flat earth retard posters like this would stroke their bible and consume until there are vicious nuclear+++ wars between superpowers and mankind goes extinct

Does the USA have a Land Registry where you can just go and look up who owns the land?

Jews decide everything and they are useless in combat. Try again, inbred closeted homo.

you could look up the county taxpayer's office

My days of agreeing with anything are over. I won't fucking do anything but what pleases me.

Yeah My right to life gives me a undeniable reason to protect it.
Liberty allowes me to preform this with/without a government hindering for a unjust reason.

>Can your self-evident, God-given, carefully reasoned right to life and liberty stop a bullet?
it can fire one back

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Normally you have to pay from memory.
You can do that here though.


Any reasonable man would agree. Sparta and Athens didnt survive on the assumed good will of others, every man was a soldier.

Ideally, those would mean the same thing.

Fuck off lolberg. You're part of a larger society whether you like it or not. Stop being a child.

Can we get some weaponized autism working and find out who really erected those stones. I know it's the evil Elite, but what's the guy's name?

It was a hoax. No virus, no vaccine. Fucking mindfuck. Don't ask me how I know, I just do. Maybe the neuroinvasive nanomachines were real. Would explain why kid, cat and I became ill some 3 or so weeks ago and last night all that feeling was gone. And I knew. I knew it was all just a hoax. The deadly virus part. Felt extatic. Some next level mindfuckery.
Forget the kikes, gas the wizards!

Found the nigger


The original Q-user

Good point. These should be smashed.

That not what "rights" mean brainlet, and no - using force to override them has nothing to do with it. You can force someone at gunpoint to say 1 + 1 = 3, it doesn't magically make it true that math is bs. Rights AND duties emerge as a consequence of the preconditions to being a properly functioning human. So you don't have a right to demand food unfairly, but since food is needed to be alive, you have a right to persue it. Or the best example, the US constitutions 2a (as much as burgers themselves usually don't understand it). To be a fully functioning human (or even just animal), you need to be able to assert your own survival and for humans that means the use of tools (like firearms). Where people go wrong is forgetting that rights are balanced by responsibilities inherent to being part of human society too, but that's a whole other tangent.

But you're a swedecuck, so it's unsurprising you don't understand any of that & think that "moral relativism is real, so big mommy government creates rights with laws".

Very interesting.

I never knew about this.

I agree with it wholeheartedly. This is a great general guideline to manage the planet.

Scientologists put them up. Go check out Josh Reeve's work on it. By the way, Alex Jones is in neck deep with the scientologists and popularized the guidestones.

We belong in starts. A 13 trillion Galactic Civilization. We will consume earthlike planets at breakfast.

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Rights and duties are social constructs

It's just there to spook people into revolting.
Not that we needed much help.

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explain yourselves burgers

How is killing people millions of people with a bioweapon then lying about it practicing truth beauty and love? And how the hell is it a balance between personal rights and social duties when it's causing so much suffering unproportionately?

The only reason why the Georgia Guidestones are built for is for Bill Gates to get roped on 'em

Hippies paid for that to be built.
I don't care for hippies, son.

Thanks. I haven't watched much of Alex Jones but how is he deep with the Scientologists?

I think everybody should just get high and fuck.

>guidestones include non-white languages
Absolute trash made by a fag with too much granite.

Of course not

A person's social duties is to safeguard their liberties as viciously as possible. Defending your own defends others.

A society that choose to help one another without coercion is the only society worthy of helping, and the only one that will not collapse into an authoritarian nightmare by giving the subversive a tool to beat it's good people with.

No shit its something you learn as a child
It sounds like the mundane shit the chinese pass as wisdom qoutes

>It sounds like the mundane shit the chinese pass as wisdom qoutes
You don't say...

The only part of the Georgia guidestones a agree with is purging the world of r-selective genes.

>balance personal rights with social duties
word salad

They left out the part about me being so cool. And about how I'm pleasant to look at and be around. And that we should have more lightning in the sky. Like an extra 1176 lightning bolts per town every night. I want to see more lightning.

Surprised they haven’t been. Look them up if you’re joking

I don't agree with rocks full stop. They don't control me. They don't even have a brain. Silly rocks.

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well yes, that's more or less the premise of any social organization